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Expected Quotes

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It’s not that life has been easy, perfect or exactly as expected. I just choose to be happy and grateful no matter how it all turns out. If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.  (Expected Quotes) The war in Iraq - if Osama was a Christian - it’s the Christmas present he never would have expected.  (Expected Quotes) I grew up in a family where, through my teenage years, I was expected to go to church on Sunday. It wasn’t terribly painful.  (Expected Quotes) I was sent to a nice Church of England girls’ school and at that time, after university, a woman was expected to become a teacher, a nurse or a missionary - prior to marriage.  (Expected Quotes) I would like for people to not be stuck by the rules of what is expected of a classical musician. If you really want to do something different, don’t be afraid to do so. Think of music itself and not the rules or expectations of people.  (Expected Quotes) I grew up with my cousins, who were as close as brothers, and frankly, I didn’t like what girls were expected to do. I liked horseback riding, playing football, going to rodeos. I wanted to be in jeans all the time, and I couldn’t figure out why I was supposed to conform to a certain standard, so I didn’t.  (Expected Quotes) We expected that people were just waiting for the collapse of the Soviet Union, or at least for its retreat, and they were going to be full of initiative in all areas of life - in culture, in economy and in politics.  (Expected Quotes) One day you are an apprentice, and everybody’s pet; the next, you are coldly expected to deliver. There is never sufficient warning that the second day is coming.  (Expected Quotes) My friends and family are amazed I’ve done so well. I was not a model student. No one expected that I’d build a Fortune 500 company at Symantec.  (Expected Quotes) International politics is no longer a zero-sum game but a multi-dimensional arena where cooperation and competition often occur simultaneously. Gone is the age of blood feuds. World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities.  (Expected Quotes) There are several places in Vietnam where they’re teaching computer science from second grade in class, so they don’t have a gender divide because everybody is expected to program.  (Expected Quotes) You make yourself strong because it’s expected of you. You become confident because someone beside you is unsure. You turn into the person others need you to be.  (Expected Quotes) When you drop your desire in consciousness as a seed, confident that it shall appear in its full-blown potential, you have done all that is expected of you. To be worried or concerned about the manner of their unfoldment is to hold these fertile seeds in a mental grasp and, therefore, to prevent them from really maturing to full harvest.  (Expected Quotes) Yet the women’s misery is socually invisible. Despite our education and accomplishments, we are expected to keep our mouths shut and accept our infertility treatments as consolation prize. Our jobs are supposed to be our highest priority. We are expected to overlook the connection between our disappointment, the impossible ideology of equality, and the contraception that makes that ideology appear to be possible.  (Expected Quotes) Only those who will love longer than they expected to can truly love pecan pie, which doesn’t explain its status as death rows most requested last dessert, or why chopped pecans, corn syrup, directions from the Karo bottle’s cherry-red side are what mercy taste like to some. But there you have it.  (Expected Quotes) The general commanding congratulates his troops on their brilliant and successful occupation of Roanoke Island. The courage and steadiness they have shown under fire is what he expected from them, and he accepts it as a token of future victory.  (Expected Quotes) Expect to get more than you expected [from Crash Landing project]. Expect more than a mixtape.  (Expected Quotes) One of the surprising things I hadn’t expected when I decided to write crime fiction is how much you are expected to be out in front of the public. Some writers aren’t comfortable with that. I don’t have a problem with that.  (Expected Quotes) At the outset of the creation of the euro in 1999, it was expected that the southern eurozone economies would behave like those in the north; the Italians would behave like Germans. They didn’t. Instead, northern Europe fell into subsidizing southern Europe’s excess consumption, that is, its current account deficits.  (Expected Quotes) Marketing to girls constantly presents a hypersexualized idea of girls; they’re expected to appear sexy but be cut off from their sexuality.  (Expected Quotes) We’ve known for a long time that the universe is expanding. But about 15 years ago, my colleagues and I discovered that it is expanding faster and faster. That is, the universe is accelerating, and that was not expected, but it is now attributed to this mysterious stuff called dark energy which seems to make up about 70 percent of the universe.  (Expected Quotes) They expected to lose. And therefore, they lost. [..] People who start thinking deep dark thoughts in the middle of a war start expecting to lose.  (Expected Quotes) I had expected that at some point during the first draft a light would go on, and I would understand, finally, how to write a book. This never happened. The process was akin to blindly walking in the dark, feeling my way only by touch, and only recognising dead ends when I smacked into them.  (Expected Quotes) At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.  (Expected Quotes) My life has taken me down several different paths I never expected it to take me down. Not in a million years.  (Expected Quotes) While men inhabiting different parts of this vast continent cannot be expected to hold the same opinions, they can unite in a common objective and sustain common principles.  (Expected Quotes) Death by hanging...well, in view of the whole situation, I never expected anything different. It’s all right.  (Expected Quotes) My mother never made me do anything for my brothers, like serve them. I think that’s an important lesson, especially for the Latino culture, because the women are expected to be the ones that serve and cook and whatever. Not in our family. Everybody was equal.  (Expected Quotes) The NBA has more than 435 players and there are at least 100-some players doing more than expected. Shaq is doing a lot. Dwight Howard, [Manu] Ginobli. Dirk [Nowitzki] is doing a lot, and not just in Europe; he’s reaching out to Africa and all other places.  (Expected Quotes) You decide you’re going to do horror, then gosh darn it, do horror. Do what’s expected. Don’t kind of do it. Don’t dilly-dally around, because people really enjoy the genre, and they expect certain things.  (Expected Quotes)
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