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Fail Quotes

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Leaders who fail to appreciate this fundamental precept of accountability must also fail to muster the profound commitment true leadership demands  (Fail Quotes) He will always know as we know now that in the heat of battle he did not fail when mateship and duty called  (Fail Quotes) I don’t think you should just do what makes you happy. Do what makes you great. Do what’s uncomfortable and scare and hard but pays off in the long run... let yourself fail. And pick yourself up and fail again. Without that struggle, what is your success anyway?  (Fail Quotes) It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. It is also true that, in some instances, trauma, in the shape of early separation or bereavement, has steered the potentially creative person toward developing aspects of his personality which can find fulfillment in comparative isolation. But this does not mean that solitary, creative pursuits are themselves pathological  (Fail Quotes) Well, some people create their own opportunities; others go where opportunities are the greatest; others fail to recognize opportunity when they are face to face with it  (Fail Quotes) It’s really a great asset to be willing to fail and blow it, so to speak, and to be okay with just making stuff, sharing it and getting feedback  (Fail Quotes) People who wouldn’t think of taking a sieve to the well to draw water fail to see the folly in taking a camera to make a painting  (Fail Quotes) If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. More importantly, you will learn. When you do something, you might fail. But that’s not because you’re a failure. It’s because you have not learnt enough. Do it differently each time. One day, you will do it right. Failure is your friend  (Fail Quotes) More times than not, it’s a failed endeavor. You will fail more times than you succeed. But I think you need those failed endeavors  (Fail Quotes) In taking the everyday details of life for granted, we fail to appreciate the extraordinary fact that we are conscious at all  (Fail Quotes) Most restaurants fail. The sad ones are stillborn. The mad ones flourish within the bustle and excitement of fame, notoriety, the thrill of the new. But they rarely sustain the glow. They are balloons kept aloft by a restless crowd. Only the strange, the freaks of restaurant perfection, can sustain life beyond a few years  (Fail Quotes) I feel that it’s important to fail now and again. For instance, if I go for a job and I don’t get it, that makes me not a better person, but more balanced, more aware of what life is really like  (Fail Quotes) The thing about taking risks is, if it’s really a risk, you really can fail. It’s only a pretend risk if you really can’t fail  (Fail Quotes) I can’t try to convert anybody. It’s not in me to do that. But my faith has given me such an appreciation of people and meaningful relationships, and a world view which I didn’t have before. And although I will fail every day, it gives me something to aspire to  (Fail Quotes) Democracies succeed or fail based on their journalism. America is strong because its journalism is strong. That is how democracies work. They’re only as good as the quality of the information that the public possesses and that is where we come in  (Fail Quotes) It’s scary to watch someone you love go into the center of himself and confront his fears, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of going insane. You have to fail a little, die a little, go insane a little, to come out the other side  (Fail Quotes) What surprises me in life are not the marriages that fail, but the marriages that succeed  (Fail Quotes) A person isn’t born with the intelligence to be with someone especial, you learn it, and you fail in the path of life, but you don’t have to give up the chance to love  (Fail Quotes) All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve are the direct results of your thoughts  (Fail Quotes) Things are rarely just crazy enough to work, but they’re frequently just crazy enough to fail hilariously  (Fail Quotes) As a tennis player you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better  (Fail Quotes) Many people fail not so much because of their mistakes; they fail because they are afraid to try  (Fail Quotes) Life is filled with tests, one after another, and if you don’t recognize them, you are certain to fail the most important ones  (Fail Quotes) The way you activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped. All too often people fail to focus their choices upon results and therefore their choices are ineffective. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible of reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise  (Fail Quotes) The innovator’s motto is this: I succeed or I learn but I never fail  (Fail Quotes) When our needs are permitted to grow to an extremity, and all visible hopes fail, then to have relief given wonderfully enhances the price of such a mercy  (Fail Quotes) If what we worship fail us, still the fire burns on, and it is much to have believed  (Fail Quotes) ... the growing child must not be treated by those rigid rules of criminal procedure which confessedly fail to prevent offenses on the part of adults or cure adult offenders  (Fail Quotes) When we try to imagine a chaos we fail... In its very fiber the mind is an order and refuses to build a chaos  (Fail Quotes) Sustainability is no longer optional. Companies that fail to adopt such practices will perish. They will not only lose cost basis: they will also suffer in recruiting employees as well as attracting customers  (Fail Quotes)
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