Extreme Quotes

Text Quotes
Extreme visual clarity, tunnel vision, diminished sound, and the sense that time is slowing down. this is how the human body reacts to extreme stress (Extreme Quotes)
I have to cross the river of extreme awkwardness in order to get to the paradise on the other side (Extreme Quotes)
In times of extreme stress, one can often find energy hidden in even the most exhausted areas of the body (Extreme Quotes)
My internal and external life depend so much on the work of others that I must make an extreme effort to give as much as I receive (Extreme Quotes)
I’m attracted to the extreme light and the extreme dark. I’m interested in the human condition and what makes people tick. I’m interested in the things people try to hide (Extreme Quotes)
The extreme delight we experience in talking about ourselves should warn us that those who listen do not share it (Extreme Quotes)
The human soul has need of security and also of risk. The fear of violence or of hunger or of any other extreme evil is a sickness of the soul. The boredom produced by a complete absence of risk is also a sickness of the soul (Extreme Quotes)
The extreme clarity of the desert light is equaled by the extreme individuation of desert life forms. Love flowers best in openness and freedom (Extreme Quotes)
Man’s troubles are rooted in extreme attention to senses, thoughts, and imagination. Attention should be focused internally to experience a quiet body and a calm mind (Extreme Quotes)
Sanity lies somewhere between the inhibitions of conventional morality and the looseness of the extreme impulse (Extreme Quotes)
If we are extremists, then we are not ashamed of it, for the conditions that our people suffer are extreme, and extreme illness can not be cured with moderate medicine (Extreme Quotes)
Our life is frittered away by detail. An honest man has hardly need to count more than his ten fingers, or in extreme cases he may add his ten toes, and lump the rest. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! (Extreme Quotes)
Weather can kill you so fast. The first priority of survival is getting protection from the extreme weather (Extreme Quotes)
I’ve seen extreme bravery from the least likely of people. Life is about the moments when it’s all gone wrong. That’s when we define ourselves (Extreme Quotes)
You either approve of violence or you don’t, and nothing on earth is more violent or extreme than the meat industry (Extreme Quotes)
There should exist among the citizens neither extreme poverty nor again excessive wealth, for both are productive of great evil (Extreme Quotes)
We all have the chance to create a world where extreme poverty is the exception rather than the rule (Extreme Quotes)
I am a prisoner of a gaudy and unlivable present, where all forms of human society have reached an extreme of their cycle and there is no imagining what new forms they may assume (Extreme Quotes)
As soon as extreme attachment comes, a man loses himself, he is no more master of himself, he is a slave (Extreme Quotes)
There should be balance in all our actions; to be either extreme or lukewarm is equally bad (Extreme Quotes)
There have been some very extreme hecklers in audiences whose bile was so hateful and so meant that it would be a bit frightening to think that all I’m doing is jokes and yet someone hates me that much (Extreme Quotes)
We advance in years somewhat in the manner of an invading army in a barren land; the age that we have reached, as the saying goes, we but hold with an outpost, and still keep open communications with the extreme rear and first beginnings of the march (Extreme Quotes)
Children are contemptuous, haughty, irritable, envious, sneaky, selfish, lazy, flighty, timid, liars and hypocrites, quick to laugh and cry, extreme in expressing joy and sorrow, especially about trifles, they’ll do anything to avoid pain but they enjoy inflicting it: little men already (Extreme Quotes)
I strongly reject any conceptual scheme that places our options on a line, and holds that the only alternative to a pair of extreme positions lies somewhere between them. More fruitful perspectives often require that we step off the line to a site outside the dichotomy (Extreme Quotes)
Realism should only be the means of expression of religious genius... or, at the other extreme, the artistic expressions of monkeys which are quite satisfied with mere imitation. In fact, art is never realistic though sometimes it is tempted to be. To be really realistic a description would have to be endless (Extreme Quotes)
As for old age, embrace and love it. It abounds with pleasure if you know how to use it. The gradually declining years are among the sweetest in a man’s life, and I maintain that, even when they have reached the extreme limit, they have their pleasure still (Extreme Quotes)
Swing is extreme coordination. It’s a maintaining balance, equilibrium. It’s about executing very difficult rhythms with a panache and a feeling in the context of very strict time. So, everything about the swing is about some guideline and some grid and the elegant way that you negotiate your way through that grid (Extreme Quotes)
Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it’s not. It’s for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creative outlets and expressing yourself, it’s just the most extreme version of that that I’ve ever found. It’s like running, it’s exertion (Extreme Quotes)
There’s such an extreme feeling to be in love, especially in quite an emotionally destructive relationship, where you’re both kind of really bad for each other, but you love each other so much. Those extreme emotions, I think, can only be described with extreme imagery (Extreme Quotes)
I wonder if any of them can tell from just looking at me that all I am is the sum total of my pain, a raw woundedness so extreme that it might be terminal. It might be terminal velocity, the speed of the sound of a girl falling down to a place from where she can’t be retrieved. What if I am stuck down here for good? (Extreme Quotes)