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Thoughts that deny reincarnation are transformed in the next life into an inner unreality, an inner emptiness of life; this inner unreality and emptiness are experienced as torment, as disharmony  (Experienced Quotes) Transparency is all about letting in and embracing new ideas, new technology and new approaches. No individual, entity or agency, no matter how smart, how old, or how experienced, can afford to stop learning  (Experienced Quotes) That morning I experienced vividly, if almost subliminally, the reality of change itself: how it fools our sentinels and undermines our defenses, how careful we are to look for it in the wrong places, how it does not reveal itself until it is beyond redress, how vainly we search for it around us and find too late that is has occurred within us  (Experienced Quotes) I have the normal desire, experienced by everybody who’s ever flown an airplane with a certain amount of zoom capability, to go a little bit higher and a little bit faster  (Experienced Quotes) The outer world, with all its phenomena, is filled with divine splendour, but we must have experienced the divine within ourselves, before we can discover it in our environment  (Experienced Quotes) The first state an actor experiences onstage is the one he just experienced in life. One needs great courage not to portray this experience. One must surrender entirely to the power of one s artistic nature. It will do all the necessary things. Do not impose any solution upon yourself in advance. The quality to develop in an actor is courage  (Experienced Quotes) And I think this is the real epiphany: the ways in which culture is distributed become profoundly more intriguing as a cultural artifact itself. What we’ve experienced is an inversion of consumption, one in which we’ve come to prefer the acts of acquisition over that which we are acquiring, the bottles over the wine  (Experienced Quotes) I just feel so fortunate and so blessed to have been able to entertain people in the theatres and on record, it’s just an amazing life that I’ve experienced  (Experienced Quotes) I’m a reasonable guy, but I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things  (Experienced Quotes) I have experienced firsthand the tremendous impact breast cancer has on the women who fight it and the loved ones who support them. This is a disease that catches you unaware and, without the right resources, leaves you feeling frightened and alone  (Experienced Quotes) People who have experienced nothing love to tell stories while people who have experienced a great deal suddenly have no stories to tell at all  (Experienced Quotes) You’ll live astride the line that separates life from death. You’ll become experienced in the wisdom of grief. You won’t wait until people die to grieve for them; you’ll give them their grief while they are still alive, for then judgment falls away, and there remains only the miracle of being  (Experienced Quotes) Never allow yourself externally to portray anything that you have not inwardly experienced and which is not even interesting to you  (Experienced Quotes) I have to confess that I have so rarely experienced triumph that I cannot claim to know it well enough to judge, but it seems to be at best a momentary joy followed instantly by sadness, and, then, of necessity, by wariness  (Experienced Quotes) Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time. It is always our choice as to which of these emotions we want  (Experienced Quotes) Most of us have experienced wow moments. We just haven’t taken time to think deeply about them  (Experienced Quotes) Everything in his life had come down to the sensation of her fingers against his. The person he was, the history he carried within himself, every joy and grief he had ever experienced, slipped way like an irrelevant garment. He was nothing but skin, speaking to another skin, and between the skins there was no need to find any words  (Experienced Quotes) Business is correct to defend its right to act in order to produce a vigorous and engaging prosperity. But it is wrong if it forgets that this freedom can only be experienced within the discipline of social responsibility  (Experienced Quotes) I’ve experienced every aspect of pitching. I know the reality of what these guys are going through. You can be going good, and the game is going to humble you. But the challenge is how to get through the difficult times  (Experienced Quotes) An event experienced is an event perceived, digested, and assimilated into the substance of our being, and the ratio between the number of cases seen and the number of cases assimilated is the measure of experience  (Experienced Quotes) There are many women in their late teens and early twenties who have either experienced violence in a relationship or have witnessed it at home in their childhood  (Experienced Quotes) Due to the fact that I experienced personally the situation of a political prisoner, I have an historical commitment to all those that were or are prisoners just because they expressed their views, their public opinion, their own opinions  (Experienced Quotes) It had been a humdrum couple of days, reaffirming his belief in reincarnation: everything was so boring that this could not be the first time he’d experienced it  (Experienced Quotes) Since these early days, I have seen and have experienced many types of discrimination and all of them were rooted in the fear of people that were different than the majority  (Experienced Quotes) Empathy is forgetting oneself in the joys and sorrows of another, so much so that you actually feel that the joy or sorrow experienced by another is your own joy and sorrow. Empathy involves complete identification with another  (Experienced Quotes) How can the intensity of this shame be understood by those who have never experienced it? How can they understand the strength of the motivations produced by the desire to escape from it?  (Experienced Quotes) We call for an end to the killing of one another, and we denounce the violence and fanaticism that threatens life. The victory of the resurrection must be experienced as a victory of life, of brotherhood, of the future, of hope  (Experienced Quotes) Unfortunately, I experienced some sexual abuse. It was a known and admitted fact of life amongst us that there was this particular man, and you didn’t want to be left in the dressing room with him. It took many years to come to terms with it and to forgive those incidents that I felt had deeply hurt me  (Experienced Quotes) I think if you’ve suffered, if you’ve experienced loss, you’re probably more open to understanding it and more comfortable talking about it and experiencing it  (Experienced Quotes) The experienced fighting pilot does not take unnecessary risks. His business in to shoot down enemy planes, not to get shot down. His trained hand and eye and judgment are as much a part of his armament as his machinegun, and a fiftyfifty chance is the worst he will take or should take except where the show is of the kind that... justifies the sacrifice of plane or pilot  (Experienced Quotes)
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