Expression Quotes

Text Quotes
A society’s apprehensiveness about divorce is an expression of its fear of change and of its resulting desire that personality remain unvarying. (Expression Quotes)
Several amendments should be made to the primary and general election laws to improve them, but such changes must in no way interfere with a full and free expression of the people’s choice in naming the candidates to be voted on at general elections. (Expression Quotes)
Agnes Varda changed my view of cinema; she directs from an artistic point of view, and a film is most of all the expression of an artistic director. I learnt to enter the world and the imagination of a director. (Expression Quotes)
Your words and wishes are cheap if they do not find expression in your actual gifts (Expression Quotes)
More negatives write than call. It’s a cheap shot for me to go on the air with the critical letters or E-mail I get because the reaction of the listeners is always an instantaneous expression of sympathy for me and contempt for the poor critic. (Expression Quotes)
Bridget did not budge, and her face was without expression. She sat, quietly defeated like a chess player who lost a career match in less than four moves. (Expression Quotes)
Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul. (Expression Quotes)
I believe our legacy will be defined by the accomplishments and fearless nature by which our daughters and sons take on the global challenges we face. I also wonder if perhaps the most lasting expression of one’s humility lies in our ability to foster and mentor our children. (Expression Quotes)
By nature, I’m a very positive person, and because I’m happy in myself, and in my life, and I’ve got a great husband, and beautiful children, and I have a job that I love that calls for a certain amount of emotional expression, I get to realise a lot of my dreams and aspirations. (Expression Quotes)
Again and again parents describe...the trancelike nature of their children’s television watching. The child’s facial expression is transformed. The jaw is relaxed and hangs open slightly; the tongue rests on the front teeth. The eyes have a glazed, vacuous look. (Expression Quotes)
The Internet has been seen in the West as the quintessential expression of the free exchange of ideas and information, untrammeled by government interference and increasingly global in reach. But the Chinese government has shown that the Internet can be successfully filtered and controlled. (Expression Quotes)
Choosing kindness is the ultimate expression of evolved consciousness. Grow by being kind. (Expression Quotes)
We sometimes get so caught up in one or another aspect of the teaching, we forget that if a person hasn’t been introduced to Christ, if a person hasn’t embraced the risen Lord and the church that’s an expression of that experience, what we’re saying just sounds like a bunch of rules or negative statements limiting their personal freedom. (Expression Quotes)
The Holy Eucharist is the perfect expression of the love of Jesus Christ for man since It is the quintessence of all the mysteries of His Life. (Expression Quotes)
The expression of Christian character is not good doing, but God-likeness. If the Spirit of God has transformed you within, you will exhibit Divine characteristics in your life, not good human characteristics . God’s life in us expresses itself as God’s life, not as human life trying to be godly. (Expression Quotes)
I sang in church, but growing up in the neighborhood, music was more of an expression of relief or entertainment. (Expression Quotes)
Sex is probably one of the last forms of human expression to enjoy such a direct connection with nature. It might be the primary site of conflict between nature and culture. If one assumes that nature (or instinct) is repressed in a highly civilised society, then I think the conceptual dyad nature-culture is best preserved there, in the realm of sex. (Expression Quotes)
For me as a writer, Albanian is simply an extraordinary means of expression - rich, malleable, adaptable. As I have said in my latest novel, ‘Spiritus,’ it has modalities that exist only in classical Greek, which puts one in touch with the mentality of antiquity. (Expression Quotes)
Form, which should be the clean-cut expression of mechanical excellence, has become sensuous and organic. (Expression Quotes)
When I look at my clothes, I think of them as an expression of the joy and fun of fashion - with a bit of English eccentricity thrown in. (Expression Quotes)
The clothing, the makeup, the freedom of expression in [the models’] bodies. It was Linda and Christy and Naomi at the time. So I modeled before college. (Expression Quotes)
There is no wisdom where there is no common sense: it cannot under those conditions find any expression. (Expression Quotes)
I also think there’s something about dance, music and the arts that transcends all other types of communication and expression. (Expression Quotes)
The United States gave me opportunities that my country of origin could not: freedom of the press and complete freedom of expression. (Expression Quotes)
A lot of musicians are good cooks, and a lot of cooks are musicians, but I think that may just be a result of the creative impulse finding several means of expression. Probably an equivalent number are visual artists, woodworkers or compulsive liars. (Expression Quotes)
Computers had their origin in military cryptography-in a sense, every computer game represents the commandeering of a military code-breaking apparatus for purposes of human expression. (Expression Quotes)
Artists forget than the first purpose of a comic character is to convey emotion. Everything else, like realism, or other kinds of virtuosity, is an optional extra. If you sacrifice expression for the sake of other concerns, you’re putting the cart before the horse. (Expression Quotes)
It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. (Expression Quotes)
Some persons never attain to the happy art of perspicuous expression, and it is equally true that some persons, thro’ a mental defect of their own, will judge the most correct and certain language of others to be indefinite and ambiguous. (Expression Quotes)
The essence of patriotism lies in a willingness to sacrifice for one’s country, just as true greatness finds expression, not in blessings enjoyed, but in good bestowed. (Expression Quotes)