Fact Quotes

Text Quotes
Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it is too late. Today, this hour, this minute is the day, the hour, the minute for each of us to sense the fact that life is good, with all of its trials and troubles, and perhaps more interesting because of them (Fact Quotes)
The divorced person is like a man with a black patch over one eye: he looks rather dashing but the fact is that he has been through a maiming experience (Fact Quotes)
Mindfulness is being aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings in the moment. When consciously and kindly focusing awareness on life as it unfolds minute by precious minute, you are better able to savor each experience. Also, being closely attentive gives you the opportunity to change unwise or painful feelings and responses quickly. In fact, being truly present in a mindful way is an excellent stress reducer and, because of that, can be seen as consciousness conditioning, a strengthening workout for body, mind, heart, and spirit (Fact Quotes)
Every moment of life is precious and can never happen again and therefore is a reason to appreciate, be grateful for and celebrate the fact that you are alive (Fact Quotes)
Bicycling unites physical harmony coupled with emotional bliss to create a sense of spiritual perfection that combines one’s body, mind and spirit into a single moving entity. Bicycling allows a person to mesh with the sun, sky and road as if nothing else mattered in the world. In fact, all your worries, cares and troubles vanish in the rear view mirror while you bicycle along the byways of the world: you pedal as one with the universe (Fact Quotes)
I can’t think of anything more empowering than the fact that we are destined to be, do and have anything we choose (Fact Quotes)
The sad fact is that we’re not educated to be aware and therefore able to question the reality created by our thinking. We don’t realize that we must take responsibility for our thoughts to find out if they are really true, and then set aside or at least acknowledge those that are simply opinion and bias. We don’t recognize that most thoughts are ultimately judgments, and that the truth of any judgment is how that judgment makes us feel (Fact Quotes)
Our schools offer no conception of the scientific process of discovery. They do not encourage creative thought, in fact, they stifle it through too much rigidity in teaching. If we set out to give as little help as possible to originality in science, we could hardly devise a better plan than our education system. Youngsters ought to be told what is unknown about ourselves and our universe as well as what is known (Fact Quotes)
People see their own lives as stories; a lifelong story with a single hero or heroine... much contemporary unhappiness is due to the fact that people in high tech societies receive neither strong myths and stories from their culture nor the ability to construct their own... they lose the plot (Fact Quotes)
I sometimes forget that life is fragile. The fact that I have more time to dream my dreams and take my ease is no reason at all to disregard the moment I’m in by preferring to be somewhere else. I have to remind myself that wherever I am... fast lane or slow lane, in traffic or out of traffic, racing or resting... God is there. He is in me, abiding in me, thus making it possible for me to be all there, myself (Fact Quotes)
I have consciously sought after those things which make for value, order, richness, spirit and wonder, even though I am often unable to verbalize what I feel when I perceive something beautiful. Sometimes it’s a pang or a sensation; at other times it is an awareness of joy and security or pure pleasure. In any event, it is a moment to be celebrated. Beauty justifies itself. The fact that it is beyond definition means nothing (Fact Quotes)
There is a feeling of disbelief that comes over you, that takes over, and you kind of go through the motions. You do what you’re supposed to do, but in fact you’re not there at all (Fact Quotes)
If you can’t feel grateful, if you’re discouraged or depressed, then think of the fact that things could be a lot worse than they are (Fact Quotes)
I do not suffer; I cannot suffer because I am not an object. Of course there is suffering. But do you realize what this suffering is? I am the suffering. Whatever is manifested, I am the functioning. Whatever is perceptible I am the perceiving of it. Whatever is done I am the doing of it; I am the doer of it, and, understand this, I am also that which is done. In fact, I am the total functioning (Fact Quotes)
You are moving in and out of different advanced states of mind through your practice of meditation and mindfulness. It’s that level of excellence that gives you joy in life, not the fact that you won or lost (Fact Quotes)
Thinking is usually a waste of time and energy, since thinking is essentially a rehashing of what we already know. As a matter of fact, thinking is an easy way to confuse yourself. The more you think, the less you know (Fact Quotes)
I was often humiliated to see men disputing for a piece of bread, just as animals might have done. My feelings on this subject have very much altered since I have been personally exposed to the tortures of hunger. I have discovered, in fact, that a man, whatever may have been his origin, his education, and his habits, is governed, under certain circumstances, much more by his stomach than by his intelligence and his heart (Fact Quotes)
What gets frustrating for some people is the fact that you might get very high, but you find yourself pulled down again. There are forces of illusion or maya that cause us to make mistakes (Fact Quotes)
I’m always in these situations where I forget to separate what is pitched as an idea to the fact that I’m actually going to have to execute it (Fact Quotes)
I don’t think that our problem, our jobs problem, is fundamentally a problem of trade. I think it has much more to do with the fact that we have not sufficiently educated our population. We have not got out of this great recession with adequate stimulus and adequate fiscal and monetary policies over all (Fact Quotes)
I always liked magic. I was always embarrassed by liking magic because I liked the fact that they’re just lying (Fact Quotes)
That arithmetic is the basest of all mental activities is proved by the fact that it is the only one that can be accomplished by a machine (Fact Quotes)
In constructing concepts, we overlook the fact that no two things are the same. There is no such thing as the concept of a leaf, only billions and billions of leaves (Fact Quotes)
I don’t have a distaste for ambiguity, in fact, ambiguity is what I think life is all about (Fact Quotes)
The evil that machinery is doing is not merely in the consequence of its work but in the fact that it makes men themselves machines also (Fact Quotes)
The more we take the welfare of others to heart and work for their benefit, the more benefit we derive for ourselves. This is a fact that we can see (Fact Quotes)
It was a dangerous profession I had chosen... because no one likes a funny kid. In fact, adults are scared silly of them and tend to warn children who act out that they are going to wind up in prison or worse. It is only when you grow up that they pay you vast sums of money to make them laugh (Fact Quotes)
I know I’m not in government anymore. In fact I’m out of work (Fact Quotes)
We need to be reminded that there is nothing morbid about honestly confronting the fact of life’s end, and preparing for it so that we may go gracefully and peacefully (Fact Quotes)
Regarding the idea of race,.. no agreement seems to exist about what race means. Race seems to embody a fact as simple and as obvious as the noonday sun, but if that is so, why the endless wrangling about the idea and the facts of race. What is a race? How can it be recognized? Who constitute the several races? (Fact Quotes)