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Fail Quotes

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Being brave means that knowing when you fail, you won’t fail forever  (Fail Quotes) This is the big reason most humorists fail. Drunks don’t read books.  (Fail Quotes) We fail, not because of big problems, but because of small purposes  (Fail Quotes) To fail is nothing, unless you continue to ignore Cosmic Ordering  (Fail Quotes) A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering  (Fail Quotes) Live to win, dare to fail  (Fail Quotes) To dare is to do ... to fear is to fail.  (Fail Quotes) Without deep darkness, we fail to appreciate the light  (Fail Quotes) Dream audaciously. Have the courage to fail forward. Act with urgency.  (Fail Quotes) Without dreaming big, we fail to reach our highest potential  (Fail Quotes) We fail to enjoy the sacred moment, when we overwork  (Fail Quotes) Every girl, without fail, loves to look at a sexy picture of herself  (Fail Quotes) Every time you fail, you learn more  (Fail Quotes) If my words fail, let my eyes and my heart be my language  (Fail Quotes) The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down  (Fail Quotes) I never fail to find it weird when people recognise me  (Fail Quotes) I don’t fail. I succeed at finding out what doesn’t work.  (Fail Quotes) Never give up; never fail to try  (Fail Quotes) We demand from others only what we fail to give ourselves  (Fail Quotes) We don’t punish the ones who fail. They just-don’t go on,  (Fail Quotes) Plan may fail, life goes on  (Fail Quotes) ...I know good design when I fail to trip over it.  (Fail Quotes) Only those who have the courage to fail greatly achieve greatly  (Fail Quotes) Your friends will notice at once that glib vacuities fail to impress, and hate you, and tell lies about you. It's worth it  (Fail Quotes) Mediocrity, I discovered, was the great camouflage; the great protective coloring. Those boys who did not fail, yet did not excel, were left alone, free of the demands of the master who might wish to groom them for glory and of the school bully who might make them his scapegoat  (Fail Quotes) One important point many fail to understand is that the Bible was never meant to replace God; rather, it was meant to lead us into the heart of God. Too many Christians stop with the text and never go on to experience the presence of God  (Fail Quotes) His insides are beginning to feel sickly. The pain of the world is a crater all these syrups and pills a thousandfold would fail to fill  (Fail Quotes) Most people who fail in their dream fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment  (Fail Quotes) One of the main reasons people fail to reach their full potential is because they are unwilling to risk anything  (Fail Quotes) We can afford to follow Him to failure. Faith dares to fail. The resurrection and the judgment will demonstrate before all worlds who won and who lost. We can wait  (Fail Quotes)
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