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Failure Quotes

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In a society in which individualism is becoming rampant, people more and more believe that they are the center of the world. Such a belief system makes individual failure almost inconsolable  (Failure Quotes) You find out a lot about yourself through athletics. If you’re cut out to be a winner or a failure or a quitter, athletics will bring it out of you. You’re always stripping yourself down to the bones of your personality. And sometimes you just get a glimpse of the kind of talent you’ve been given. Sometimes I run and I don’t even feel the effort of running. I don’t even feel the ground. I’m just drifting. Incredible feeling. All the agony and frustration, they’re all justified by one moment like that  (Failure Quotes) Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are always defeated by faith. Having faith in yourself, in the process of change, and in the new direction that change sets will reveal your own inner core of steel  (Failure Quotes) At headquarters, where everyone lived under the tremendous pressure of responsibility, probably nothing was more welcome than a dictate from above. That meant being freed of a decision and simultaneously being provided with an excuse for failure  (Failure Quotes) If you want to have a lot of success, you need to have a lot of failure  (Failure Quotes) Take care of yourself: When you don’t sleep, eat crap, don’t exercise, and are living off adrenaline for too long, your performance suffers. Your decisions suffer. Your company suffers. Love those close to you: Failure of your company is not failure in life. Failure in your relationship is  (Failure Quotes) We can either passively continue on the road to utter domestication and destruction or turn in the direction of joyful upheaval, passionate and feral embrace of wildness and life that aims at dancing on the ruins of clocks, computers and that failure of imagination and will called work. Can we justify our lives by anything less than such a politics of rage and dreams?  (Failure Quotes) The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint  (Failure Quotes) Greatly begin. Though thou have time, but for a line, be that sublime. Not failure, but low aim is crime  (Failure Quotes) I think the two most difficult things to deal with in life are failure and success  (Failure Quotes) Transforming education is not easy but the price of failure is more than we can afford, while the benefits of success are more than we can imagine  (Failure Quotes) Most of these students are so conditioned to success that they become afraid to take risks. They have been taught from a young age by zealous parents, schools, and institutional authorities what constitutes failure and success. They are socialized to obey. They obsess over grades and seek to please professors, even if what professors teach is fatuous. The point is to get ahead, and getting ahead means deference to authority. Challenging authority is never a career advancer  (Failure Quotes) To ward off a feeling of failure, she joked that she could wallpaper her bathroom with rejection slips, which she chose not to see as messages to stop, but rather as tickets to the game  (Failure Quotes) The marvelous thing about lack of planning is that failure comes as a complete and utter surprise  (Failure Quotes) If you can’t embrace both failure or the possibility of failure, or the tremendous fear of failure, you can’t be wildly successful. It’s just an axiomatic truth  (Failure Quotes) To to change misery, disease and failure into joy, health, success and prosperity, I must think, speak and act, in ways which are the exact reverse of how most people think, speak and act  (Failure Quotes) Achievement must be made against the possibility of failure, against the risk of defeat. It is no achievement to walk a tightrope laid flat on the floor. Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement and, consequently, no happiness. The only way we can advance is by going forward, individually and collectively, in the spirit of the pioneer. We must take the risks involved in our free enterprise system. This is the only way in the world to economic freedom. There is no other way  (Failure Quotes) Fact is, the desperate desire to be cool has skewed our culture toward nihilism, carelessness, and ineptitude. It is now cool to be an idiot. A jackass. It’s cool to be a failure, as long as your failure is the basis for a reality show  (Failure Quotes) I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you’ll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed  (Failure Quotes) I’m inspired by failure. The process of defeat – picking yourself back up again is the hardest thing in the world  (Failure Quotes) There’s no better guarantee of failure than convincing yourself that success is impossible, and therefore never even trying  (Failure Quotes) Success isn´t guaranteed, but failure is certain if you aren´t truly emotionally invested in your work  (Failure Quotes) Nobody likes to fail but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. If your uniform isn’t dirty, you haven’t been in the game  (Failure Quotes) Failure is fantastic, because you meet yourself and get to know your limitations. This is how I express myself, and I can’t do it any other way  (Failure Quotes) All it takes to make a difference is the courage to stop proving I was right in being unable to make a difference... to stop assigning cause for my inability to the circumstances outside of myself and to be willing to have been that way, and to see that the fear of being a failure is a lot less important than the unique opportunity I have to make a difference  (Failure Quotes) The only time a mistake becomes a failure is when we look for someone to blame  (Failure Quotes) Any attempt at liberation, no matter how great it might be, if it does not take into consideration the necessity of dissolving the ego, it is condemned to failure  (Failure Quotes) Many people erroneously think they have only one chance to succeed, and if they miss that chance, they are doomed to failure. In fact, most people have several opportunities to succeed  (Failure Quotes) I don’t believe in failure; I believe there are setbacks that are put into our path to teach us something and move us in a different direction  (Failure Quotes) It is impossible not to notice that our world is tormented by failure, hate, guilt, and fear  (Failure Quotes)
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