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Fail Quotes

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When you’re up against a trouble, meet it squarely, face to face. Lift your chin and set your shoulders, plant your feet and take a brace. When it’s vain to try to dodge it, do the best that you can do. You may fail, but you may conquer. See it through!  (Fail Quotes) There are some persons who never succeed from being too indolent to undertake anything; and others who regularly fail, because the instant they find success in their power, they grow indifferent, and give over the attempt  (Fail Quotes) If you aren’t afraid to fail, then you probably don’t care enough about success  (Fail Quotes) I think our society puts too much pressure on romantic love, and that is why so many romances fail. Romance can’t possibly carry all that we want it to  (Fail Quotes) I know exactly what I’m doing when I’m doing a trick. I really hate it when I fail  (Fail Quotes) The fact of being an underdog changes people in ways that we often fail to appreciate. It opens doors and creates opportunities and enlightens and permits things that might otherwise have seemed unthinkable  (Fail Quotes) The pursuit of illusion is not about studying for prizes, or for study’s sake. There’s no right or wrong, no pass or fail  (Fail Quotes) In order to succeed greatly, you have to be prepared to fail greatly. If you can’t do both of them, you’ve got a problem  (Fail Quotes) The culture stays alive, but certain parts of it die or fail, and that’s very interesting to me  (Fail Quotes) You can’t fail. The further you fall, the greater the opportunity for growth and change  (Fail Quotes) Do what you wanna do. Really follow your dreams. Fail as many times as you can because youll only get better  (Fail Quotes) Young man, your problem and the reason so many like you fail, is simply because you allow yourself to give up far too early  (Fail Quotes) Those who succeed can’t forgive a fellow for being a failure, and those who fail can’t forgive him for being a success  (Fail Quotes) Most businesses fail because they want the right things but measure the wrong things, and they get the wrong results  (Fail Quotes) When you go independent, if you fail, you’re totally responsible for it. If you succeed, you’re totally responsible for it. You are responsibly for who you are... and what you do and what you make  (Fail Quotes) To attain individual morality in an age demanding social morality, to pride one’s self on the results of personal effort when the time demands social adjustment, is utterly to fail to apprehend the situation  (Fail Quotes) Let me point out, if it has escaped your notice, that what an artist does, is fail  (Fail Quotes) Crime, folly, sickness and all phenomena must be contemplated with complete freedom from fear aversion or shame. Otherwise we shall fail to see accurately, and interpret intelligently; in which case we shall be unable to outwit and outfight them  (Fail Quotes) If you believe in the maternal instinct and fail at mother love, you fail as a woman. It is a controlling idea that holds us in an iron grip  (Fail Quotes) It’s good to have obstacles and difficulties, and to fail and have things not go the way you want. And then have to figure out how to keep moving forward  (Fail Quotes) The truth is my development I hope is the same way as everything, which is, I succeed some, I fail some, and I keep slugging away at it. I really enjoy it. It’s fun  (Fail Quotes) In business, when you fail at something, when something doesn’t work, you say okay, we’ve learned that that’s not a path to go down  (Fail Quotes) The real bug here is that the design of the system even permits this class of bug. It is unconscionable that someone designing a critical piece of security infrastructure would design the system in such a way that it does not fail safe  (Fail Quotes) Even if they’re not reaching out to us, we’re going to reach out to them anyway and involve them in a meaningful way. Because if we don’t, we will fail to learn the lesson of a generation before us, that reached out for us and never let us go  (Fail Quotes) When it comes to dreams, one may falter, but the only way to fail is to abandon them  (Fail Quotes) The hope of courage lies in every heart, together with the fear that we will fail. When the test came, you did not fail  (Fail Quotes) Take risks. Fail. Pick yourself back up again. And always, always remember this: there is no adversity capable of stopping you once the choice to persevere is made  (Fail Quotes) I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t fail... a lot. The good, the bad, it’s all part of the success equation  (Fail Quotes) All the films are hits before you turn the camera on. It’s only in the execution that they fail. I’ve been less than happy with the way a couple of films were edited, but it’s a director’s prerogative and you gotta go with it  (Fail Quotes) The main reason people fail is they become attached to others who hold them back. Letting go of others and going forward may seem like a lonely and impossible task, but I assure you it is not  (Fail Quotes)
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