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Expressing Quotes

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There is something intimate about painting I cannot explain to you? but it is so delightful just for expressing one’s feelings  (Expressing Quotes) These landscapes of water and reflections have become an obsession. It’s quite beyond my powers at my age, and yet I want to succeed in expressing what I feel  (Expressing Quotes) What interests me the most is expressing what’s in nature, in the visible world, that is  (Expressing Quotes) I’m interested only in expressing basic human emotions. And the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I can communicate these basic human emotions  (Expressing Quotes) Patience and rest are key. Knowing how your body feels. You’re the only person that knows how your body feels. The way of going about it is expressing it to your trainers and your coaches so you won’t damage anything else  (Expressing Quotes) What modern art means is that you have to keep finding new ways to express yourself, to express the problems, that there are no settled ways, no fixed approach. This is a painful situation, and modern art is about this painful situation of having no absolutely definite way of expressing yourself  (Expressing Quotes) Our diplomacy ended up giving a bad conscience to an international community capable only of expressing noble sentiments while doing nothing,.. So how can one explain that we are today investigating an action our country should be proud of?  (Expressing Quotes) All great art originates from the innocent child within us expressing itself through the wisdom, experience and skill of an adult  (Expressing Quotes) Don’t be afraid of expressing what you really mean in your art, what you really feel. Say it visually, as strongly as you can. Push as far a reach as you can, then go all the way!  (Expressing Quotes) Government is not infallible. Government is only an executive control, a centralized authority for the purpose of expressing the will of the people; before you have a government you must have the people. Without the people there can be no government. The government must be, therefore, an expression of the will of the people  (Expressing Quotes) Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. Inaction is sitting in front of the television every day for years becuase you are afraid to be alive and to take the risk of expressing what you are. Expressing what you are is taking action  (Expressing Quotes) The first and most practical step in getting what one wants in this world is wanting it. One would think that the next step would be expressing what one wants. But it almost never is. It generally consists in wanting it still harder  (Expressing Quotes) A cross could be a shape for expressing something spacious, such as the coordinators of space. That could be called its first significance or its first relevance  (Expressing Quotes) I think art is about human existence. Almost by default I’m expressing my experiences as a human  (Expressing Quotes) I think I was shy as a young woman and realized that photography was an ideal way of expressing myself, of telling people what was going on without having to talk  (Expressing Quotes) After you turn on, don’t spend the rest of your life contemplating the inner wonders. Begin immediately expressing your revelation in acts of beauty  (Expressing Quotes) I don’t need millions of dollars. I need to know that what I’m doing with my life is expressing who I am, and maybe making people happy. This is all we get  (Expressing Quotes) I don’t believe that expressing your opinion, regardless of who is there, is being rude. And it’s a shame that we’ve reached a level in our country where we think that you don’t have the right to put your opinion out there  (Expressing Quotes) Expressing feelings is linked directly with creation... In this ability to tap the sources of feeling and imagination lies the secret of abundance  (Expressing Quotes) You can adhere to your faith, but that faith needs to march in line with the rest of the world and needs to find a way of expressing itself in the modern world  (Expressing Quotes) Words created divergencies between beings, because their precise meanings put an opinion around the idea. Music only retains the highest and purest substance of the idea, since it has the privilege of expressing all, whilst excluding nothing  (Expressing Quotes) I can’t think why I was cursed with this inordinate desire to write, if the high gods weren’t going to give me some more adquate means of expressing myself than that which my present pedestrian prose affords  (Expressing Quotes) I have the right to express myself. Once we get through expressing, do we really move forward in society  (Expressing Quotes) When I write, I do it urged by an intimate necessity. I don’t have in mind an exclusive public, or a public of multitudes, I don’t think in either thing. I think about expressing what I want to say. I try to do it in the simplest way possible  (Expressing Quotes) Living a life of service, rather than one of expression, is a serious mistake, because expressing who we really are is the greatest service we can perform  (Expressing Quotes) If you’re playing a cop in a modern film, you don’t have to walk with your spine straight up and bow before a fight. There’s a lot of free form of expressing yourself as an actor  (Expressing Quotes) Sometimes words are not needed, and the simplicity of expressing yourself through an art form is one of the best ways of communication  (Expressing Quotes) Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, which people don’t seem to be shy about expressing  (Expressing Quotes) Poetry offers a way of understanding and expressing existence that is fundamentally different from conceptual thought  (Expressing Quotes) I do not set myself up as an advocate of the woman’s right doctrine, but would rather appear in the character of a quiet lady expressing her sentiments, not so much to the public as to her immediate friends  (Expressing Quotes)
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