Eye Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s something always instinctively visually right about nature. There’s no difference, to my eye, between looking at a great painting and looking at nature. Because painting, when it’s great, has the same immutable rightness, unquestioned rightness, about it (Eye Quotes)
You look out into the audience and you see so much joy on people’s faces. You make eye contact with people who are almost crying because they can’t believe they’re seeing the Rumours five back again, they can’t believe their eyes. It’s almost like a family reunion on stage, there’s no angst, there’s no animosity, there’s just tremendous amount of friendship (Eye Quotes)
Our country was founded on a distrust of government. Our founding fathers gave power to the people to keep an eye on government. So when politicians say, ‘Trust me,’ they’re actually being very un-American (Eye Quotes)
A majority of the successful women on the pop scene conform to what a woman is supposed to be. Some have tried to get things moving. They have tried to modify the image. But sometimes the image has a hard time changing the eye - to change the relationship between the image and the eye takes longer (Eye Quotes)
The Fashionable World is grown free and easie; our Manners sit more loose upon us: Nothing is so modish as an agreeable Negligence. In a word, Good Breeding shows it self most, where to an ordinary Eye it appears the least (Eye Quotes)
When I turn my eye inward, I find nothing but doubt and ignorance. All the world conspires to oppose and contradict me; though such is my weakness, that I feel all my opinions loosen and fall of themselves, when unsupported by the approbation of others (Eye Quotes)
I was just sitting on the train, just staring out the window at some cows. It was not the most inspiring subject. When all of a sudden the idea of Harry just appeared in my mind’s eye (Eye Quotes)
The President’s biggest problem right now is he’s gotta tell the truth. And we’ve seen this in New Jersey. I’ve told lots of hard truths in New Jersey that people didn’t necessarily agree with, but they give you credit for looking them in the eye and telling them the truth (Eye Quotes)
This book blew me away. Kelly Parra writes with the keen eye of an artist. Graffiti Girl is warm, gutsy, and true-to-life - an unflinching, honest portrayal of young adults. A seamless and impressive debut (Eye Quotes)
On this site we’re going to build an Eye and Ear Hospital. This is going to be a sight for sore eyes (Eye Quotes)
The clothes that fire up my emotions are colorful and different pieces. My eye still picks out gilded-cloque glamour from among Burberrys streamlined trench coats or a hand-printed coat from Dries Van Noten (Eye Quotes)
Whatever of goodness emanates from the soul, gathers its soft halo in the eyes; and if the heart be a lurking place of crime, the eyes are sure to betray the secret. A beautiful eye makes silence eloquent, a kind eye makes contradiction assent, an enraged eye makes beauty a deformity; so you see, forsooth, the little organ plays no inconsiderable, if not a dominant, part (Eye Quotes)
When the measured dance of the hours brings back the happy smile of spring, the buried dead is born again in the life-glance of the sun. The germs which perished to the eye within the cold breast of the earth spring up with joy in the bright realm of day (Eye Quotes)
Needed are...[souls] filled with compassion, that we might communicate not only eye to eye, or voice to ear, but in the majestic style of the Savior, even heart to heart (Eye Quotes)
But to most of us society shows not its face and eye, but its side and back. To stand in true relations with men in a false age isworth a fit of insanity, is it not? (Eye Quotes)
I’ve always thought that you don’t love a country by turning a blind eye to its crimes and to a problem. The way that you love a country is by seeing everything that it’s done wrong, all of its mistakes, and still thinking that it’s beautiful and that it’s worthy (Eye Quotes)
On my iPad, and I’m quite a fool for this, but I use Post-It notes to cover up the camera. It’s just weird with that little eye there and sometimes it’ll be green and I know I didn’t turn it on. It’s very spooky (Eye Quotes)
Photographic memory is often confused with another bizarre - but real - perceptual phenomenon called eidetic memory, which occurs in between 2 and 15 percent of children and very rarely in adults. An eidetic image is essentially a vivid afterimage that lingers in the mind’s eye for up to a few minutes before fading away (Eye Quotes)
Despite the fact that he has run the most incompetent administration in history, President Obama remains a solid bet for re-election in 2012. Obama’s frontrunner status springs from two crucial facts: first, by overexposing himself in the public eye, he has made himself larger than life; second, the Republican field is pathetically weak (Eye Quotes)
I have an interest in understanding evil. Who is the bad guy - the vampire who kills people and sucks their blood, or the survivalists who kill people to save their own lives? Is evil merely a creation of people? Or is there an evil nature? Or is it in the eye of the beholder? I really like these questions (Eye Quotes)
After getting recognized in public from my picture on our pretzel bag, I can understand not wanting to be in the public eye. It has given me a public persona I had always avoided as a child. I do it because it’s for a good cause (Eye Quotes)
Generally I would say that I’m not a super-adventurous shadow girl. I’m all about a lip, eyebrow, and mascara, but through the years, working with different talented makeup artists, I learned how awesome eye makeup can be if you get it right. That’s how we got the colors we came up with (Eye Quotes)
I remember I had this recurring dream that we were playing a night game and instead of eye black we had mashed up the glowing bodies of fireflies and put that under our eyes. So our faces were glowing - a kind of night vision (Eye Quotes)
Blessed are the peacemakers, and one sure way of peacemaking is to let the fire of contention alone. Neither fan it, nor stir it, nor add fuel to it, but let it go out by itself. Begin your ministry with one blind eye and one deaf ear (Eye Quotes)
I started in the P.A. world and craft service and storyboard artist, with the eye on the prize of directing. When I was directing second unit on Babel, I ended up casting most of the unknown parts. In these weird circles, I was this guy who found these kids on the streets (Eye Quotes)
I play a lot of basketball and racquetball, as they’re both great for your feet and hand eye coordination. Other drills can help as well, such as simply catching a football in distant positions from different heights and velocities (Eye Quotes)
The sixth doorway is the Doorway of Vision. This relates to seeing with the eyes of love and corresponds to the energy center located in the third eye area of our forehead. When this doorway is open, we’re more able to see life through love instead of differences (Eye Quotes)
Space is not a two-year objective. It used to be, in the early 60’s, we had this eye candy of Mercury and Gemini and Apollo and every year we would do something more and more and it met those needs. But the easy stuff has been done (Eye Quotes)
We must develop huge demonstrations, because the world is used to big dramatic affairs. They think in terms of hundreds of thousands and millions and billions... Billions of dollars are appropriated at the twinkling of an eye. Nothing little counts (Eye Quotes)
For contemplation he and valour formed; / For softness she and sweet attractive grace, / He for God only, she for God in him: / His fair large front and eye sublime declared / Absolute rule (Eye Quotes)