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Experienced Quotes

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He is inexperienced but he’s experienced in terms of what he’s been through  (Experienced Quotes) All physical and nonphysical things have another side, a side that is not visible to the senses or accessible to the reasoning mind, a side that can only be known and experienced intuitively by emptying one’s own mind of thoughts  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve lived a little bit and traveled the world and experienced a lot of things that I can play any role, and I think I can get into stuff that people never thought I would ever do because of my experiences and growth as a person  (Experienced Quotes) Any preacher who preaches beyond that which he has experienced is incapable of preaching with conviction  (Experienced Quotes) When pain has been intertwined with love and closeness, it’s very difficult to believe that love and closeness can be experienced without pain  (Experienced Quotes) Injustice experienced in the flesh, in deeply wounded flesh, is the stuff out of which change explodes  (Experienced Quotes) I believe the transsexual urge, at least as I have experienced it, to be far more than a social compulsion, but biological, imaginative, and essentially spiritual, too  (Experienced Quotes) If you stay in the mainstream of life, you let in the suffering of the world that invariably enters all of our lives by the time we’re in our middle years, when we’ve experienced a few deaths and read a few headlines  (Experienced Quotes) I’m an experienced woman; I’ve been around.... Well, all right, I might not’ve been around, but I’ve been... nearby  (Experienced Quotes) To long for love, to have experienced passion’s deep pleasure, even once, is to understand the mercilessness of having a human body whose memory rides desire’s back unanchored from season to season  (Experienced Quotes) I experienced the discomfort of those who have moved mentally, but are still clamped, physically, to the places they have moved from  (Experienced Quotes) Emotionally, grief is a mixture of raw feelings such as sorrow, anguish, anger, regret, longing, fear, and deprivation. Grief may be experienced physically as exhaustion, emptiness, tension, sleeplessness, or loss of appetite  (Experienced Quotes) For the true bookworm it is sometimes hard to distinguish between what one has experienced and what one has read. We know that this is odd and even a little demented. But there it is. We are uneasy in a void with no book  (Experienced Quotes) To fall in love with someone who does not love you back, is the cruelest, most unforgiving heartache I have ever experienced  (Experienced Quotes) To me some of the greatest writing is when somebody puts something in words that you felt and experienced and you go, that’s it  (Experienced Quotes) I’m all sentimental. I’ve probably been ruined by romantic movies, but I really do believe in love. I’ve experienced it, I’ve had it, so I know it’s real  (Experienced Quotes) Step beyond right and wrong, and resist passing judgment. Who you’ve been and what you’ve experienced in the past isn’t good... and it isn’t bad. You might not know the whole story  (Experienced Quotes) Sometimes coincidentally an unintelligent person can accomplish a task but that does not mean that he is a knower of means and device or is experienced. A ruler should be careful enough to designate other tasks to such persons  (Experienced Quotes) Obviously, matches and all that stuff takes its toll on your body and so forth. But as you get sort of a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit more experienced, you know also how to handle it  (Experienced Quotes) I see songwriting as having to do with experience, and the more you’ve experienced, the better it is. But it has to be tempered, and you just must let your imagination run  (Experienced Quotes) I can’t give other people what I’ve not experienced to some extent myself. It sharpens your game and also, like any athlete, you’re more fit because you have to be. You’re getting ready because you have a reason to  (Experienced Quotes) Fighting is necessary in hockey. But if you fight, you have to choose your partner carefully. If you’re an experienced player and you want to fight, you can’t choose a player who has never fought in his life  (Experienced Quotes) I use color in terms of emotional quality, as a vehicle for feeling... feeling is everything I have experienced or thought  (Experienced Quotes) Now, I believe in life, and I believe in the joy of human existence, but these things cannot be experienced except as we also face the despair, also face the anxiety that every human being has to face if he lives with any creativity at all  (Experienced Quotes) The whole organization seemed to be in free fall, indulging in a collective fantasy in which experienced colleagues refused to admit that their every movement, every decision that was made and implemented, only led them one step closer to the abyss  (Experienced Quotes) Only those who have already experienced a revolution within themselves can reach out effectively to help others  (Experienced Quotes) No one who has experienced facing a screaming, boiling, hysterical audience can avoid feeling shivers in the spine. It’s a thin line between celebration and menace  (Experienced Quotes) Men subsequently put whatever is newly learned or experienced to use as a plowshare, perhaps even as a weapon: but women immediately include it among their ornaments  (Experienced Quotes) One half of the pleasure experienced at a theatre arises from the spectator’s sympathy with the rest of the audience, and, especially from his belief in their sympathy with him  (Experienced Quotes) As with all children, the feeling that I was useful was perhaps the greatest joy I experienced  (Experienced Quotes)
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