Fact Quotes

Text Quotes
The fact is that blank pages inspire me with terror. What will I put on them? Will it be good enough? Will I have to throw it out? (Fact Quotes)
As a matter of fact student riots of one sort or another, protests against the order that is, kicks against college and university management indicate a healthy growth and a normal functioning of the academic mind (Fact Quotes)
We need to respect the fact that cows are herbivores, and that does not mean feeding them corn and chicken manure (Fact Quotes)
It is unavoidable that if we learn more about a great man’s life, we shall also hear of occasions on which he has done no better than we, and has in fact come nearer to us as a human being (Fact Quotes)
Real education happens when you pick up a fact here, and another fact there, and put them together and get an insight (Fact Quotes)
Carelessness is not fatal to journalism, nor are cliches, for the eye rests lightly on them. But what is intended to be read once can seldom be read more than once; a journalist has to accept the fact that his work, by its very todayness, is excluded from any share in tomorrow (Fact Quotes)
There are essential and inessential insanities... Inessential insanities get one in trouble with oneself. Essential insanities get one in trouble with others. It’s always preferable to be in trouble with others. In fact, it may be essential (Fact Quotes)
One’s better off alone, and yet there are so many things that are impossible to fathom on one’s own. In fact it’s a terrible business and the task is a hard one (Fact Quotes)
Every so often my life will feel like a story. It doesn’t have to be a big thing; in fact, most often, it’s just the opposite (Fact Quotes)
Paradoxically, I have found peace because I have always been dissatisfied. My moments of depression and despair turn out to be renewals, new beginnings. If I were once to settle down and be satisfied with the surface of life, with its divisions and its cliches, it would be time to call in the undertaker... So, then, this dissatisfaction which sometimes used to worry me and has certainly, I know, worried others, has helped me in fact to move freely and even gaily with the stream of life (Fact Quotes)
It is not alone the fact that women have generally had to spend most of their strength in caring for others that has handicapped them in individual effort; but also that they have almost universally had to care wholly for themselves (Fact Quotes)
The simple fact was that if the song wasn’t about me, I couldn’t see how it could possibly be about anybody else, including the one I knew it was supposed to be about, and good luck to him, too (Fact Quotes)
There could be no extreme vanity in my recognition of myself, if in fact there could be any at all (Fact Quotes)
Property exists by grace of the law. It is not a fact, but a legal fiction (Fact Quotes)
I have always believed that art should be a deep pleasure. I think there is a contradiction in an art of total despair, because the very fact that the art is made seems to contradict despair (Fact Quotes)
Grace is not something outside or you.. In fact, your very desire for grace is due to grace that is already working in you (Fact Quotes)
The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound (Fact Quotes)
The difficulty with color is to go beyond the fact that it’s color? to have it be not just a colorful picture but really be a picture about something. It’s difficult. So often color gets caught up in color, and it becomes merly decorative. Some photographers use it brilliantly to make visual statements combining color and content; otherwise it is empty (Fact Quotes)
It is impossible to understand the history of economic thought if one does not pay attention to the fact that economics as such is a challenge to the conceit of those in power (Fact Quotes)
It is a fact that plants also have life like animals. But animals are endowed with mind, and nervous systems too while the plants do not possess the same (Fact Quotes)
Now men and women are separate and unequal. We should be hand in hand; in fact, we should have our arms around one another (Fact Quotes)
The word story is intended to alert the reader to the fact that, however closely the narrative may fit the facts, the fictional process has been at work (Fact Quotes)
In sharp contrasts to traditional art, modern art does not hide the fact that it is something made and produced: on the contrary, it underscores the fact (Fact Quotes)
I get letters from people about my work. The thing that pleases me most is that my work touches their feelings. In fact, they don’t talk about the paintings. They end up telling me the story of their life or how their father died (Fact Quotes)
Some people have an unrealistic expectation when it comes to getting published; the fact is most publishers will turn down your work which is why you need to be persistent (Fact Quotes)
I did not kill my father, but I sometimes felt I had helped him on his way. And but for the fact that it coincided with a landmark in my own physical growth, his death seemed insignificant compared to what followed (Fact Quotes)
This is the constitutional limitation of man’s knowledge and interests, the fact that he cannot know more than a tiny part of the whole of society and that therefore all that can enter into his motives are the immediate effects which his actions will have in the sphere he knows (Fact Quotes)
It is perhaps wrong to say that the enemy of enlightenment is logic; rather, it is dualistic, verbal thinking. In fact, it is even more basic than that: it is perception (Fact Quotes)
I’ve always regretted the fact that I’ve never formally studied and learned the mechanics of writing music (Fact Quotes)
Judo has helped me to understand that pictorial space is above all the product of spiritual exercises. Judo is, in fact, the discovery by the human body of a spiritual space (Fact Quotes)