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Extremely Happy Quotes

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I can remember the moment when I suddenly felt that the camera was a living partner. I suddenly felt this is art, and the camera is a co-operative living person. After that I was extremely happy to act in films  (Extremely Happy Quotes) The better I get at writing songs, the harder it seems to be to relate to people. But when I get on stage, I’m extremely happy.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I am not always happy. I am happy in front of the press. I can be extremely grumpy, ask my husband.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) Doing art that has a happy ending, that doesn’t seem really corny, is extremely difficult to pull off convincingly.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) Kids are always open to anything. It’s very rare that a kid isn’t extremely eager to make you happy.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) My parents weren’t extremely successful financially, but they were happy people. They gave me confidence.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m extremely happy, but I don’t do love songs for the most part. It feels weird; that’s such a personal thing to me. I’d rather live that in my real life and play a different character outside of that.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m happy for people who want to get married but it’s not my thing. I’m extremely happy in my relationship and I would love to have kids.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m extremely happy about music altogether, and the history that I’ve made. How I changed the world, music-wise, music over the internet and stuff like that.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m extremely happy in my life. I consider myself to be very blessed.  (Extremely Happy Quotes) When I mention somebody, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I identify with him, personally or poetically. I’m extremely happy when I encounter poets who are different than I am. The ones who have their own distinct poetics provide me with the greatest experiences  (Extremely Happy Quotes) In my early days, I copied the great French chefs, like most chefs do. Copying is not bad. Copying and not recognizing that you are copying is bad. For me, when I go to a restaurant and am served a dish influenced by something we created at elBulli, if it’s well done, it makes me extremely happy  (Extremely Happy Quotes) But after that, I was extremely happy with the story and the look of the show at the beginning of season two - everything was working together. I felt like it was finished conceptually  (Extremely Happy Quotes) Having cakes as a business certainly changes things for me - I don’t now sit at home doing a cake for the fun of it anymore. But it’s an extremely happy and pleasureable business to run because people are generally buying cakes for celebrations  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I have always felt extremely weird. But I am very happy with my weirdnesses, and I want other people to be very happy with theirs  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I am extremely shy. I am not happy in crowds of people  (Extremely Happy Quotes) Many people are extremely happy, but are absolutely worthless to society  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m extremely happy in my life. I consider myself to be very blessed  (Extremely Happy Quotes) To be extremely happy but extremely intelligent is a task of being optimistic without being cheesy  (Extremely Happy Quotes) But don’t you think, I persist, that it’s better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to be just okay for your whole life?  (Extremely Happy Quotes) Don’t you think it’s better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to be just okay for your whole life?  (Extremely Happy Quotes) I’m happy for people who want to get married but it’s not my thing. I’m extremely happy in my relationship and I would love to have kids  (Extremely Happy Quotes) As reason returned to me, memory came with it, and I saw that even on the worst days, when I thought I was utterly and completely miserable, I was nevertheless, and nearly all the time, extremely happy. That gave me something to think about. The discovery was not a pleasant one. It seemed to me that I was losing a great deal. I asked myself, wasn’t I sad, hadn’t I felt my life breaking up? Yes, that had been true; but each minute, when I stayed without moving in a corner of the room, the cool of the night and the stability of the ground made me breathe and rest on gladness  (Extremely Happy Quotes)