Factual Quotes
Text Quotes
I do my best to build a strong factual foundation for each of my novels and rely upon my author’s notes to keep my conscience clear. (Factual Quotes)
The journalistic code of ethics governing the broadcasts requires that opposing views be presented, and that journalists’ personal opinions or judgments be left out of factual reporting. (Factual Quotes)
Photography has escalated almost exponentially! It is a language which covers almost every aspect of communication; factual and expressive. (Factual Quotes)
I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. (Factual Quotes)
Deep down, creationists realize they will never win factual arguments with science. This is why they have construed their own science-like universe, known as Intelligent Design, and eagerly jump on every tidbit of information that seems to go their way. (Factual Quotes)
Factual information alone isn’t sufficient to guide you through life’s labyrinthine tests. You need and deserve regular deliveries of uncanny revelation. One of your inalienable rights as a human being should therefore be to receive a mysteriously useful omen every day of your life (Factual Quotes)
He inherited from his mother's stories the fundamental style he used, unaltered, in his own stories: namely, the assumption that fact may not be truth, and truth may not be factual (Factual Quotes)
I don't think any good book is based on factual experience. Bad books are about things the writer already knew before he wrote them (Factual Quotes)
The end of man (as a factual anthropological limit) is announced to thought from the vantage of the end of man (as a determined opening or the infinity of a telos). Man is that which is in relation to his end, in the fundamentally equivocal sense of the word. Since always (Factual Quotes)
To achieve lasting literature, fictional or factual, a writer needs perceptive vision, absorptive capacity, and creative strength (Factual Quotes)
It is probably safe to say that all the changes of factual knowledge which have led to the relativity theory, resulting in a very great theoretical development, are completely trivial from any point of view except their relevance to the structure of a theoretical system (Factual Quotes)
The hypothesis may be put forward, to be tested by the s subsequent investigation, that this development has been in large part a matter of the reciprocal interaction of new factual insights and knowledge on the one hand with changes in the theoretical system on the other (Factual Quotes)
You get to a point where the factual adjudication doesn’t matter because there are all these other outlets that are far less responsible, all talking about the ad, some of which have a political reason for promoting it (Factual Quotes)
I am very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world around me is very deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experiences in a magnificently consistent order, but is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and sweet, physical pain and physical delight; it knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or bad, God and eternity (Factual Quotes)
You need the kind of objectivity that makes you forget everything you’ve heard, clear the table, and do a factual study like a scientist would (Factual Quotes)
The amount of knowledge which we can justify from evidence directly available to us can never be large. The overwhelming proportion of our factual beliefs continue therefore to be held at second hand through trusting others, and in the great majority of cases our trust is placed in the authority of comparatively few people of widely acknowledged standing (Factual Quotes)
The fashion pages have always baffled me. In my opinion, the articles appear to be full of gobbledygook as to make the astrology column seem factual by comparison (Factual Quotes)
It is the desire for explanations that are at once systematic and controllable by factual evidence that generates science; and it is the organization and classification of knowledge on the basis of explanatory principles that is the distinctive goal of the sciences (Factual Quotes)
Cut through the ridicule and search for factual information in most of the skeptical commentary and one is usually left with nothing. This is not surprising. After all, how can one rationally object to a call for scientific examination of evidence? Be skeptical of the skeptics (Factual Quotes)
... it is appropriate to have an over representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis (Factual Quotes)
The propositions of mathematics are devoid of all factual content; they convey no information whatever on any empirical subject matter (Factual Quotes)
An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information (Factual Quotes)
I don’t believe that narrative works when it’s trying to teach a lesson or speak a factual truth (Factual Quotes)
The thing that most attracts me to historical fiction is taking the factual record as far as it is known, using that as scaffolding, and then letting imagination build the structure that fills in those things we can never find out for sure (Factual Quotes)
Time is the nervous system of narration, whether factual or fictive. If it gets confused some of the minutiae of human nature are certain not to work, not to glow, not to strike home (Factual Quotes)
Should our moral beliefs really prove to be dependent on factual assumptions shown to be incorrect, it would be hardly moral to defend them by refusing to acknowledge the facts (Factual Quotes)
Several generations of high school students have grown up ignoring and disbelieving everything they’ve heard from government and police about drugs, including information that was factual and valid, because they discovered for themselves that most of what has been taught to them was simply not true (Factual Quotes)
Fictional comedy tells us that the writer is remarkable. Factual comedy tells us that the world is remarkable. I suppose I prefer to live in a remarkable world (Factual Quotes)
Journalists who are devoted to strictly factual reporting take particular pleasure from satirical news outlets that have the liberty to laugh and even mock the hypocrisy that reporters and editors must simply observe without comment (Factual Quotes)
I can’t bring you absolute truth in the detailed factual sense. All I can do is bring you an interpretation as I understand it. That’s all you can ever get from an actor (Factual Quotes)