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Expel Quotes

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Families will not be broken. Curse and expel them, send their children wandering, drown them in floods and fires, and old women will make songs of all these sorrows and sit on the porch and sing them on mild evenings  (Expel Quotes) I do not think that war is always wrong: sometimes it is necessary to stop a dictator, prevent massive human-rights abuses, or expel an invader. But I have also seen that in the modern world, civil wars are the greatest threat to humanitarian security.  (Expel Quotes) The attack on the British embassy in Tehran came just days after the Iranian ‘parliament’ voted to expel the British ambassador, and therefore reeks of official complicity.  (Expel Quotes) Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn’t mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000.  (Expel Quotes) I want to lavish as much attention on your vagina as if it were about to expel a royal baby  (Expel Quotes) [Adolf] Hitler needed, he didn’t want to kill Jews, he wanted to expel German Jews, and therefore it’s not entirely corroborating your theory  (Expel Quotes) I’m afraid I have to expel a rather ferocious hairball. You’re on your own, girl  (Expel Quotes) One must verify or expel his doubts, and convert them into the certainty of Yes or NO  (Expel Quotes) In 1995, sanctions led Sudan to cut its ties with terrorists and expel Osama bin Laden  (Expel Quotes) Expel avarice, the mother of all wickedness, who, always thirsty for more, opens wide her jaws for gold  (Expel Quotes) Vain is the word of a philosopher which does not heal any suffering of man. For just as there is no profit in medicine if it does not expel the diseases of the body, so there is no profit in philosophy either, if it does not expel the suffering of the mind  (Expel Quotes) Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away. O, that that Earth which kept the world in awe should patch a wall t' expel the winter's flaw!  (Expel Quotes) Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn’t mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000  (Expel Quotes) Our universities are so determined to impose tolerance that they’ll expel you for saying what you think and never notice the irony  (Expel Quotes) Today we haven’t the heart to expel the painters and poets from society because we refuse to admit to ourselves that there is any danger in keeping them in our midst  (Expel Quotes) We kill with antibiotics and antiseptics, and if our slaughter is ineffectual we use surgery to expel the offending organ from our presence. We destroy the body in order to save it  (Expel Quotes) The first ten thousand drawings are the hardest. Put another way, you have ten thousand bad drawings within and should expel them as quickly as possible  (Expel Quotes) The experienced illustrator subscribes to the principle of the application of the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair. Should inspiration whisk down your chimney, be at your table. The first ten thousand drawings are the hardest. Put another way, you have ten thousand bad drawings within and should expel them as quickly as possible  (Expel Quotes) For try as one may to expel nature with a hayfork, it will always come back  (Expel Quotes) There’s only so much artistic output that I can actually expel at any one given time  (Expel Quotes) Closeness can lead to emotions other than love. It’s the ones who have been too intimate with you, lived in too close quarters, seen too much of your pain or envy or, perhaps more than anything, your shame, who, at the crucial moment, can be too easy to cut out, to exile, to expel, to kill off  (Expel Quotes)