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Explosion Quotes

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A rebellion is something that is developing as an explosion coming out of the righteous grievances of a community of people.  (Explosion Quotes) There’s sort of a theory that’s going around in the China-watching community about a perfect storm coming up with the 2008 Olympics, a U.S. election and a Taiwanese election, some sort of mutually reinforcing explosion and crisis.  (Explosion Quotes) I am so picky about what films I get myself into because it’s such an explosion of energy and commitment once you get in there, you destroy your life until you deliver these films. I never want to be in the position of making films that won’t be a great use of 90 minutes of someone’s life.  (Explosion Quotes) We’ve kind of grown up in a post-Star Wars era, and what Star Wars did to cinema, in terms of an explosion of that kind of blockbuster culture. It’s thrown up a generation of geeks. With the evolution of computer games and the Internet, that’s all impacted on us as a generation, and affected the creative element of that generation enormously. So whereas the different schools of filmmaking.  (Explosion Quotes) The Inhumans are almost a mythological creation unto themselves. They’re royalty, and are always involved in Marvel’s cosmic events. But with the explosion of the Terrigen bomb and these new Inhumans coming to light, it brings a new street level aspect to add to the royalty aspect.  (Explosion Quotes) Gone-Away World’ was a shotgun blast, an explosion out of the box I’d put myself into writing film scripts. ‘Tigerman’ is shorter, tighter, more crafted.  (Explosion Quotes) Here’s an easy way to see if a war movie is being truthful: If you see an explosion on a faraway hillside and the sound of the explosion and the detonation of the bomb happen at the same time - if they’re putting the sound and the vision together in the same moment - they’re going toward our cultural understanding of war, not the reality of war.  (Explosion Quotes) As a kid in Fayetteville, N.C., I played golf all day, every day, a lot of it by myself. I spent hundreds of hours around the greens at Cape Fear Valley, the course my dad owned, hitting every shot I could think of - the one-hop-and-release, the chip that lands dead, the explosion from a bad lie.  (Explosion Quotes) I grew up on Lake Michigan during the PCB explosion, and I remember seeing the sick, dead fish with tumors, the weird deformed seagulls, the scum and the filth floating. We couldn’t go swimming.  (Explosion Quotes) Today, the smartphone in your pocket has a high-quality digital camera. Everyone - not just artists - is a photographer, and the explosion of photos taken annually proves it.  (Explosion Quotes) Decay is quiet but ghastly, explosion is dramatic and dreadful. There’s not much to choose between the two of them in reality, and most of our lives have sufficient of both.  (Explosion Quotes) Anger causes anguish to the souls of all of those who experience the feeling as well as to those who are the recipients of this emotional explosion.  (Explosion Quotes) The explosion of a terrorist’s single nuclear device in a major metropolitan center would trigger an unparalleled humanitarian and environmental disaster. An accidental military launch of multiple warheads could result in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Medical researchers and military analysts forebode grim consequences.  (Explosion Quotes) When the habitually even-tempered suddenly fly into a passion, that explosion is apt to be more impressive than the outburst of the most violent amongst us.  (Explosion Quotes) Happiness expanded like an explosion inside me ” so extreme, so violent that I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.  (Explosion Quotes) If African film makers had one-tenth the amount commanded by film makers the world over - even the amount used by so-called shoestring film makers - I think we would see quite an explosion of African films on the world scene.  (Explosion Quotes) If you take away the predators in the prairies and the national parks, you suddenly have an explosion of elk, and then you have a lack of the food source for the elk, so they strip all the ground bare and that takes away the cover, on and on and on and on. The whole food chain is disrupted.  (Explosion Quotes) My method of getting a play across the footlights is like a revolver shooting: every line has a bullet in it and comes with an explosion.  (Explosion Quotes) When you’re getting ready to launch into space, you’re sitting on a big explosion waiting to happen.  (Explosion Quotes) So most astronauts getting ready to lift off are excited and very anxious and worried about that explosion - because if something goes wrong in the first seconds of launch, there’s not very much you can do.  (Explosion Quotes) Perhaps September 11 could be called the first historic world event in the strictest sense: the impact, the explosion, the slow collapse - a gruesome reality literally took place in front of a global public.  (Explosion Quotes) With my channel, and what people associate with Internet, most people think it goes viral, you become this huge thing super quick. I never had an explosion or a huge thing. It’s just been something that has progressively been growing. It’s been building.  (Explosion Quotes) God help me if I ever do another movie with an explosion in it. If you see me in a movie where stuff is exploding you’ll know I’ve lost all my money.  (Explosion Quotes)
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