Faces Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s only, like, five perfectly symmetrical people in the world, and they’re all movie stars, and they should be, because their faces are very pleasing to look at, but the rest of us are just a jangle of stuff, and the earlier you learn that you should focus on what you have and not obsess about what you don’t have, the happier you will be. (Faces Quotes)
There is a destiny in war, to which a brave man knows how to submit with the same courage that he faces his foes. (Faces Quotes)
There are many faces to war. There is the face of courage, of bravery, of fellowship.There is the face of fear. Above all, there is love of country. (Faces Quotes)
Don’t get me wrong: I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Even the word ‘cancer’ brings back the nausea and pain, the fear I felt, and the heartbreak I saw in my parents’ faces. The smells that fill hospitals and the constant tired feeling that comes with treatment are also permanently stuck in my memory. (Faces Quotes)
Civil servants are fully aware of the challenges the British economy faces. They are, after all, working tirelessly and professionally to support the coalition government through the current challenges, every day, and in every part of Britain. (Faces Quotes)
The way things are going the faces on next year’s bubble-gum cards will be lawyers (Faces Quotes)
Make the land of Islam a burning fire that burns their faces and feet wherever they pass (Faces Quotes)
Everyone faces challenges from the fierce competition as well as the manipulative crooks that are rampant throughout the music business. (Faces Quotes)
My business partner and make-up artist Kim Jacob and I have employed every member of staff, decided where every desk in the office should go, tried every product on our faces. (Faces Quotes)
There are three things I always forget. Names, faces and... the third I can’t remember. (Faces Quotes)
When I cruise around, I can’t help but study people’s faces and emotions and wonder why they’re feeling the way they are. (Faces Quotes)
Don’t be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life...fear beauty! (Faces Quotes)
In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school, two years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies. (Faces Quotes)
The government may change faces from time to time, but it’s not like we fight wars for democracy - we fight wars for capitalism and for oil. (Faces Quotes)
Some of those men in power, we just have to change their faces because we’re not going to change their minds. (Faces Quotes)
As for my identity within the context of New York nightlife? I left in the 90s, so I’m not part of the scene anymore. I’ll always be interested in what’s happening downtown, and I try and keep up with the changing faces on social media. (Faces Quotes)
250,000 people turned up in Dublin to cheer me on an open-topped bus along O’Connell St after my world title winning fight in 1985. I’ll never forget the sea of smiling faces that greeted me that day. (Faces Quotes)
Some scholars argue that although the brain might contain neural subsystems, or modules, specialized for tasks like recognizing faces and understanding language, it also contains a part that constitutes a person, a self: the chief executive of all the subsystems. (Faces Quotes)
Maybe this whole obsession about colouring our hair is about our inability to grow up. To let go of the fact we aren’t children any more, and the whole thing about changing our faces and looking young, and 60 being the new 40, is maybe we don’t want to let go of our childhood. (Faces Quotes)
I have had playmates, I have had companions; In my days of childhood, in my joyful school days - All, all are gone, the old familiar faces. (Faces Quotes)
The quality of a person’s life does not depend on the circumstances of his life as much as the attitude with which he faces those circumstances. (Faces Quotes)
In civilized communities men’s idiosyncrasies are mitigated by the necessity of conforming to certain rules of behavior. Culture is a mask that hides their faces. (Faces Quotes)
I wanted to translate from one flat surface to another. In fact, my learning disabilities controlled a lot of things. I don’t recognize faces, so I’m sure it’s what drove me to portraits in the first place. (Faces Quotes)
People are strange, when you are a stranger.... Faces come out in the rain, When you’re strange...... (Faces Quotes)
The coming and going of the seasons give us more than the springtimes, summers, autumns, and winters of our lives. It reflects the coming and going of the circumstances of our lives like the glassy surface of a pond that shows our faces radiant with joy or contorted with pain. (Faces Quotes)
Obviously, it has taken time to work with the players around me and with so many new faces coming in the summer, in a way it’s been more difficult. (Faces Quotes)
To you wives who are constantly complaining and see only the dark side of life, and feel that you are unloved and unwanted, look into your own hearts and minds. If there is something wrong, turn about. Put a smile on your faces. Make yourselves more attractive. Brighten your outlook. (Faces Quotes)
It comes with faith, for with complete faith there is no fear of what faces you in life or death (Faces Quotes)
Label celebrity a consumer society’s most precious consumer product, and eventually it becomes the hero with a thousand faces, the packaging of the society’s art and politics, the framework of its commerce, and the stuff of its religion. (Faces Quotes)
Since an attitude is often expressed by our body language and by the looks on our faces, it can be contagious. (Faces Quotes)