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Expo Quotes

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China partially wants to become part of the world. By hosting the Olympics and the Expo, they made a big effort to tell people: Look, we are the same. They want to be accepted by the international community.  (Expo Quotes) I think very highly of Expo and all is going well. We’ve seen big problems with [corruption] scandals [at local government level], but it is going forward, with the highest number of participants ever expected.  (Expo Quotes) When I was getting ready for the release of ‘Deadline,’ when it was coming out soon, I decided that the appropriate way to get people excited about the book would be to write a novella in 30 pieces and publish a piece on my blog every day for a month... during a convention, a week-and-a-half-long trip to New York, and a doll traders’ expo.  (Expo Quotes)