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Failed Quotes

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Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory  (Failed Quotes) I hated myself and the world because I had failed to face and accept the limitations of my self and of life. In literature this refusal is called romanticism; in psychology, neurosis  (Failed Quotes) The conflict between what one is and who one is expected to be touches all of us. And sometimes, rather than reach for what one could be, we choose the comfort of the failed role, preferring to be the victim of circumstance, the person who didn’t have a chance  (Failed Quotes) I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was. Likewise, I never imagined that home might be something I would miss  (Failed Quotes) Politeness. Now there’s a poor man’s virtue if ever there was one. What’s so admirable about inoffensiveness, I should like to know. After all, it’s easily achieved. One needs no particular talent to be polite. On the contrary, being nice is what’s left when you’ve failed at everything else. People with ambition don’t give a damn what other people think about them  (Failed Quotes) Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do  (Failed Quotes) This command seems to me to be strictly a missionary injunction, and, as far as I can see, those to whom it was first delivered regarded it in that light, so that, apart altogether from choice and other lower reasons, my going forth is a matter of obedience to a plain command; and in place of seeking to assign a reason for going abroad, I would prefer to say that I have failed to discover any reason why I should stay at home  (Failed Quotes) ... in place of seeking a reason for going abroad, I would prefer to say that I have failed to discover any reason why I should stay at home  (Failed Quotes) My generation has failed to stop the arms race. But it’s really the men who have failed. Now it’s up to the women, and I believe they can do it  (Failed Quotes) There are insistent calls for autonomy, appeals for a new resource ethic based on the tradition of the commons, demands for the reinstatement of cultural primacy over corporate hegemony, and a rising demand for radical transparency in politics and corporate decision making. It has been said that environmentalism failed as a movement, or worse yet, died. It is the other way around. Everyone on earth will be an environmentalist in the not too distant future, driven there by necessity and experience  (Failed Quotes) The generations before you failed. They didn’t stay up all night. They got distracted and lost sight of the fact that life is a miracle every moment of your existence. Nature beckons you to be on her side. You couldn’t ask for a better boss. The most unrealistic person in the world is the cynic, not the dreamer. Hope only makes sense when it doesn’t make sense to be hopeful. This is your century. Take it and run as if your life depends on it  (Failed Quotes) The highest happiness on earth is marriage. Every man who is happily married is a successful man even if he has failed in everything else  (Failed Quotes) Fascism was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly  (Failed Quotes) I’ve had some decent wins this year against higher ranked players but what I’ve failed to do is to build on those  (Failed Quotes) Growth has failed on its own terms. You can’t have infinite growth in a world of finite resources  (Failed Quotes) Most people’s major life regrets are not about the things they’ve done, but about the things they’ve not done, the goals they never reached, the type of lover or friend or parent they wished they’d been but know they failed to be  (Failed Quotes) In order to be a living, breathing thing, a novel has to be failed in some kind of way. Or at least that’s how I keep writing them  (Failed Quotes) If I don’t cry while writing a key emotional scene, my gut feeling is it’s failed  (Failed Quotes) I failed math; Einstein passed it. But he couldn’t paint and sculpt like me. So we all have these specialties, these strengths  (Failed Quotes) If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain  (Failed Quotes) So many low income people have seen so many failed promises broken and seen so many quacks and sporadic medicines offered to them that building trust takes a lot of time, takes a lot of patience  (Failed Quotes) Come celebrate with me that every day something has tried to kill me and has failed  (Failed Quotes) The family is the engine that drives civilization. Throughout history, those cultures that have failed to found their rules and attitudes of society on the central importance of the family unit have decayed and disintegrated  (Failed Quotes) I’ve learned to value failed conversations, missed connections, confusions. What remains is what’s unsaid, what’s underneath. Understanding on another level of being  (Failed Quotes) At age fourteen I was asking questions. When the answers failed to satisfy me, I searched elsewhere for different answers and found wisdom in atheism. And I am far from alone in that experience  (Failed Quotes) Today is a new day. You will get out of it just what you put into it... If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, there is always another chance for you. And supposing you have tried and failed again and again, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down  (Failed Quotes) It is not, of course, the subject that is or isn’t dull, but the quality of attention that we do or do not pay to it. Dull subjects are those we have failed  (Failed Quotes) Paradoxically, the man who has failed and one who is at the peak of success are in exactly the same position. Each must decide what he will do next, choose the course that will lead him to the future  (Failed Quotes) She thinks, I failed twice. If I failed twice I’m going to fail forever. No! That is not the law of life. If you failed twice that means you can learn. It’s just a learning experience. It’s an obstacle. An imaginary obstacle. She made it real. She made failing a journey of life... Instead do again and make a journey of your life  (Failed Quotes) With every kind of birth control available in the world, abortion is not something to be proud of. If you need an abortion, you’ve failed  (Failed Quotes)
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