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Expected Quotes

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I was interested in transcendence from a very early age. I was interested in what was over there, what was behind life. So when I had my first communion I was very disappointed. I had expected something amazing and surprising and spiritual. Instead all I got was a bicycle. That wasn’t what I was after at all.  (Expected Quotes) I expected to be in the big leagues soon. I didn’t know exactly how soon, but I wanted to be here soon, and I wanted to make a difference soon.  (Expected Quotes) I think very highly of Expo and all is going well. We’ve seen big problems with [corruption] scandals [at local government level], but it is going forward, with the highest number of participants ever expected.  (Expected Quotes) I’m used to the egos in the 1960s, 70s and 80s where people just expected massive success and thought it was their birth right to be successful.  (Expected Quotes) As the poet has expected, the alarms now are sounded, for - and it must be said again - the birth of a poet is always a threat to the existing cultural order, because he attempts to break through the circle of literary castes to reach the center.  (Expected Quotes) I’d always vaguely expected to outgrow my limitations. One day, I’d stop twisting my hair, and wearing running shoes all the time, and eating exactly the same food every day. I’d remember my friends’ birthdays, I’d learn Photoshop, I wouldn’t let my daughter watch TV during breakfast. I’d read Shakespeare.  (Expected Quotes) My discovery that black holes emit radiation raised serious problems of consistency with the rest of physics. I have now resolved these problems, but the answer turned out to be not what I expected.  (Expected Quotes) Some days I feel like a piano: kind of short, always in black and white, always expected to produce music.  (Expected Quotes) There is always this quarrel about what is preferable: the straight, naturalistic, epic storytelling or the modernistic, disjointed, slightly hermetic one. To me it does not matter, as long as it’s good. I like both kinds. Although the common reader seems to prefer the first, which is to be expected, and who would blame her?  (Expected Quotes) There’s no law that decrees when not to whinge, but you reach a certain age - 80 seems about right - when you’re expected to manifest querulousness - the coffee’s too hot, the boiled egg’s too soft ...  (Expected Quotes) I would borrow money all day long, if the cost of borrowing is less than the expected return  (Expected Quotes) Football is entertainment in which the audience is expected to delight in gladiatorial action that a growing portion of the audience knows may cause the players degenerative brain disease.  (Expected Quotes) In breaking away from the familiar and the expected, you’ll be forced and privileged to face greater challenges, learn harder lessons, and really get to know yourself.  (Expected Quotes) I never expected to find myself here, on the edge of the continent--childless, possibly jobless, with broken bones and a broken marriage, citizen of a broken country. But here I am, and I must make something of it. That’s really the only choice one has: make something of it, or don’t.  (Expected Quotes) I’d never expected my first time to be in a cabin in the woods, but I realized the place didn’t matter. The person did. With someone you loved, you could be anywhere, and it would be incredible. Being in the most luxurious bed in the world wouldn’t matter if you were with someone you didn’t love.  (Expected Quotes) ... in a capitalist society a man is expected to be an aggressive, uncompromising, factual, lusty, intelligent provider of goods,and the woman, a retiring, gracious, emotional, intuitive, attractive consumer of goods.  (Expected Quotes) Old people die not because no one cared for them but because someone they expected care from did not bother.  (Expected Quotes) So many women around the world in so many different career paths and places are expected to be perfect and I know that it sounds cliché, but none of us are.  (Expected Quotes) Tennis is pretty unforgiving if you are carrying weight. You are expected to wear short skirts, and you are compared to all these 16 and 17-year-olds.  (Expected Quotes) No one expected the preacher’s daughter to sin, but they sure would love to catch me at it,  (Expected Quotes) Coming to grips with being a bit of a celebrity. That’s not anything I ever expected to have to deal with in my life.  (Expected Quotes) Let’s not forget, it was the government, Department of Finance and Central Bank that decided to unfairly land the taxpayers of this country with unmitigated losses of Anglo and massive legacy issues that would have been expected when nationalising a fraudulent bank.  (Expected Quotes) Software is usually expected to be modified over the course of its productive life. The process of converting one correct program into a different correct program is extremely challenging.  (Expected Quotes) Fame changes everything. When you’re well-known, you’re expected to be different. Some people assume you must have a yacht and four homes. Or that you’re famous because you are ‘A Decent Man’.  (Expected Quotes) Others are ahead of me. I am continually challenged. My focus is forward. The atmosphere is affirming. I am often out of my comfort zone. I wake up excited. Failure is not my enemy. Others are growing. People desire change. Growth is modeled and expected.  (Expected Quotes) I didn’t know children were expected to have literary heroes, but I certainly had one, and I even identified with him at one time: Doctor Dolittle, whom I now half identify with the Charles Darwin of Beagle days.  (Expected Quotes) Sometimes, and I hate to say it, you do feel things are asked for in the most ludicrously unrealistic fashion. The time you are expected to make things in, and the money you are expected to make them for - that is the death of creativity. Just because some things can be made very cheaply does not mean everything can be.  (Expected Quotes) It goes back to my childhood. I never expected not to win. It’s about winning. Winning’s fun.  (Expected Quotes) Most people who have grown up introverted in this very extroverted culture of ours have had painful experiences of feeling like they are out of step with what’s expected of them. Parenting can pose unique challenges for introverted parents, who fear that their own painful experiences will be repeated in their children’s lives.  (Expected Quotes) Keep your chin up. No one expected you to save the world, otherwise you would have been born wearing a cape and tights. Just do the best you can.  (Expected Quotes)
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