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Fail Quotes

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At the end of the day, there are people out there that want to see you fail  (Fail Quotes) Don’t let anyone say you can’t do it. To be successful, you need to fail. The more failures you have, the more successes you will have. People just don’t get that  (Fail Quotes) If you are unwilling to fail, sometimes publicly and even catastrophically, you will never be rich  (Fail Quotes) I have an ambition to live 300 years. I will not live 300 years. Maybe I will live one year more. But I have the ambition. Why you will not have ambition? Why? Have the greatest ambition possible. You want to be immortal? Fight to be immortal. Do it. You want to make the most fantastic art or movie? Try. If you fail, is not important. We need to try  (Fail Quotes) In baseball, even the best hitters fail seven of ten times, and of those seven failures there are different reasons why. Some are personal failures, others are losses to the pitcher. You just get beat. In those personal failures, I felt I could have done better  (Fail Quotes) Separate yourself from your ideas and your work and see them as something separate from yourself, you’ll feel you truly have the right to be wrong. If an idea fails, why not let it be the idea’s fault instead of your own? Allow your ideas to fail without turning them into personal defeat. When you fail you discover your boundaries. You map out the edges of your capabilities. And this allows you to eventually move beyond them. Being wrong eventually leads to being right. And even where it doesn’t, it’s still a more interesting path than being nothing  (Fail Quotes) Never, however, do I take shortcuts. There is not path of least resistance in my training. What I do equates to hard manual labor, disciplined grunt work. Once you permit yourself to compromise, you fail yourself. You might be able to fool some people, but you can never fool yourself. Your toughest critic is the one you face every morning in the mirror  (Fail Quotes) Where most entrepreneurs fail is on the things they don’t know they don’t know  (Fail Quotes) I’m not afraid to live. I’m not afraid to fail. I’m not afraid to succeed. I’m not afraid to fall in love. I’m not afraid to be alone. I’m just afraid I might have to stop talking about myself for five minutes  (Fail Quotes) Do what you love, but be damned sure it’s profitable. If you do work you love, but it doesn’t generate income, your business will fail. If you do work you hate, but it generates income, your health will fail... and your business along with it. If you can’t do what you love and make it profitable, you’ve either got a hobby or a headache, not a sustainable business. Don’t settle for anything less than passion and profit  (Fail Quotes) It is up to the leader to create a healthy environment where people are not afraid to fail. Mistakes should be seen as an integral part of the organizational process. They are a normal part of striving for excellence  (Fail Quotes) You should treat your marriage like a business that you wouldn’t want to let fail  (Fail Quotes) Once you make the decision that you will not fail, the heart and the body will follow  (Fail Quotes) I am gonna try again and again, because the moment I give up, is the moment I fail  (Fail Quotes) The creative man with an insight into human nature, with the artistry to touch and move people, will succeed. Without them he will fail  (Fail Quotes) In order to succeed, you can’t be afraid to fail. Just do it and don’t let anybody tell you you can’t  (Fail Quotes) The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is that you’ll fail ten times for every success  (Fail Quotes) Churches are having a limited impact on society because they fail to understand that the goal of the church is not the church itself but the kingdom  (Fail Quotes) When champions fail, they get back up and try again. They don’t let failure discourage them  (Fail Quotes) Strive for excellence in your calling, but as a subsidiary to this: Do not fail to enrich your whole capital as man. To be a giant, and not a dwarf in your profession, you must always be growing. The man that has ceased to go up intellectually has begun to go down  (Fail Quotes) I was blessed with a sense of my own destiny. I have never sold myself short. I have never judged myself by other people’s standards. I have always expected a great deal of myself, and if I fail, I fail myself. So failure or reversal does not bring out resentment in me because I cannot blame others for any misfortune that befalls me  (Fail Quotes) Unprecedented warnings by officials most closely linked with nuclear arms negotiations and defense strategy indicate that we are running out of time. If we fail to act soon, the scars of a major nuclear disaster will mark our immediate and distant future  (Fail Quotes) The intelligent perusal of fine games cannot fail to make the reader a better player and a better judge of the play of others  (Fail Quotes) Marriage is one of the most difficult things in the world and unfortunately sometimes they fail  (Fail Quotes) The most intelligent inspection of any number of fine paintings will not make the observer a painter, nor will listening to a number of operas make the hearer a musician, but good judges of music and painting may so be formed. Chess differs from these. The intelligent perusal of fine games cannot fail to make the reader a better player and a better judge of the play of others  (Fail Quotes) An entrepreneur is born with the mentality to take risks, though there are several important characteristics: courage, faith in yourself, and above all, even when you fail, to learn from failure and get up and try again  (Fail Quotes) I see myself out of my own eyes, which means I have no idea what’s going on the other way around. I just think I try to be a good person, and I fail  (Fail Quotes) We all lose sometimes. We fail to get what we want. Friends and loved ones leave. We make a decision we regret. We try our hardest and come up short. It’s not the losing that defines us. It’s how we lose. It’s what we do afterward  (Fail Quotes) It’s oppressive... It’s food, it’s clothing, it’s all the magazines that come under the heading of things looking simple. Men’s magazines don’t seem to do this. They seem to be about things that are fun, not things you have to spend lots of hours on and then fail at  (Fail Quotes) Even the best designers produce successful products only if their designs solve the right problems. A wonderful interface to the wrong features will fail  (Fail Quotes)
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