Failing Quotes

Text Quotes
To me, this goes beyond disappointing. It shows that we are failing to gain ground on the very conditions we need to reverse to improve our graduation rates and produce more students who are ready for college and the workforce (Failing Quotes)
Failure isn’t failing at the project at hand. Failure is giving up on yourself (Failing Quotes)
The answer lies in preventing failures not in looking for better ways to fix the children who are failing (Failing Quotes)
Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction (Failing Quotes)
I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I’m not afraid of starting up, starting over or even failing for that matter, because the fact that I try new things in itself is a victory (Failing Quotes)
Our spending priorities are clearly in question when we are increasing bond indebtedness on pet projects such as museums while our infrastructure is allegedly failing. Mississippians are spending more on basic needs than ever. They don’t need their state government making that worse (Failing Quotes)
If something doesnt feel normal to me, it must be wrong. Failing to have a shred of imaginative empathy is a virtue! (Failing Quotes)
I believe that anyone who doesn’t read remains dumb. Even if they know how, failing to regularly ingest the written word dooms them to ignorance, no matter what else they have or do (Failing Quotes)
It is very important for young people not to be afraid of engaging in areas that are not common to the youth. Get involved in local activities, get involved in local initiatives, be involved in leadership positions because you can’t learn unless you are involved. And if you make mistakes that is alright too because we all make mistakes and we learn from those mistakes. You gain confidence from learning, failing and rising again (Failing Quotes)
When does gold ore become gold? When it is put through a process of fire. So the human being during the training becomes as pure as gold through suffering. It is the burning away of the dross. Suffering has a great redeeming quality. As a drop of water failing on the desert sand is sucked up immediately, so we must become nothing and nowhere... we must disappear (Failing Quotes)
The movie industry is failing women. And until the industry starts making serious changes, nothing is going to change (Failing Quotes)
Indecisiveness and procrastination are the chosen ways of life for most people. They follow the course of least resistance, which is to do nothing. This provides a security blanket of never being wrong, never making mistakes, never being disappointed and never failing. But they will also never succeed (Failing Quotes)
If we look to the future, when we talk about outsourcing jobs, when we talk about global competitiveness and our efficiency, none of that matters very much unless we have appropriate training and education for our young people today who are the workforce of tomorrow. It is an economic reality, and we are failing (Failing Quotes)
Humanity cannot afford to muddle through the rest of the twentieth century; the risks are too great, and the stakes are too high. This may be the last opportunity to choose our own and our descendants’ destiny. Failing to choose or making the wrong choices may lead to catastrophe. But it must never be forgotten that the right choices could lead to a much better world (Failing Quotes)
There’s nothing quite like the idea of failing spectacularly to excite a film maker (Failing Quotes)
The young remember most deeply... When we are old and failing, it is the memories of childhood which can be summoned most clearly (Failing Quotes)
I am not dealing with footballers, I am dealing with people. They have fears and worry about failing and making fools of themselves in front of 80,000 people. I have to make them see that without each other they are nothing (Failing Quotes)
The spirit of religious persecution is not the special failing of any particular faith, but springs eternal in the human breast (Failing Quotes)
When you’re in school, every little mistake is a permanent crack in your windshield. But in the real world, if you’re not swerving around and hitting the guard rails every now and then, you’re not going fast enough. Your biggest risk isn’t failing; it’s getting too comfortable (Failing Quotes)
Filmmaking, like any other art, is a very profound means of human communication; beyond the professional pleasure of succeeding or the pain of failing, you do want your film to be seen, to communicate itself to other people (Failing Quotes)
Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again (Failing Quotes)
Fear of failure is a ticket to mediocrity. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not pushing yourself. And if you’re not pushing yourself, you’re coasting (Failing Quotes)
No one should ever be afraid of failing; it’s being afraid to give it your all in trying that I urge against (Failing Quotes)
I sleep well. It’s the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence (Failing Quotes)
Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means I am failing in another area of my life (Failing Quotes)
If we reason that we want happiness for others, not for ourselves, then we ought justly to be suspected of failing to recognize human nature for what it is and of wishing to turn men into machines (Failing Quotes)
As for me, I’ve chosen to follow a simple course: Come clean. And wherever possible, live your life in a way that won’t leave you tempted to lie. Failing that, I’d rather be disliked for who I truly am than loved for who I am not. So, I tell my story. I write it down. I even publish it. Sometimes this is a humbling experience. Sometimes it’s embarrassing. But I haul around no terrible secrets (Failing Quotes)
Avoid failing, not only against purity, but even against the least rules of an exact modesty (Failing Quotes)
I don’t mind failing, but if I succeed it better be worth succeeding for (Failing Quotes)
To give up too easily leads to regret, yet trying and then failing can lead us to second chances if we do not accept it as a failure, but a chance to learn (Failing Quotes)