Expression Quotes

Text Quotes
The first expression of religion was the dance, and the first motive of the dance was religion (Expression Quotes)
The sanctity of law can be maintained only so long as it is the expression of the will of the people (Expression Quotes)
Sedentary people are apt to have sluggish minds. A sluggish mind is apt to be reflected in flabbiness of body and in a dullness of expression that invites no interest and gets none (Expression Quotes)
The cynic makes fun of all earnestness; he makes fun of everything and everyone who feels that something can be done... But in his heart of hearts he knows that he is a defeated man and that his cynicism is merely an expression of the fact that he has lost courage and is beaten (Expression Quotes)
If all persons with any trace of homosexual history, or those who were predominantly homosexual, were eliminated from the population today, there is no reason for believing that the incidence of the homosexual in the next generation would be materially reduced. The homosexual has been a significant part of human sexual activity since the dawn of history, primarily because it is an expression of capacities that are basic in the human animal (Expression Quotes)
To me, the extraordinary aspect of martial arts lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way, and martial arts is nothing at all special; the closer to the true way of martial arts, the less wastage of expression there is (Expression Quotes)
I have always added dance to my productions. When I was directing theatre, I added dance sequences where they didn’t exist in the play. I think dance is the ultimate form of expression (Expression Quotes)
Humility is not weakness; it is the epitome of strength. Humility moves a person away from human, personal weakness and limitation into divine expression, strength, and expansion (Expression Quotes)
Architecture never derived its force from stability of culture, but rather from the expression of those moments when that sense of stability slipped (Expression Quotes)
Compelled to become instruments of war, to kill and be killed, child soldiers are forced to give violent expression to the hatreds of adults (Expression Quotes)
Is it possible to be alive, active in the world, and yet have such calm, such kind of inner openness and presence that one can lead a life, at least in part, that is an expression of that quality of meditative quiescence that’s on the one hand quite alert and on the other hand, completely at ease, completely at rest (Expression Quotes)
Like a fragrance to a flower, true happiness is an expression of your unconditional self... the real you (Expression Quotes)
Hip hop is expression.. our roots and culture.. Its your duty to contribute uniqueness to this artform. Desire of bringing somethin new, improved, witty and soul touching is what bein an m.c. is all about. I wanted my intelligence to be heard in my lyrics.. I wanted the pain to be felt... and the happiness I encountered. Bein an m.c. takes originality, style, imagination, delivery, intelligence and presence (Expression Quotes)
Your best work is your expression of yourself. Now, you may not be the greatest at it, but when you do it, you’re the only expert (Expression Quotes)
To play is to listen to the imperative inner force that wants to take form and be acted out without reason. It is the joyful, spontaneous expression of one’s self. The inner force materializes the feeling and perception without planning or effort. That is what play is (Expression Quotes)
The excitement of life is in the numinous experience wherein we are given to each other in that larger celebration of existence in which all things attain their highest expression, for the universe, by definition, is a single gorgeous celebratory event (Expression Quotes)
... just being ordinary in and of itself is and expression of divinity; the truth of one’s real self can be discovered through the pathway of everyday life (Expression Quotes)
A word does not start as a word – it is an end product which begins as an impulse, stimulated by attitude and behaviour which dictates the need for expression (Expression Quotes)
Style for me is some one who figures out who they are. What works on them. What they feel good in and develops that. Develops their character. And the outer expression of their character is what is style (Expression Quotes)
The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent (Expression Quotes)
In those who rest on their unshakable faith, pharisaism and fanaticism are the unmistakable symptoms of doubt which has been repressed. Doubt is not overcome by repression but by courage. Courage does not deny that there is doubt, but it takes the doubt into itself as an expression of its own finitude and affirms the content of an ultimate concern. Courage does not need the safety of an unquestionable conviction. It includes the risk without which no creative life is possible (Expression Quotes)
We have not always been forced to pass, to go underground, in order to work and live. We have a right to live openly and proudly... when our lives are suppressed, everyone is denied an understanding of the rich diversity of sex and gender expression and experience that exist in human society (Expression Quotes)
I admire some of the people on the screen today, but most of them look like everybody else. In our day we had individuality. Pictures were more sophisticated. All this nudity is too excessive and it is getting very boring. It will be a shame if it upsets people so much that it brings on the need for censorship. I hate censorship. In the cinema there’s no mystery. No privacy. And no sex, either. Most of the sex I’ve seen on the screen looks like an expression of hostility towards sex (Expression Quotes)
Every piece of music is a form of personal expression for its creator... If a work doesnt express the composers own personal point of view, his own ideas, then it doesnt, in my opinion, even deserve to be born (Expression Quotes)
Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source of humanity, and the mother of truth (Expression Quotes)
Freedom of expression is actually a way for people to know themselves better, and to understand themselves better. Because without it, you become a stranger to yourself (Expression Quotes)
No boyfriend wants to see their girlfriend in a video with a big, handsome black dude feeding his fingers into her mouth, do they? But that concept is my expression, and boyfriends have to deal with that, don’t they? (Expression Quotes)
The soul of politeness is not a question of rules but of tranquility, humility, and simplicity. And in the taking of tea it finds perhaps its most perfect expression (Expression Quotes)
Between beauty of expression and power of expression there is a difference of function. The first aims at pleasing the senses, the second has a spiritual vitality which for me is more moving and goes deeper than the senses (Expression Quotes)
My way of expression is full of complications and mystery because that’s my perception of life (Expression Quotes)