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Extending Quotes

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I’m a painter. I’m still a painter and I will die a painter. Everything that I have developed has to do with extending visual principles off the canvas  (Extending Quotes) If I could forgive, it meant I was a strong good person who could take responsibility for the path I had chosen for myself, and all the consequences that accompanied that choice. And it gave me the simple but powerful satisfaction of extending a kindness to another person in a tough spot  (Extending Quotes) Art is a way of freezing time, or extending time... It’s another way to bridge the gaps between us  (Extending Quotes) The mountains paralleled the valley and the snowy peaks were extending with fall to the valley floor  (Extending Quotes) Extending over more than a century and including most nations of the globe, the cause of woman suffrage has been one of the great democratic forces in human history  (Extending Quotes) Magic is a sudden opening of the mind to the wonder of existence. It is a sense that there is much more to life than we usually recognize; that we do not have to be confined by the limited views that our family, our society, or our own habitual thoughts impose on us; that life contains many dimensions, depths, textures, and meanings extending far beyond our familiar beliefs and concepts  (Extending Quotes) Extending social and economic development throughout the world and eliminating nuclear weapons from military arsenals are two fundamental prerequisites to replacing the culture of war with a culture of peace, and building true security for all the world’s people  (Extending Quotes) Sometimes a line of mathematical research extending through decades can be thought of as one long conversation in which many mathematicians take part. This is fortunately true at present  (Extending Quotes) Nothing under the sun is greater than education. By educating one person and sending him into the society of his generation, we make a contribution extending a hundred generations to come  (Extending Quotes) Generosity is not limited to the giving of material things. We can be generous with our kindness and receptivity. Generosity can mean the simple giving of a smile or extending ourselves to really listen to a friend. Paradoxically, even being willing to receive the generosity of others can be a form of generosity  (Extending Quotes) You need to eat well, sleep well, and have a roof over your head, but don’t go much further than that before extending yourself to others  (Extending Quotes) Prayer is a means of sharing the burden, which relieves pressure, as you tell your worries and concerns to someone who will listen and won’t judge, no matter what you say. Praying is like handing the problem over to someone else as you talk it out. Then you can tune in for guidance and a different perspective that will exude heartfelt energy. When you pray, you are exposing your real self and extending sincere, loving energy to yourself. It doesn’t matter if your words are fancy or plain, and there is no way to do it right or wrong. Prayer is about opening your heart and being sincere  (Extending Quotes) It is by extending oneself, by exercising some capacity previously unused that you come to a better knowledge of your own potential  (Extending Quotes) You can certainly extend your adolescence. There’s people that are very good at extending it indefinitely  (Extending Quotes) Lenders look at potential borrowers from many angles before extending credit: How much of its income will a household need to put into debt repayment? How large is the down payment? Does the borrower have a job with a stable income? What is the borrower’s credit score?  (Extending Quotes) Curiosity might be pictured as being made up of chains of small questions extending outwards, sometimes over huge distances, from a central hub composed of a few blunt, large questions  (Extending Quotes) Born of necessity, the little fellow literally freed us of immediate worry. He provided the means for expanding our organization to its present dimensions and for extending the medium cartoon animation towards new entertainment levels. He spelled production liberation for us  (Extending Quotes) When I say I get inspiration from my real life, I think of my real life as extending about 300 meters radius around me. So what I see in that area is what inspires me  (Extending Quotes) Health care is, at its core, about improving the odds of life in its struggle against death. Of extending that game which we will all lose, each and every one of us unto eternity, extending it another year or month or second  (Extending Quotes) For most singers the first half of the career involves extending one’s repertoire, the second half trimming it  (Extending Quotes) The only time I’ve ever taken out a loan is for the building work I had done at our house and I did that by extending the mortgage  (Extending Quotes) The aim is to postpone frailty, postpone degenerative disease, debilitation and so on and thereby shorten the period at the end of life, which is passed in a decrepit or disabled state, while extending life as a whole  (Extending Quotes) There is no difference between saving lives and extending lives, because in both cases we are giving people the chance of more life  (Extending Quotes) When forging money, I had always salved my conscience by concluding that I was merely extending the lie of commerce  (Extending Quotes) We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present  (Extending Quotes) Apology is the practice of extending ourselves because we value the relationship more than we value the need to be right  (Extending Quotes) With any role, you’re extending yourself and acting out things that never happened to you  (Extending Quotes) The legislative department is everywhere extending the sphere of its activity and drawing all power into its impetuous vortex  (Extending Quotes) What critics often ask for is the impossible, though this may be a salutary means of extending the borders of art  (Extending Quotes) After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread throughout Europe, much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration  (Extending Quotes)
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