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Exploitative Quotes

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Useless, idle, exploitative male chauvinist drone!  (Exploitative Quotes) This is white man’s integration, an integration based on exploitative values  (Exploitative Quotes) Three blind mice walk into a pub. But they are unaware of their surroundings, so to derive humour from it would be exploitative  (Exploitative Quotes) Horrifying as it was to crack up in the public eye, it made me look at myself and fix it. People were exploitative; that’s human nature.  (Exploitative Quotes) Photography is, by its nature, exploitative. It’s whether you use this process with a sense of responsibility or not. I feel that I do so. My conscience is clear.  (Exploitative Quotes) It’s estimated that there may be two hundred and fifty million children in the world engaged in some form of exploitative child labour.  (Exploitative Quotes) If you have a mental model that says big corporations are fundamentally greedy and selfish and exploitative, you don’t really want to have an exception to that model. It’s much easier to say, ‘Yes, Whole Foods has been corrupted.’  (Exploitative Quotes) We’ll watch ‘Britain’s Got Talent,’ ‘X Factor,’ ‘Come Dine with Me’ and ‘Masterchef.’ But we don’t watch ‘Big Brother,’ which is rubbish. I certainly won’t be tuning into the new series of ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ either. I think it’s awful, exploitative and vulgar  (Exploitative Quotes) Making children cry for a photographer can be considered mean. But I would say that making children laugh and show off their jeans for an apparel ad is just as exploitative and less natural. Toddlers’ natural state, like, 30 percent of the time, is crying, and it doesn’t indicate pain or suffering  (Exploitative Quotes) Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or for any exploitative purpose  (Exploitative Quotes) Writing can sometimes be exploitative. I like to take a few steps of remove in order to respect the privacy of the subject. If readers make the link, they have engaged with the poem  (Exploitative Quotes) Racial injustice, war, urban blight, and environmental rape have a common denominator in our exploitative economic system  (Exploitative Quotes) I was in two episodes playing Christopher Reeve's character's emissary. They wanted to have my character announce Dr Swan's death, which I thought was exploitative  (Exploitative Quotes) Horrifying as it was to crack up in the public eye, it made me look at myself and fix it. People were exploitative; that’s human nature  (Exploitative Quotes) In both religion and science, some people are dishonest, exploitative, incompetent and exhibit other human failings  (Exploitative Quotes) I accept that all photography is voyeuristic and exploitative, and obviously I live with my own guilt and conscience. It’s part of the test and I don’t have a problem with it  (Exploitative Quotes) Three blind mice walk into a pub. But they are all unaware of their surroundings, so to derive humour from it would be exploitative  (Exploitative Quotes) I have a hard time getting motivated to do something that seems like a career move. I’ve gotten into vague trouble with my agents for turning down work that I thought was exploitative  (Exploitative Quotes) It’s estimated that there may be two hundred and fifty million children in the world engaged in some form of exploitative child labour  (Exploitative Quotes)