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Extremity Quotes

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About the greatest virtue a friend can have, is to be able to hold her tongue; and through this, like all virtues carried to extremity, may grow into a fault, and do great harm, still, it never can do so much harm as that horrible laxity and profligacy of speech which is a the root of half the quarrels, cruelties, and injustices of the world  (Extremity Quotes) The generation of seeds... is therefore marvelous and analogous to the other productions of living things. For first of all an umbilicus appears... Its extremity gradually expands and after gathering a colliquamentous ichor becomes analogous to an amnion... In the course of time the seed or fetus begins to become visible  (Extremity Quotes) When our needs are permitted to grow to an extremity, and all visible hopes fail, then to have relief given wonderfully enhances the price of such a mercy  (Extremity Quotes) At the extremity of hardship comes relief and at the tightening of the chains of trials and tribulations comes ease  (Extremity Quotes) Sometimes I think my purpose is as a saboteur when I’m working with other people, derailing what they’re trying to do or taking things to a ludicrous extremity  (Extremity Quotes) The extremity of this bondage is that it is only as a worker that he continues to maintain himself as a physical subject, and that it is only as a physical subject that he is a worker  (Extremity Quotes) So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish, that he did not only sigh but roar  (Extremity Quotes)
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