Eye Quotes

Text Quotes
Every shot I have ever made has been a compromise in some way. No image has ever been as good as the one I envisioned in my mind’s eye. (Eye Quotes)
I pray for discretion every single night, that I can see through people, see what their greater good is. Sometimes that individual ‘wows’ you by the eye, but when it come to heart to heart, that person’s not there for you. That’s not just females. That may be friends, people who come into your life just to use you for who you are. (Eye Quotes)
Good taste is synonymous with success in all fields of life. It’s not a question of money, but of a trained eye. (Eye Quotes)
I trust I may be enabled in the treatment of patients always to act with a single eye to their good. (Eye Quotes)
In the external scheme of things, shining moments are as brief as the twinkling of an eye, yet such twinklings are what eternity is made of -- moments when we human beings can say I love you, I’m proud of you, I forgive you, I’m grateful for you. That’s what eternity is made of: invisible imperishable good stuff. (Eye Quotes)
All of the films that I’ve made are about the country I live in and grew up in... And I think if you’re going to put an artist’s eye to it, you’re going to put a critical eye to it. I’ve always been interested in the gray area that exists between the black and white, or the red and blue, and that’s where complexity lies. (Eye Quotes)
Follow the wisdom of the great actor, James Cagney, you hit your mark, you look the other guy in the eye, and you tell the truth. (Eye Quotes)
I am always a great fan of keeping things on an eye level for comedy because it plays better (Eye Quotes)
Indian monks were the first to choose the garden as the proper setting for their lives, which were devoted to the contemplation of the divine; but with a prophetic eye we may see that the garden will often be dedicated in a like manner: at a later time Greek philosophers, and monks in early Christian days, will retire into their gardens for united, yet silent, contemplation. (Eye Quotes)
I wrote The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God in five hours, but I had it all planned out. It isn’t poetry and it does not pretend to be, but it does what it sets out to do. (Eye Quotes)
How many colours are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of ‘green’? How many rainbows can light create for the untutored eye? (Eye Quotes)
The romantic chivalric tradition takes, or at any rate has in the past taken, the young man’s eye off women as they are, as companions in shipwreck not guiding stars. (Eye Quotes)
Guys just don’t care. We don’t take the time to plan behind each other’s back. We just say, If you don’t like me, screw you’. If a guy doesn’t like you, you know because you have a black eye. (Eye Quotes)
Several years ago, I began losing my hair, and like a lot of men, it was a major concern to me, in fact it was practically an obsession. But, also I’m an actor, so I’m in the public eye a lot and I really felt that my hair loss could affect my career prospects. (Eye Quotes)
Simplest of blossoms! To mine eye Thou bring’st the summer’s painted sky; The May-thorn greening in the nook; The minnows sporting in the brook; The bleat of flocks; the breath of flowers; The song of birds amid the bowers; The crystal of the azure seas; The music of the southern breeze; And, over all, the blessed sun, Telling of halcyon days begun. (Eye Quotes)
You’re in the public eye and you get treated better than royalty, and then you’re dropped down to earth with nothing. You may not have any money for rent, and you have no friends because they all think you’re big and famous now. (Eye Quotes)
I have a personal trainer who I work out with. She’s amazing and as well as making sure I do loads of sit-ups and press-ups, she also keeps an eye on what I eat. (Eye Quotes)
Industry stakeholders have said to us, which we’ve heard loud and clear, as we move forward on the climate change discussions we need to do it with a clear eye on the fact that we are also having conversations around royalties and the two can’t be separated. (Eye Quotes)
I blush easily. I have difficulty meeting people’s eye, difficulty with public speaking, the normal afflictions of the shy, but not to a paralysing degree. (Eye Quotes)
I’m incredibly optimistic about what individuals can do. We have technology that our grandparents would have given their eye teeth for. (Eye Quotes)
My back only bugs me when I sleep wrong. I feel my knee more than anything, the left one. It’s arthritic. I have a bad nerve in the back of my eye. (Eye Quotes)
All knowledge or form conception is evoked through the medium of the eye, either in response to disturbances directly received on the retina or to their fainter secondary effects and reverberations. Other sense organs can only call forth feelings which have no reality of existence and of which no conception can be formed. (Eye Quotes)
I’m really in no one city more than two months during the year. I’m constantly having to readapt my eye to new locations. (Eye Quotes)
Even now that I only have one eye, maybe I see more things than before. My life was completely against the clock, a fight against the stopwatch. (Eye Quotes)
In my office, I have a very beautiful marble bust of Seneca. I always have my eye on him when I’m taking phone calls. He’s one of the many philosophers I’ve always read and admired. (Eye Quotes)
Having an eye patch actually makes it easier to look through a camera - I don’t have to close one eye like everyone else. (Eye Quotes)
You can’t be in the public eye without making mistakes and having some regrets and having people analyze everything you do. (Eye Quotes)
Close the eyes, and focus on the third eye, the heart chakra, or the navel center. It is a good idea to alternate them. (Eye Quotes)
More than fifty-five years ago my father told me, The Bible does not belong on the shelf but in your hand, under your eye, and in your heart. (Eye Quotes)
The mind is the soul’s eye, not its source of power. That lies in the heart, in other words, in the passions. (Eye Quotes)