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Faces Quotes

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People in Ethiopia, the Sudan, etc., don’t know Audrey Hepburn, but they recognize the name UNICEF. When they see UNICEF, their faces light up, because they know that something is happening. In the Sudan, for example, they call a water pump ‘UNICEF.’  (Faces Quotes) It’s very schizophrenic because I like a lot of very straight pop, like Small Faces, Stones, Kinks; and on the other hand, I like a lot of avant garde things.  (Faces Quotes) Most people are happy being average. Most are happy being faceless in a sea of faces.  (Faces Quotes) Our eyes and brains pretty consistently like some human forms better than others. Shown photos of strangers, even babies look longer at the faces adults rank the best-looking.  (Faces Quotes) Put me in a costume, and I’m your man. I must have one of those faces which seems to suit period drama more than modern films and TV programmes. But I’m not complaining, I love going back in time. I feel quite lucky because nobody knows who I am. I can walk about and have ordinary conversations with people.  (Faces Quotes) I’m very grateful that I have one of those faces that seems to blend back into the crowd. A lot of people pay lip service to wanting a normal life, but it’s actually very important to me.  (Faces Quotes) If you want a vision of the future, imagine Washington-back ed Google Glasses strapped onto vacant human faces - forever.  (Faces Quotes) Just because we’re on schedule is no reason to shoot bad acting. Someone once said to me, ‘You’re inconsiderate.’ And I said, ‘Inconsiderate? Bad acting is the ultimate inconsideration.’ It’s a collective slap to a million faces at the same time.  (Faces Quotes) Make your faces so that they do not all have the same expression, as one sees with most painters, but give them different expression, according to age, complexion, and good or bad character.  (Faces Quotes) It’s a tough problem that a company faces once they branch out beyond one set of offices in California into that big bad world out there.  (Faces Quotes) I’m a bad loser, but I’m not a good winner either - I like to rub it in people’s faces!  (Faces Quotes) In Hollywood, for me, it’s all about the movie stars and the singers. Baseball players don’t draw too much attention; we’re low key. I’m good with faces and sometimes bad with names, but I’ll walk up to somebody if I know who they are... show them some love.  (Faces Quotes) All those people whose faces decorate the shopping bags of Barnes and Noble, with a few exceptions, would never get published today.  (Faces Quotes) It is only very ugly or very beautiful women who ever hide their faces .  (Faces Quotes) People should be beautiful in every way - in their faces, in the way they dress, in their thoughts, and in their innermost selves.  (Faces Quotes) It’s the beautiful minds of this world that win over beautiful faces. They win hearts by winning minds...  (Faces Quotes) The fields and the flowers and the beautiful faces are not ours, as the stars and the hills and the sunlight are not ours, but they give us fresh and happy thoughts.  (Faces Quotes) I wish I looked more like my mother, but I think I look like my father. I wish I had one of those naturally beautiful faces. Or a more quirky face. I’m right down the middle: not interesting enough, not pretty enough.  (Faces Quotes) Sometimes during a ballet I’ll look around and see all these rows of intent faces, concentrating on this beautiful thing up on the stage.  (Faces Quotes) So the swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He flew into dark lanes, and saw the white faces of starving children looking out listlessly at the black streets  (Faces Quotes) Life has loveliness to sell, all beautiful and splendid things, blue waves whitened on a cliff, soaring fire that sways and sings, and children’s faces looking up, holding wonder like a cup.  (Faces Quotes) Every girl on the planet has insecurities. It helps me to know that some of the most beautiful people in the world wake up some days and don’t think they’re pretty. As sad as that is, it’s good to know that a problem you think is your own is actually something every girl faces. Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.  (Faces Quotes) You do remember things that people say in movies. You remember particular lines and things that are funny. But, you also remember really strong images. Images have a way of bypassing your brain and hitting you emotionally. There are so many things from movies that are remembered, that are just looks on people’s faces or incredible vistas or beautiful pictures. That is a very important part of cinema.  (Faces Quotes) I believe beauty is action. If my action can bring smiles in the innocent faces of people then my act is beautiful.  (Faces Quotes) An eye for beauty locks onto faces that show signs of health and fertility - just as one would predict if it had evolved to help the beholder find the fittest mate.  (Faces Quotes) Very old people are the real victors of this world! And the bitterish beauty in their faces is the most valuable beauty of the earth!  (Faces Quotes) We’ve become obsessed with beauty and the fountain of youth and, frankly, I’m really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search of that.  (Faces Quotes) A guest star is a whole different responsibility. It’s much different than being a regular. You come in and it’s a lot of unfamiliar faces and you want to try to fit in as best you can, but also you want to stay there without making waves.  (Faces Quotes) I like being able to see an innocence in people. I see a lot of beauty in youth. Young people are in progress. Their faces and bodies and minds are constantly changing. It’s exciting to capture that on film.  (Faces Quotes) When I was a kid, I hated being talked to as a kid. I don’t know if all kids feel that way, but I seem to remember awful things in the crib, something like people doing baby talk in the crib and sticking their big, fat faces in there and scaring me. So I always talk to kids as if they were a person.  (Faces Quotes)
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