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Explosion Quotes

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It’s about time you admitted that you are a miraculous work of art. You came into this world as a radiant bundle of exuberant riddles. You slipped into this dimension as a shimmering burst of spiral hallelujahs. You blasted into this realm as a lush explosion of ecstatic gratitude. And it is your birthright to fulfill those promises  (Explosion Quotes) I do not think there should be a limit on the rig’s liability, because they are sitting on top of unlimited amounts of oil, and thus, there could be an explosion occur that could do untold damage... The amount of damage that an offshore oil rig can do is infinite  (Explosion Quotes) Women’s art, though created in solitude, wells up out of community. There is, clearly, both enormous hunger for the work thus being diffused, and an explosion of creative energy, bursting through the coercive choicelessness of the system on whose boundaries we are working  (Explosion Quotes) No doubt, in complete abstraction one has a feeling of a great shock, if not an explosion, and in approaching the real, one feels health and truth restored  (Explosion Quotes) A horrid alcoholic explosion scatters all my good intentions like bits of limbs and clothes over the doorsteps and into the saloon bars of the tawdriest pubs  (Explosion Quotes) A drone strike is a terror weapon, we don’t talk about it that way. It is; just imagine you are walking down the street and you don’t know whether in 5 minutes there is going to be an explosion across the street from some place up in the sky that you can’t see. Somebody will be killed, and whoever is around will be killed, maybe you’ll be injured if you’re there. That is a terror weapon. It terrorizes villages, regions, huge areas. It’s the most massive terror campaign going on by a long shot  (Explosion Quotes) There would be no population explosion if people who are trying to keep the wolf from the door wouldn’t let the stork fly in through the window  (Explosion Quotes) Ah! If nations could only agree to employ their resources to perfect agriculture and improve transportation, and to bring all their girl children a good education, what an explosion of happiness there would be on earth!  (Explosion Quotes) The fact is that every atom that we’re made of is part of that first explosion of a nuclear star billions of years ago. We’re connected to the entire universe  (Explosion Quotes) I hope it will not be too long before the technologies that support our population explosion begin to be perceived as no less hazardous to the future of life on this planet than the endless production of radioactive wastes  (Explosion Quotes) Computers are merely ingenious devices to fulfill unimportant functions. The computer revolution is an explosion of nonsense  (Explosion Quotes) Wrestling and acting couldn’t be anymore different in terms of what it takes to entertain. Wrestling is explosion, acting is implosion. One really screws up the other  (Explosion Quotes) The ending of sorrow is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge is always within the shadow of ignorance. Meditation is freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth. Meditation is explosion of intelligence  (Explosion Quotes) The unconsidered act of the poorest of men may fire the train that leads to the subterranean mine, and an empire be rent by the explosion  (Explosion Quotes) As in an explosion, I would erupt with all the wonderful things I saw and understood in this world  (Explosion Quotes) When you have a baby, you set off an explosion in your marriage, and when the dust settles, your marriage is different from what it was. Not better, necessarily; not worse, necessarily; but different  (Explosion Quotes) Perhaps all romance is like that; not a contract between equal parties but an explosion of dreams and desires that can find no outlet in everyday life. Only a drama will do and while the fireworks last the sky is a different colour  (Explosion Quotes) I think my head’s a minefield strewn with triggers, and maybe if I survive each explosion, what emerges from the wreckage will be me, really, truly me  (Explosion Quotes) Artemis: Holly, how did you find me? Holly: Oh, I saw a huge explosion and wondered: now, who could that be?  (Explosion Quotes) It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out  (Explosion Quotes) New ideas come into this world somewhat like falling meteors, with a flash and an explosion  (Explosion Quotes) Devotion is the spark that can fire up your chemistry and energy to such a level that it creates an explosion of ecstasy within you  (Explosion Quotes) Humor keeps the elderly rolling along, singing a song. When you laugh, its an involuntary explosion of the lungs. The lungs need to replenish themselves with oxygen. So you laugh, you breathe, the blood runs, and everything is circulating. If you don’t laugh, youll die  (Explosion Quotes) On my left the shooting had the sharp explosion of the infantry artillery, on my right could be heard the sporadic cannon shots thundering from the front, and up above the sky was clear and the sun bright  (Explosion Quotes) When I was growing up, there were just the three channels, so as a nation we all sat down to the same meal at the end of the day. Now there’s been this explosion  (Explosion Quotes) I don’t feel the obligation to have a big explosion in the first 20 seconds so the audience doesn’t turn on another channel. We are trying to make something that looks like a feature film that was bought for television and I think we are succeeding  (Explosion Quotes) My own feeling was that witnessing the explosion of an atomic bomb, and having to examine all the dead animals, had a profound effect on my father  (Explosion Quotes) Each time I think of the essential, I seem to glimpse it in silence or explosion, in stupor or exclamation. Never in speech  (Explosion Quotes) Despite the continuing expansion or even explosion of information, there will forever be limits beyond which the devices of science cannot lead a man  (Explosion Quotes) Was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly  (Explosion Quotes)
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