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Expected Quotes

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I’m going to keep it real gully with you; the first two months, I wanted to give him back. I expected someone to come and save me because after you have the baby, nobody cares about you anymore. Nobody cares if you sleep, nobody cares if you eat. It’s just you and this all-consuming thingy!  (Expected Quotes) I grew up in a community where it was not the exception to be a good girl. It was sort of expected. And all of my friends were good girls too, and my boyfriends were good boys. Everybody was pretty nice. And that affects how I write my characters. There aren’t very many bad guys in my novels.  (Expected Quotes) In ‘Breaking Bad,’ we have a lead character who definitely finds himself in a situation he would never have expected to find himself in normally.  (Expected Quotes) Did you pick that out? I asked Dimitri. Honestly, I would have expected him to bend a piece of steel with his bare hands and present her with that.  (Expected Quotes) It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps.  (Expected Quotes) If children are expected to be honest, parents must be honest. If children are expected to be virtuous, parents must be virtuous. If you expect your children to be honorable, you must be honorable.  (Expected Quotes) At work people are expected to be at the beck and call of employers all the time. You have blackberries and other things, and they just don’t leave you alone. People have less time just to drop into an art gallery.  (Expected Quotes) My mother started out by being a very good girl. She did everything that was expected of her, and it cost her dearly. Late in her life, she was furious that she had not followed her own heart; she thought that it had ruined her life, and I think she was right.  (Expected Quotes) Apparently, the prerequisite to being a gay public figure is to appear on the cover of a magazine with the caption ‘I am gay’. I apologize for not doing so if this is what was expected!  (Expected Quotes) Things are going very smoothly. As expected, there are some minor glitches, and the eight minutes that it took us to get to orbit, we trained months and months for, and didn’t have to use any of that preparation, other than being aware and ready.  (Expected Quotes) I never expected to run into a room and suddenly I belonged. I figured people who live on the fringes of society, they’re more free. They can choose to visit anywhere; they don’t belong to anywhere. It’s like being without a nation, in a way.  (Expected Quotes) Being second generation in Hollywood is complicated: Success is expected, and yet the track record of the second generation is not great. Only a small group of us, like Jane Fonda, have succeeded.  (Expected Quotes) You’ll always have to deal with bastards, being lied to, deceived, slandered and ridiculed, but that’s to be expected and you must thank heaven when you meet the exception.  (Expected Quotes) The nice girl thinks she’s giving up something to get something better in return. She gives up control over her own life. When the time comes for her to get what she expected, she winds up disappointed. In addition to being empty-handed, she’s depleted.  (Expected Quotes) Girls have girl/guy relationships because we are expected to be so emotional and sensitive and stuff, and sometimes you just don’t feel like being that way.  (Expected Quotes) You can’t succeed by being good. That’s what you get paid for. You can’t succeed by being excellent. That’s what you’re expected to do. You can only succeed by being outstanding.  (Expected Quotes) While I’m frustrated at the amount I’m expected to take on in the present, the 1950s woman was frustrated by being excluded - not being allowed to take things on at all.  (Expected Quotes) Being elected to Congress, though I am very grateful to our friends for having done it, has not pleased me as much as I expected.  (Expected Quotes) I’m used to being a supporting player in the background. All I ever wanted, at the very most, was to have a small part in something where people were like, ‘Oh, right, that one guy, whoever he is, was pretty good in that.’ That’s all I ever really strived for or expected.  (Expected Quotes) When the positive revolution takes hold it will no longer be enough for politicians to gain points through attack or being negative. Politicians will be expected to be constructive.  (Expected Quotes) Do not yearn to be popular; be exquisite. Do not desire to be famous; be loved. Do not take pride in being expected; be palpable, unmistakable.  (Expected Quotes) I was pretty successful before Sept. 11 and fully expected that when I left being mayor I would be very successful.  (Expected Quotes) I think if I were a college professor, no one would say I was uncomfortable about being shy because that might be expected. But I think because of people’s stereotypes, they think of a football player as someone who is very outgoing and I’m not.  (Expected Quotes) Being an actress is similar to trying to fit in with the popular kids in high school. You’re expected to drive the right car, wear the right clothes and say the right things.  (Expected Quotes) I can’t recall a story that played out exactly as I’d expected it to. That’s one of the thrills of journalism - being surprised, and learning new stuff, but it also poses the biggest challenge to a writer’s character.  (Expected Quotes) I feel a little whirl of dislocation -- the trademark sensation of the world being more closely knit together than you expected  (Expected Quotes) A high-powered, successful woman doesn’t necessarily have the same support behind her that a man in that position would. Plus, she’s expected to be a domestic goddess, as well as the best wife, mother, friend, and lover. But it’s not just in politics: you see it in acting, too, and in journalism.  (Expected Quotes) Unilever, Nestle and SAB Miller are all taking a long-term approach to investing in sustainable resource consumption. Each is driving through better resource management, which is expected to yield positive returns in the future.  (Expected Quotes) I figured that pitchers had a better chance of getting drafted than fielders, so I decided I should be a pitcher. But I never expected to be picked in the first round. I wasn’t even sure I’d get picked at all.  (Expected Quotes) My daddy thought - no, he expected - that my brothers and I and our generation would make the world a better place. He was correct in his belief because he had lived in an America of continual social progress, depression followed by prosperity, segregation by integration, and so on.  (Expected Quotes)
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