Fact Quotes

Text Quotes
I reflected on the fact that no matter how good I aspired to be, I was never going to achieve perfection (Fact Quotes)
I never could get over the fact that the Pixies formed, worked and separated without America taking them to its heart or even recognizing their existence for the most part (Fact Quotes)
Aside from the fact that they say it's unhealthy, my fat ain't never been no trouble. Mens always have loved me. My kids ain't never complained. Plus they's fat (Fact Quotes)
Like cubic zirconia, I only look real. I'm an imposter. The fact is, I am not like other people (Fact Quotes)
Older people make this mistake all the time with younger people, treating them as a finished product when in fact they are in process (Fact Quotes)
When I try to classify my earliest impressions, I find that fact and fancy look alike across the years that link the past with the present. The woman paints the child's experience in her own fantasy (Fact Quotes)
All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals (Fact Quotes)
All the arguments to prove man's superiority can not shatter this hard fact: In suffering, the animals are our equals (Fact Quotes)
It's perfectly possible to live without expecting anything of life; in fact, it's the most common way (Fact Quotes)
She was always going to be the smartest, kindest, funniest, loyalest person we would ever meet, and the fact of her not being here well it just isn't right (Fact Quotes)
To my collaborator who buys the ink and paper laughs and, in fact, does all the really difficult part of the business this book is gratefully dedicated in memory of a winter's morning in switzerland (Fact Quotes)
This is what those who haven't crossed the tropic of grief often fail to understand: the fact that someone is dead may mean that they are not alive, but doesn't mean that they do not exist (Fact Quotes)
The human animal is a beast that dies but the fact that he's dying don't give him pity for others (Fact Quotes)
In fact, it is Shakespeare who gives us the map of the mind. It is Shakespeare who invents Freudian Psychology. Freud finds ways of translating it into supposedly analytical vocabulary (Fact Quotes)
Fact. Of course, she always went and spoiled the appeal by opening her mouth. In his humble experience, the world had yet to produce a more vexingly verbose female (Fact Quotes)
It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate (Fact Quotes)
He can be so appreciative of all forms of art, but so matter of fact and unemotional about it (Fact Quotes)
I would not know how I am supposed to feel about many stories if not for the fact that the TV news personalities make sad faces for sad stories and happy faces for happy stories (Fact Quotes)
In fact, when you get right down to it, almost every explanation Man came up with for anything until about 1926 was stupid (Fact Quotes)
Newspaper readership is declining like crazy. In fact, there's a good chance that nobody is reading my column (Fact Quotes)
Scrabble - The game is available in Braille. That's a nice fact. This makes me feel better about humanity for some reason. I can't really explain why (Fact Quotes)
The old system of having a baby was much better than the new system, the old system being characterized by the fact that the man didn't have to watch (Fact Quotes)
It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from someone else's plate (Fact Quotes)
We do not want to be beginners [at prayer]. but let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything but beginners, all our life! (Fact Quotes)
Hollywood is finally waking up to the fact that people who go to church also go to the movies. I'm not sure what took them so long to see that or how long they'll keep it up (Fact Quotes)
For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and of discovering my true self (Fact Quotes)
We do not want to be beginners. But let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything else but beginners, all our life! (Fact Quotes)
The story of my very first sale is the fact that I dreamed up a foolproof paper to cheat an insurance company out of several hundred thousand dollars (Fact Quotes)
The peculiar grace of a shaker chair is due to the fact that it was made by someone capable of believing that an angel might come and sit on it (Fact Quotes)
For me the thing that signals a great story is what we might call its autonomy, the fact that it detaches itself from its author like a soap bubble blown from a clay pipe (Fact Quotes)