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Expected Quotes

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Nothing is more common than mutual dislike, where mutual approbation is particularly expected  (Expected Quotes) They shall not be expected to acknowledge us until we have acknowledged ourselves  (Expected Quotes) I love and am loved, fully and freely, nothing expected, more than enough received  (Expected Quotes) He had never expected death to be this quiet, this secretive, this easy  (Expected Quotes) No one expected a first year engineering student to build the perfect bridge  (Expected Quotes) By fighting you never get enough, but by yielding you get more than you expected  (Expected Quotes) Truth is never to be expected from authors whose understanding is warped with enthusiasm  (Expected Quotes) A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it comes  (Expected Quotes) The hour of happiness will be the more welcome, the less it was expected  (Expected Quotes) Monks are not expected to speak about themselves; the message is important, not the person  (Expected Quotes) I wouldn’t have expected an audience of ours to burn down our equipment  (Expected Quotes) The hope of a positive expected gain lies in detecting a wheel with sufficient bias  (Expected Quotes) Vision encompasses vast vistas outside the realm of the predictable, the safe, the expected  (Expected Quotes) I never expected to live this long  (Expected Quotes) To whom much is given, much is required - not expected, but required  (Expected Quotes) Film-making was not at all what I had expected  (Expected Quotes) I’ve always been a worker. I’ve never expected be given anything  (Expected Quotes) I expected results  (Expected Quotes) Experiment is the expected failure to deliberately learn something  (Expected Quotes) Misfortunes should always be expected  (Expected Quotes) Maybe we wouldn’t keep getting hurt if we just expected the worst  (Expected Quotes) I never expected to be anybody important  (Expected Quotes) Evil was predictable, always painfully expected  (Expected Quotes) May your nipples bleed less than expected during your marathon  (Expected Quotes) Artists are expected to fit into fraudulent categories  (Expected Quotes) I never expected to leave college early-especially after just one year  (Expected Quotes) Live as if ye expected (your prayers) to be answered  (Expected Quotes) I had not expected ‘A Brief History of Time’ to be a best seller  (Expected Quotes) Nothing I ever did I expected to do. It just kind of happened.  (Expected Quotes) I didn’t fear failure. I expected failure.  (Expected Quotes)
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