Eye Quotes

Text Quotes
Whether you’re a presidential front-runner, or an Academy Award-winning actor, or head of a TV ministry, if you stay in the public eye long enough they’re going to try and find a scandal (Eye Quotes)
While the male eye zooms in on a particular element to the exclusion of all else, a woman’s gaze flickers from one tedious task to the next, to the point where we can’t distinguish between the importance of mopping the kitchen floor and achieving world peace (Eye Quotes)
Beauty is in the strangest places. A piece of garbage floating in the wind. And that beauty exists in America. It exists everywhere. You have to develop an eye for it and be able to see it. (Eye Quotes)
My beauty tricks revolve around eyes. For the early morning shoots, I pop eye pads in the freezer the night before, and when I take them out in the morning they are already cold and active and are great under my eyes. I keep my eye pads right next to my red velvet Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer. (Eye Quotes)
People think that the directors direct actors. No. Really, what the director’s doing is directing the audience’s eye through the film. (Eye Quotes)
The more people explore the world, the more they realize in every country there’s a different aesthetic. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. (Eye Quotes)
After all these years, I definitely associate having a pen in my hand with having an ashtray just out of eye line. (Eye Quotes)
I smoke too much whether it’s going well or badly. After all these years, I definitely associate having a pen in my hand with having an ashtray just out of eye line. (Eye Quotes)
No matter how many times I witness the miracle of someone having their sight restored, I’m still overwhelmed with emotion. When the eye patch comes off just 24 hours after surgery and you see that smile light up the room, you are witnessing a life being transformed. (Eye Quotes)
One of the Age of Enlightenment’s most hypnotic images is Ledoux’s rendering of his neoclassical theater of 1775 - 1784 in Besancon, surreally reflected in the colossal eye of an unidentified cosmic being. (Eye Quotes)
The aging of the U.S. population is a theme that we believe strongly in and the health care sector is really right in the bulls eye of this particular theme. (Eye Quotes)
As a child, I copied Tenniel’s illustrations from ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ obsessively, particularly his drawing of the white rabbit in waistcoat and frockcoat, umbrella tucked under one arm and a fob watch in paw, a look of suppressed panic in his eye. (Eye Quotes)
I really believe that the aliens are us from the future. It seems to me a very plausible reason that explains a lot of phenomena as opposed to green men with one eye from outer space. (Eye Quotes)
I’m not a huge fan of eye shadow. You spend 20 minutes working on it and then make one mistake and have to remove it all! I’d rather play up my eyes with winged eyeliner. (Eye Quotes)
In the long run, all I care about is making good music and not wasting time being in the public eye (Eye Quotes)
The all-seeing eye of God beheld our deplorable state; infinite pity touched the heart of the Father of mercies; and infinite wisdom laid the plan of our recovery. (Eye Quotes)
I think the resolution involved in the high-def, Blu-ray image demands we pay attention to every detail to a level we’ve never seen before. The audiences have to believe everything they’re seeing. As viewers, we’re all so experienced and so much smarter than we realize. With Blu-ray, there will be less tricking of the eye. (Eye Quotes)
What can ‘scape the eye Of God, all-seeing, or deceive His heart. Omniscient! (Eye Quotes)
There are some good teachers out there, but the only one who is a genius at diagnosing my swing is my mom. She took up golf late, when she was 39, but in her younger days, she was an amazing athlete. She never read an instruction book or took lessons, but she has a remarkable eye for motion. (Eye Quotes)
Dogs are a really amazing eye opener for us humans because their lives are compressed into such a short period, so we can see them go from puppyhood to adolescence to strong adulthood and then into their sunset years in 10 to 12 years. It really drives home the point of how finite all our lives are. (Eye Quotes)
I love watching amazing actors and actresses that you can’t take your eyes off of because everything they are doing - even if it is just twiddling their thumbs or scratching their eye - it’s just interesting. (Eye Quotes)
I’ve lived an amazing life. There’s no reason to focus on the bad. They teach you that in racing school. Keep your eye where you want your front tire to be. You don’t want to be stuck in the rut? Then don’t look at the rut. Always look at where you want to go. (Eye Quotes)
Technology can do amazing things for us. It’s something we need to keep an eye on. (Eye Quotes)
Because revenge is a very known feeling in American culture, there’s a certain element of an eye for an eye. There’s the saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.’ When you wish for revenge, and you think you’ve gotten it, what happens then? Revenge is just a really good drive for drama and good action. (Eye Quotes)
Judge candidly what a wretched figure the American empire will exhibit in the eye of other nations, without a power to array and support a military force for its own protection. (Eye Quotes)
Successive American presidents have turned a blind eye to piles of evidence that Saudi money is being used to foment holy war against America. (Eye Quotes)
It’s interesting. People go to an animal shelter and pick a dog that’s been kicked, beaten, and has lost a leg and an eye, and they’ll take that dog home and give it love and support, but they don’t do that with people. (Eye Quotes)
The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter - in the eye. (Eye Quotes)
The South is the home of ‘an eye for an eye.’ ‘Turning the other cheek’? The South can’t see that. (Eye Quotes)
That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing. (Eye Quotes)