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I want my music to be able to tell a story about what I’ve experienced and what I think my fans will be able to understand also  (Experienced Quotes) When you create something you leave little crumbs of stuff that you’ve experienced or music that you’ve listened to  (Experienced Quotes) ... the benefit arising from moderate use of strong Liquor have been experienced in all Armies, and are not to be disputed  (Experienced Quotes) I’m pretty much the same person I was 20 years ago. My politics haven’t changed. I have the same feeling of idealism. But I am a little bit wiser and more experienced  (Experienced Quotes) The real action is interior - all the growth that cannot be seen externally and to which we tend to have little access until we have experienced it ourselves  (Experienced Quotes) I think subconsciously because of my upbringing, I was very aware of values and morals and that’s why I experienced the occasional guilt with my habits  (Experienced Quotes) When I was a child I experienced moments of not wanting to see the ugliness, not wanting to see not being wanted. This lack of love went into my eyes and into my mind  (Experienced Quotes) I think fiction is all about the exercise of the empathetic imagination. Part of what I do is let the stuff I read about meld with what I have experienced  (Experienced Quotes) Be gentle with everyone you meet; we all have experienced pain, hurt, anger, and rejection. Be kind to everyone’s spirit; you have no idea what healing your light can afford  (Experienced Quotes) To go back to my childhood, I experienced lots of different family cultures, all the while feeling like none of them were mine  (Experienced Quotes) I began my career in the arts as a model, before adding my hats as an actress, a photographer, a journalist and now, filmmaker. I’ve seen and experienced it all  (Experienced Quotes) I was influenced by my children’s education in Quaker schools in the Philadelphia area. I experienced a spiritual awakening and became a Christian, was baptized, and joined a church  (Experienced Quotes) I think it’s difficult to be honest about certain aspects of my work without acknowledging that I have experienced or felt or questioned certain of the themes in the books  (Experienced Quotes) I think music is a very personal thing and it doesn’t necessarily have to be experienced one way or another, but the album experience is a completely different thing than the single experience  (Experienced Quotes) ... In every realm of male expression and action, violence is experienced and articulated as love and freedom  (Experienced Quotes) If you’ve never experienced the pain of a wrong decision, you’ll never celebrate wisdom  (Experienced Quotes) I believe that I have now experienced the lifetime maximum exposure to bottom spanking in fantasy novels  (Experienced Quotes) On the return trip home, gazing through 240,000 miles of space toward the stars and the planet from which I had come, I suddenly experienced the universe as intelligent, loving, harmonious  (Experienced Quotes) There is much to be said for having an experienced international jurist who is entirely unconnected with the allied invaders, on the tribunal  (Experienced Quotes) Ideas are born from what is smelled, heard, seen, experienced, felt, emotionalized  (Experienced Quotes) Intelligence is the capacity to observe that some thought or inspiration you have experienced, bears repeating to another  (Experienced Quotes) I have experienced as violence the emergence of the culture of compulsory industrialised joy, which is the companion of consumerism  (Experienced Quotes) Love means you keep on loving no matter how many times you have experienced the pain of rejection  (Experienced Quotes) Life has knocked me down a few times. I experienced sadness and failures. But one thing for sure, I always get up  (Experienced Quotes) The world is changing and there are new opportunities for those who are ready to join forces with those who are stronger and more experienced  (Experienced Quotes) I wish I had put myself out there a little bit more and experienced people more instead of protecting myself  (Experienced Quotes) Some rescue groups are highly organized, experienced, well-funded, nearly professional. Others are small amateur operations run out of garages and back yards. Their members may identify strongly with animals as victims, sometimes because of traumas and disappointments in their own lives. Others simply love animals and want to help them  (Experienced Quotes) I’m not a parenting expert. In fact, I’m not sure that I even believe in the idea of ‘parenting experts.’ I’m an engaged, imperfect parent and a passionate researcher. I’m an experienced mapmaker and a stumbling traveler. Like many of you, parenting is by far my boldest and most daring adventure  (Experienced Quotes) During the Great Depression, African Americans were faced with problems that were not unlike those experienced by the most disadvantaged groups in society. The Great Depression had a leveling effect, and all groups really experienced hard times: poor whites, poor blacks  (Experienced Quotes) Really good writing, from my perspective, runs a lot like a visual on the screen. You need to create that kind of detail and have credibility with the reader, so the reader knows that you were really there, that you really experienced it, that you know the details. That comes out of seeing  (Experienced Quotes)
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