Exploit Quotes

Text Quotes
We exploit celebrities by caring about shallow things like whether they’ve gotten a facelift. And we violate their children constantly. But we also love them in a way. (Exploit Quotes)
Demonstrations must be dignified and nonviolent, as the overwhelming protests in Ferguson and Staten Island have been. Do not confuse anarchists who don’t want the system to work and thugs who want to exploit a situation with the majority who from day one have operated with impeccable nonviolence and clear goals. (Exploit Quotes)
I’m concerned with our autonomy. I don’t like the idea of people collecting information on me in general, but I particularly don’t like it when it’s used to sort of exploit your weaknesses or make you lose control in some ways. (Exploit Quotes)
Children, who have so much to learn in so short a time, had involved the tendency to trust adults to instruct them in the collective knowledge of our species, and this trust confers survival value. But it also makes children vulnerable to being tricked and adults who exploit this vulnerability should be deeply ashamed. (Exploit Quotes)
The ethos of most films is that you make a film, you exploit the community, you exploit the environment, and it’s OK because you made a great film, you know? (Exploit Quotes)
And I think it’s because good cons are all based on the victim’s need, and the successful con artist is the one, I guess, who can exploit that. I remember reading something about this, that one of the great traits of confidence tricksters is the level that they flatter their victim. (Exploit Quotes)
Hollywood wants to own everything. I don’t want to own anything. I don’t want people just to make content, I want to empower and teach them to create content they own that they can exploit in any medium. (Exploit Quotes)
There are so many selves in everybody, and just to explore and exploit one is wrong, dead wrong, for the creative person. (Exploit Quotes)
I’m a great aficionado of history. I was deeply affected by seeing the disintegration of any chance of democracy coping with fascism in the Weimar republic, where woolly-minded, well-meaning liberalism actually allowed the forces of darkness to use democracy, to exploit democracy, to overturn democracy. (Exploit Quotes)
No one can discover you until you do. Exploit your talents, skills and strengths and make the world sit up and take notice. (Exploit Quotes)
As China is about adaptation, not transformation, it is unlikely to change the world dramatically should it ever assume the global driver’s seat. But this does not mean that China won’t exploit that world for its own purposes. (Exploit Quotes)
Political journalists, socially inept or no, are not nerds. Most of them can’t do math, a fact that campaigns and politicians regularly exploit. (Exploit Quotes)
Nightmare on Elm Street’ really lends itself to using new technologies. CGI would be a great way to exploit and embrace the dream sequences. (Exploit Quotes)
Five centuries from now - barring unimaginable catastrophe - the moon will be developed real estate. There’s economic incentive to exploit the moon - the helium-3 will be useful in powering fusion reactors, and the rare earth elements could supplant the limited terrestrial supply of these materials. (Exploit Quotes)
In the past, on Earth, it has largely been to exploit foreign resources and to expand the domestic territory. (Exploit Quotes)
We . . . must try to live without causing unnecessary harm, not just to fellow humans but to all beings. We must try not to be stingy, or to exploit others. There will be enough pain in the world as it is. (Exploit Quotes)
I started the 1998 World Cup with Teddy Sheringham up front but always planned for Michael Owen to face Colombia in our final group game because they defended square and a quick striker would be able to exploit the space behind them. (Exploit Quotes)
For a free country to continue thriving, there have to be regular reforms, because any society, any economy that stays in place, you’re going to see repeated attempts to exploit the openings for twisting policy to the advantage of those who already have wealth and power. (Exploit Quotes)
Even when I make mistakes and people exploit my mistakes on television or on the Internet, and they use it to make fun of me, it’s just kind of working in my favor at the end. It’s really strange. (Exploit Quotes)
Protecting yourself is very challenging in the hostile environment of the Internet. Imagine a global environment where an unscrupulous person from the other side of the planet can probe your computer for weaknesses and exploit them to gain access to your most sensitive secrets. (Exploit Quotes)
Bringing undocumented immigrants out from the shadows, putting them into the formal economy will be good, because then employers can’t exploit them and undercut Americans’ wages. (Exploit Quotes)
If young people are our greatest asset in a war that must be won then wemust be willing to extricate them at whatever cost from the clutchesof those who seek to exploit their weaknesses (Exploit Quotes)
All the time I was playing the flute, the lines, the solos, the riffs, the construction, were based on my guitar skills. I did not play the flute to exploit its natural faculties, but I used it as a surrogate guitar. (Exploit Quotes)
A half-century before Madonna, Gypsy [Rose Lee] understood how to make performance out of desire, how to exploit the very human and eternal instinct to always want most what we’ll never have. (Exploit Quotes)
What happened in 2008 stopped people in their tracks. People stopped looking at their homes simply as commodities to exploit and starting thinking about how they might personalise that space and make them less bland and more autobiographical, and that’s healthy, I think. (Exploit Quotes)
Helping children at a level of genuine intellectual inquiry takes imagination on the part of the adult. Even more, it takes the courage to become a resource in unfamiliar areas of knowledge and in ones for which one has no taste. But parents, no less than teachers, must respect a child’s mind and not exploit it for their own vanity or ambition, or to soothe their own anxiety. (Exploit Quotes)