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I think the success of democracy is not really police security; it’s the presence of a broad middle class. The stronger the middle class of a people is, the less you have to worry about one group coming in and exploiting the democratic process for its own ends.  (Exploiting Quotes) Extremists and populist movements are exploiting people’s fear of those who are not like us. We can see the consequences in the form of terrorism and racially motivated violence.  (Exploiting Quotes) Unfortunately, the food industry has not yet faced this situation and begun taking measures to avoid exploiting our weakness for not knowing when we have had enough.  (Exploiting Quotes) When all of your decisions are based on economics, you end up with a sameness of vision. You’re not taking the risks, you’re not exploiting the passions of your creators. You’re manufacturing product for a huge vending machine  (Exploiting Quotes) Human being is both being in the world and living in the world. Living involves responsible understanding of one's role in relation to all other beings. For living is not being in itself, but living of the world, affecting, exploiting, consuming, comprehending, deriving, depriving  (Exploiting Quotes) Next year, if no one gives me any work, that’s fine. I’m not going to do well anyway. I’m not an actor, I’m just exploiting this industry  (Exploiting Quotes) Extremists and populist movements are exploiting people’s fear of those who are not like us. We can see the consequences in the form of terrorism and racially motivated violence  (Exploiting Quotes) Exploitation films were famous for taking an issue an exploiting it because they could move much faster than a studio could. If there was any hot topic, they would run out and make a quick movie and make a buck on it, by changing it around and using it, in some way, to give some relevance  (Exploiting Quotes) The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future  (Exploiting Quotes) Technologies for stimulating the brain and controlling the mind can have benefits, but they have a dark side that military and intelligence planners have been exploiting for decades  (Exploiting Quotes) Every decent director has only one subject, and finally only makes the same film over and over again. My subject is the exploitability of feelings, whoever might be the one exploiting them. It never ends. It’s a permanent theme. Whether the state exploits patriotism, or whether in a couple relationship, one partner destroys the other  (Exploiting Quotes) In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason  (Exploiting Quotes) I think the success of democracy is not really police security; it’s the presence of a broad middle class. The stronger the middle class of a people is, the less you have to worry about one group coming in and exploiting the democratic process for its own ends  (Exploiting Quotes) What struck me whenever I visited a farm was how much more sophisticated was the life the animals were capable of living than was assumed by those exploiting them. The more we are willing to see about their lives, the more we will see. Humans seem to take perverse pleasure in attributing stupidity to animals when it is almost always entirely a question of human ignorance  (Exploiting Quotes) The business of the endgame is maneuvring to control critical squares, advancing or blockading passed pawns, preparing a breakthrough by the king, or exploiting the subtle superiority of one piece over another  (Exploiting Quotes) How you get work done is by exploiting yourself and your feelings, and sometimes people get in the way  (Exploiting Quotes) SPAM is taking e-mail, which is a wonderful tool, and exploiting the idea that it’s very inexpensive to send mail  (Exploiting Quotes) I think that I am among the few lucky ones who are exploiting complexity. Most people are unhappy with the emergence of complexity, they would prefer it if the world were very simple, but then it would be a doom for a cryptographer like myself  (Exploiting Quotes) Exploiting people’s emotions of fear, envy and anxiety is not hope, it’s not change, it’s partisanship. We don’t need partisanship. We don’t need demagoguery, we need solutions  (Exploiting Quotes) What is peculiar to modern societies is not that they consigned sex to a shadow existence, but that they dedicated themselves to speaking of it ad infinitum, while exploiting it as the secret  (Exploiting Quotes) Humans live in a pit of cheating, exploiting, hurting, incarcerating. Every time, the species wastes some part of what it could be. This waste is poisonous  (Exploiting Quotes) It is no longer simply the merchant prince, or the aristocratic monopoly, or even the employing class, that is exploiting the world: it is the nation, a new democratic nation composed of united capital and labor  (Exploiting Quotes) Yet there is nothing more dangerous than to be premature in exploiting a change in perception  (Exploiting Quotes) Progress is obtained only by exploiting opportunities, not by solving problems. When you solve problems, all you do is guarantee a return to normalcy  (Exploiting Quotes) There are people who can write their memoirs with a reasonable amount of honesty, and there are people who simply cannot take themselves seriously enough. I think I might be the first to admit that the sort of reticence which prevents a man from exploiting his own personality is really an inverted sort of egotism  (Exploiting Quotes) Religion, politics, society are exploiting you, and you are being conditioned by them; you are being forced in a particular direction. You are not human beings; you are mere cogs in a machine. You suffer patiently, submitting to the cruelties of environment, when you, individually, have the possibilities of changing them  (Exploiting Quotes) Advance towards socialism cannot but cause the exploiting elements to resist the advance, and the resistance of the exploiters cannot but lead to the inevitable sharpening of the class struggle  (Exploiting Quotes) We should not allow the word democracy to be utilized apologetically to represent the dictatorship of the exploiting classes  (Exploiting Quotes) Ultimately, progress in applications is not deterministic, but opportunistic, exploiting for new applications whatever new science and technology happen to be coming along  (Exploiting Quotes)
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