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Extremist Quotes

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I’ve always thought of my own mind as an unruly parliament, with a feeble leader, with crazy extremist factions  (Extremist Quotes) The paranoid fear of government is an extremist position, and every one of us ought to say that  (Extremist Quotes) We are in a world that is quite extremist and extremism makes more noise. Normality does not sell  (Extremist Quotes) I drew a vicious cartoon of an Islamic extremist as a dog, knowing full well what an insult that was is in the Islamic world. Furthermore, I added an apology to dogs everywhere (being a dog lover myself).  (Extremist Quotes) I’m an extremist? I don’t think so. I think people that call me an extremist are extremely brain dead and soulless  (Extremist Quotes) I’ve found that balance is key. I’m no longer an extremist in any one direction  (Extremist Quotes) But on the extremist side I didn’t get any rejections at all. Everyone agreed to talk to me  (Extremist Quotes) But 85 percent of the mosques have extremist leadership in this country. Most Muslims, the overwhelming majority of Muslims, are loyal Americans  (Extremist Quotes) I am a feminist, but I’m not an extremist. I know what feminism is, but I’m not all women empowerment, marching in the streets. I’m not a die-hard girl’s girl  (Extremist Quotes) Call me an extremist but killing a few hundred million people seems like the sort of method that might have unintended consequences  (Extremist Quotes) I’m an extremist. Either I’m being healthy and organic, or I want a big, juicy In-N-Out burger, I want it all now! It sure makes me happy  (Extremist Quotes) Was not Abraham Lincoln an extremist? - This nation cannot survive half slave and half free  (Extremist Quotes)
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