Extreme Quotes

Text Quotes
To jump and break the sound barrier will not be a mere record breaking experience or another extreme event that ends once the mission is accomplished. (Extreme Quotes)
As professional soccer players, we take our bodies to the extreme. We’re the people at the gym that look like we’re breaking the machines. Pushing our bodies to the limits is what makes us so strong and capable and Olympians. It’s not an easy thing to consistently do over and over again to your body. (Extreme Quotes)
My mother was a restorer, she repaired broken things. I don’t do that. I destroy things. I cannot go the straight line. I must destroy, rebuild, destroy again. My rhythm is not the same. My mother moved in a straight line: I go from one extreme to the other. (Extreme Quotes)
That’s why I do this music business thing, it’s communication with people without having the extreme inconvenience of actually phoning anybody up. (Extreme Quotes)
It seems like those of us who run a business can’t go five minutes without encountering the term company culture. The phrase is always uttered with extreme adoration, yet the very concept seems as nebulous as it is elusive. (Extreme Quotes)
I’m an indie artist with major distribution, so one foot in the extreme major music business and one foot in the abyss of indie artists. (Extreme Quotes)
I love getting baths and going to the Korean spas and getting pummeled and scrubbed, and its so hot in the sauna you can’t even stand it. I have to do things in a pretty extreme way to calm down. So a Swedish massage is not going to do it! I need to know that they’re in there with their thumbs and moving stuff around. (Extreme Quotes)
LaFerrari’ means ‘the Ferrari.’ The excellence. In this car, we put everything we are able to do. Our extreme technology, extreme experience, extreme capability. And this has been the first Ferrari totally designed in our design center. (Extreme Quotes)
There is no question in the world that educating a girl is good for her country and good for her. The challenge is, is it good for her parents who are living in extreme poverty, who need the girl’s help to take care of getting firewood, water, taking care of young children? (Extreme Quotes)
If right now our emotional reaction to seeing a certain person or hearing certain news is to fly into a rage or to get despondent or something equally extreme, it’s because we have been cultivating that particular habit for a very long time. (Extreme Quotes)
One thing I’m hearing a lot is from teachers who have felt that there’s something wrong with the extreme group learning, but felt like they couldn’t say that out loud. And apparently the discussion is now opening up. I think change is going to be a long time coming. (Extreme Quotes)
Climate change is a controversial subject, right? People will debate whether there is climate change... that’s a whole political debate that I don’t want to get into. I want to talk about the frequency of extreme weather situations, which is not political. (Extreme Quotes)
I got rid of my glasses and they changed my hair. That’s really all they did. They went shopping for me, so the clothes are different too. It wasn’t like Extreme Makeover where I got a nose job or anything. (Extreme Quotes)
In 1961, the United States began chemical warfare in Vietnam, South Vietnam, chemical warfare to destroy crops and livestock. That went on for seven years. The level of poison - they used the most extreme carcinogen known: dioxin. And this went on for years. (Extreme Quotes)
As a foreign minister, I have to respect the authority to look after the best interest of the child is, as always, in my country like in India, with the parents and the family. But in extreme cases, the situation is open for the child protection authority to intervene. (Extreme Quotes)
Extreme exercise doesn’t save you from poor food choices. It can be difficult to exercise and erase away that chocolate cake or pizza pie. It doesn’t work that way. (Extreme Quotes)
Though I believe in God, I don’t believe in religion for everybody. Some people who are a little weak and don’t want to shoulder any responsibility need Catholicism. For people at the other extreme, there is Christian Science... I think a powerful conscience is worth all the religions put together. (Extreme Quotes)
ISIS goes after any group that deviates from its extreme ideology, dissident Muslims, for example, or the Yazidis who practice an ancient religion distinct from both Islam and Christianity. (Extreme Quotes)
Personally, I had a close friend with cystic fibrosis. I won’t ever forget how he handled himself. In the face of extreme challenges and very harrowing circumstances, he maintained a positive outlook and was just very dignified, even in his suffering. (Extreme Quotes)
If the Arab world today looked like Tunisia, it would be a huge blow for the extreme ideologies. But Tunisia needs more support than it is getting, particularly from their close neighbors in Europe who have a great stake in North Africa. (Extreme Quotes)
Watching cold fusion is like watching water boil in slow motion. First, sufficient deuterium has to penetrate the palladium electrode. This can take a few weeks. Then, if excess heat is generated during the next month or two, accurate temperature readings require extreme precautions to exclude environmental effects. (Extreme Quotes)
In high school, I had a couple girlfriends who had very extreme eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia. And in college as well. It’s just heartbreaking. As someone going through it, it’s heartbreaking. And as a friend who’s helping a friend going through it, it’s heartbreaking. It’s a real, real disease. (Extreme Quotes)
We should start being intolerant to those who are intolerant to us. This is not modern logic, this is not extreme, this is common sense. (Extreme Quotes)
Sense About Science is much more than an innocent fact-checking service. It is a spin-off of a bizarre political network that began life as the ultra-left Revolutionary Communist Party and switched over to extreme corporate libertarianism when it launched ‘Living Marxism’ magazine in the late eighties. (Extreme Quotes)
I think it’s one of the reasons I wrote my book later in life. My parents didn’t have these extreme alternations of conduct. They were very sweet to me. (Extreme Quotes)
Presumably all obsessions are extreme metaphors waiting to be born. That whole private mythology, in which I believe totally, is a collaboration between one’s conscious mind and those obsessions that, one by one, present themselves as stepping-stones. (Extreme Quotes)
We now know that we cannot continue to put ever-increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Actions have consequences. In fact, the consequences of past actions are already in the pipeline. Global temperatures are rising. Glaciers are melting. Sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events are multiplying. (Extreme Quotes)
In every human society, there is an effort continually tending to confer on one part the height of power and happiness, and to reduce the other to the extreme of weakness and misery. The intent of good laws is to oppose this effort and to diffuse their influence universally and equally. (Extreme Quotes)
In my view, it is important that our national government exercise leadership to improve the resiliency of the entire nation in the face of continuing extreme weather. (Extreme Quotes)
Characters in TV and theatre tend to experience a lot of conflict, so I push myself through sport to physical and emotional levels that hurt so I’ve some other reference for extreme experience that isn’t me shouting at my girlfriend or my mum. It’s a way of controlling the uncontrollable. (Extreme Quotes)