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A father’s pride, laid on thick, has always made me wish that the fellow had at least experienced some pain during procreation  (Experienced Quotes) Everyone has experienced that truth: that love, like a running brook, is disregarded, taken for granted; but when the brook freezes over, then people begin to remember how it was when it ran, and they want it to run again  (Experienced Quotes) The matter of consulting experienced workers, of keeping all the workers informed of changes in production and wage methods, and how the changes are arrived at, seems to me the most important duty in the whole field of management  (Experienced Quotes) I felt like I had experienced a lot of things in the first chapter of my life, and I wanted it to inspire and motivate people, so I just started writing  (Experienced Quotes) From hence, no question, has sprung an observation... confirmed now into a settled opinion, that some long experienced souls in the world, before their dislodging, arrive to the height of prophetic spirits  (Experienced Quotes) Who has not experienced, at some time or other, that words had all the relief of tears?  (Experienced Quotes) It’s been great. I’ve been very lucky to work with more experienced actors early on in my career because I get a chance to learn from them. There is so much you can learn from them. You can just follow them and you’ll be pretty safe  (Experienced Quotes) Have you ever noticed how some rooms exude a certain energy, warmth, and a harmony of spirit? If you have, then you have experienced the language of the home. A language softly spoken, and univerally understood  (Experienced Quotes) Anyhow, even though I have this home theater, I love going out to the movies. Movies are meant to be experienced together  (Experienced Quotes) I think it’s important to have an experienced writer or editor critique your work to get it ready to pitch an agent  (Experienced Quotes) The freedom I experienced as a dance major in college gave me so much, but the reality of being in school is that you are still forced to work under restrictions  (Experienced Quotes) I’m good at not laughing. It’s not that I don’t want to. I’m too old and experienced  (Experienced Quotes) Some of the funniest moments I’ve ever experienced have been in the midst of tragic situations in my life  (Experienced Quotes) Having experienced everything you don’t want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want  (Experienced Quotes) Nevertheless, whether in occurrences lasting days, hours or mere minutes at a time, I have experienced happiness often, and have had brief encounters with it in my later years, even in old age  (Experienced Quotes) Americans have discovered the fragility of life, that ominous fragility that the rest of the world either already experienced or is experiencing now with terrible intensity  (Experienced Quotes) Human vocabulary is still not capable, and probably never will be, of knowing, recognizing, and communicating everything that can be humanly experienced and felt  (Experienced Quotes) To be radical, an empiricism must neither admit into its constructions any element that is not directly experienced, nor exclude from them any element that is directly experienced  (Experienced Quotes) No one can understand love who has not experienced infatuation. And no one can understand infatuation, no matter how many times he has experienced it  (Experienced Quotes) If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden  (Experienced Quotes) Most readers, then and now, have at some time experienced the humiliation of being told that their occupation is reprehensible  (Experienced Quotes) Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right  (Experienced Quotes) I have known it for a long time but I have only just experienced it. Now I know it not only with my intellect, but with my eyes, with my heart, with my stomach  (Experienced Quotes) You must have failed deeply on some level or experienced some deep loss or pain to be drawn to the spiritual dimension. Or perhaps your very success became empty and meaningless and so turned out to be a failure  (Experienced Quotes) While not impossible, it is especially challenging for teenage parents to develop bonds with their children. A high percent of them were themselves children of teenage parents and have never experienced appropriate parenting  (Experienced Quotes) I used to hold a unitary view, in which I proposed that only experienced happiness matters, and that life satisfaction is a fallible estimate of true happiness  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve already exceeded my expectations for myself. I’m one of the most influential people! I mean come on! I wanted to be... I never thought the things I’ve experienced in my life, I didn’t think that was the life that I was gonna get to live  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve never experienced chronic poverty, but I know what it’s like to live on £3 a week  (Experienced Quotes) I think part of the reason ideas haven’t come in is that the world of cinema is changing so drastically, and in a weird way, feature films I think have become cheap. Everything is kind of throwaway. It’s experienced and then forgotten  (Experienced Quotes) Fame is fickle, and I know it. It has its compensations but it also has its drawbacks, and I’ve experienced them both  (Experienced Quotes)
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