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Exteriors Quotes

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Often the most fragile hearts have the toughest exteriors  (Exteriors Quotes) I only ever worked on interiors, and an interior is an interior. I don’t know what they did about exteriors  (Exteriors Quotes) These flattering mirrors reflect imperfectly what is within; the countenance is often a gay deceiver. What defects of mind lie hidden under its beauty! What fair exteriors conceal base souls!  (Exteriors Quotes) What’s fascinating about D.C., the exteriors are these elaborate structures, this gorgeous architecture and beautiful stonework, and then you go inside and it’s crap-looking - apart from the White House, which is beautiful.  (Exteriors Quotes) I’m not a pop artist. For me pop never was.... Pop is concerned with exteriors. I’m concerned with interiors. When I use objects, I see them as a vocabulary of feelings. I can spend a lot of time with objects, and they leave me as satisfied as a good meal. I don’t think pop artists feel that way.  (Exteriors Quotes)