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Inspiration could be called inhaling the memory of an act never experienced  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve experienced as much fame as I ever want to  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve experienced the tabloids when I had anorexia  (Experienced Quotes) It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it  (Experienced Quotes) I’m not very experienced with boys or the whole dating thingy  (Experienced Quotes) Natural objects, for example, must be experienced before any theorizing about them can occur  (Experienced Quotes) I think that most minorities have experienced some form of racial abuse  (Experienced Quotes) Fiji had experienced the ordeal of two military coups  (Experienced Quotes) The contour should come last, only a very experienced eye can place it rightly  (Experienced Quotes) Pleasure once tasted satisfies less than the desire experienced for its torments  (Experienced Quotes) Happiness is experienced when your life gives you what you are willing to accept  (Experienced Quotes) Knowledge, like religion, must be experienced in order to be known  (Experienced Quotes) I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced  (Experienced Quotes) Succeed! It has been done, and with a stupidity that can astound the most experienced  (Experienced Quotes) I think experienced makes me sound like an aging hooker  (Experienced Quotes) Every pair of eyes facing you has probably experienced something you could not endure  (Experienced Quotes) One can only remember what has been consciously experienced  (Experienced Quotes) War is sweet for those who haven’t experienced it  (Experienced Quotes) Everywhere I went I experienced the same success, which transcends words  (Experienced Quotes) The experienced pastor will recognize to which situation humor belongs and to which belongs sobriety  (Experienced Quotes) I never reflect or convey that which I have not experienced myself  (Experienced Quotes) I think music should be experienced by people all ages  (Experienced Quotes) Reality lies in the greatest enchantment you have ever experienced  (Experienced Quotes) Like one of any minority, I have experienced prejudice  (Experienced Quotes) Meditative prayer like that we experienced in the labyrinth resonates with hearts of emerging generations  (Experienced Quotes) How can you truly know what success is, if you’ve never experienced failure?  (Experienced Quotes) I have never experienced a sorrow that was not relieved by an hour of reading  (Experienced Quotes) Inspiration is the gift of those who have experienced life at its most defined moments  (Experienced Quotes) I have experienced a lifetime of real moments, and many of them were happy moments  (Experienced Quotes) Never is my life have I ever experienced anything as crazy as this  (Experienced Quotes)
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