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Fail Quotes

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A man, if he be active and energetic, can hardly fail also, be he never so selfish, of benefiting the general public interest  (Fail Quotes) They do me wrong who say I come no more, when once I know and fail to find you in; for every day I stand outside your door and bid you wait, and rise to fight and win  (Fail Quotes) There is no tomorrow; though before our face the shadow named so stretches, we always fail to overtake it, hasten as we may  (Fail Quotes) There is no sorrow I have thought more about than that, to love what is great, and try to reach it, and yet to fail  (Fail Quotes) Everything begins with failing. If you stop to fail, then your failing to stop, to try and try again, and bring success  (Fail Quotes) I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed  (Fail Quotes) Sometimes we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to find joy in the journey  (Fail Quotes) In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time  (Fail Quotes) You have haters from all walks of life. I could care less who wants me to fail. They inspire me  (Fail Quotes) A man may fail many times but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else  (Fail Quotes) I think you have to try and fail, because failure gets you closer to what you’re good at  (Fail Quotes) Never question the truth of what you fail to understand, for the world is filled with wonders  (Fail Quotes) I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a waterboarding, that’s what he needs  (Fail Quotes) School is a drill for the battle of life. If you fail in the drill you will fail in the battle  (Fail Quotes) Suppose you should fail. Is that so terrible? Not to have tried is a worse failure  (Fail Quotes) We can seldom get our children to do what we tell them, but they almost never fail to imitate us  (Fail Quotes) Failure is not fun. It can be awful. But living so cautiously that you never fail is worse  (Fail Quotes) If we fail to give our time with those we love, one day we will live to regret it  (Fail Quotes) I did not fail two thousand times. I merely found two thousand ways not to make a lightbulb  (Fail Quotes) What girl could fail to make a conquest who collapsed at a man’s feet in the moonlight?  (Fail Quotes) The greatest humiliation in life, is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get it  (Fail Quotes) Wars can be prevented just as surely as they can be provoked, and we who fail to prevent them, must share the guilt for the dead  (Fail Quotes) What people fail to appreciate is that the currency of corruption in elective office is, not money, but votes  (Fail Quotes) No one wants to fail. So most of us don’t even try. Sad. We don’t even take that first step to improve our health or to deepen our working relationships or to realize a dream  (Fail Quotes) The evolutionary theory of senescence can be stated as follows: while bodies are not designed to fail, neither are they designed for extended operation  (Fail Quotes) Sometimes you can fail in an experiment. But if you fail, you still don’t stop observing that thing, looking for a better way  (Fail Quotes) In the end, I think that people that are not willing to take the risk to fail are not true entrepreneurs  (Fail Quotes) We can scale the heights of mountains and see the world rayed out before us, but we fail to recognize that which is before us  (Fail Quotes) We must expect to fail... But fail in a learning posture, determined no to repeat the mistakes, and to maximize the benefits from what is learned in the process  (Fail Quotes) Absolute authority will be delegated. Full responsibility will be assumed. Those who succeed will receive advancement and satisfaction of desire. Those who fail will die  (Fail Quotes)
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