Fairy Quotes

Text Quotes
I left the fairy tales lying on the floor of the nursery, and I have not found any books so sensible since (Fairy Quotes)
The objection to fairy stories is that they tell children there are dragons. But children have always known there are dragons. Fairy stories tell children that dragons can be killed (Fairy Quotes)
Recollections of early childhood bear comparison to fairy tales, and... youth remains an unknown country to whose bourn no traveler returns except as the agent of a foreign power (Fairy Quotes)
Fancy the happiness of Pinocchio on finding himself free! Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and set out on the road that was to take him back to the house of the lovely Fairy (Fairy Quotes)
My joking answer to this question is that I leave a bowl of milk out on the back porch every night for the Idea Fairy. In the morning, the milk is gone and there’s a brand-new shiny idea by the bowl (Fairy Quotes)
Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace (Fairy Quotes)
As a little girl living in the English countryside, I used to go running around in the forests, creating my own fairy tale (Fairy Quotes)
My parents read me fairy tales every night and I used to believe I was a fairytale princess, like every young girl. I had all the Disney dressing - up costumes and would play every character (Fairy Quotes)
Having a magical element in a realistic setting without explanation seems to me to be the hallmark of fairy tales, which present us with a kind of metaphorical look at some aspect of our lives (Fairy Quotes)
I made fun of myself before everybody else could, so I always got the comic crowns: Freshman Fink, Sophomore Fairy, Junior Birdman. I got all three of them! (Fairy Quotes)
The fairy tale always takes place in worlds that are between, unidentifiable (Fairy Quotes)
To call everything that appears illogical, fantasy, fairy tale, or chimera would be practically to admit not understanding nature (Fairy Quotes)
I think people are interested in anything that’s a little bigger than life and that’s colorful and - you know, what they like? They like fairy tales for grownups (Fairy Quotes)
I was born and raised in Ohio. During my childhood, I spent most of my time drawing and reading fairy tales and myths (Fairy Quotes)
As a self-respecting dude, I’d never believed in fairy tales, but in that moment, I did. I’d found my angel to live happily-ever-after with (Fairy Quotes)
Everybody expects the fairy tale - you’re going to be together forever with somebody. I don’t really subscribe to that. I’d love that to happen if that happened, but ten years is enough. Ten years is a good thing with somebody, I think. It’s a nice thing. A lot of good love can happen in ten years (Fairy Quotes)
I love monsters, I love creatures, I love beings, I love aliens. That’s more supernatural and more the stuff of fairy tales. Fairy tales are as ancient as we are. I love those stories. I think they’re really interesting because they always have more than simply the fright aspect. There’s something deeply psychological (Fairy Quotes)
Good guilt is a product of love and responsibility. It is a natural, positive instinct that parents and good child care providers have. If bad guilt is a monster, good guilt is a friendly fairy godmother, yakking away in your head to keep you alert to the needs of your baby (Fairy Quotes)
I always thought what if you took a myth of childhood like the tooth fairy and made it a central scary thing. We did it on Hellboy and we did it on ‘Don’t be afraid of the dark’ (Fairy Quotes)
Since I was a little kid, I did like fairy tale. I did dress up like Little Red Riding Hood. My mom had to make me a cape (Fairy Quotes)
Just about every science whiz can tell you how he or she took apart the TV or the radio when they were kids just to see how it worked. To see what the world was made of. Well, when I was a kid, I took apart fairy tales to see how they worked. To see what the world was made of (Fairy Quotes)
When I first read Anne Frank’s ‘Diary of a Young Girl,’ I saw for the first time that a girl could be a writer and that it had something to do with survival and with ethics and fighting against evil. I admired her, though her diary remained terrifying and mysterious to me. She was a character in a real fairy tale - fairy tales are brutal. (Fairy Quotes)
In fairy tales, the children are saved by caring adults. We need more caring adults in the lives of our children. (Fairy Quotes)
As a child, I loved fairy tales because the story, the what-comes-next, is paramount. As an adult, I’m fascinated by their logic and illogic. (Fairy Quotes)
Many people think fairy tales and retellings of fairy tales are only for children, but I’m not the only writer to take an old tale and retell it for a sophisticated adult audience. (Fairy Quotes)
It wasn’t until I was an adult reader that I began to fathom the influence of fairy tales on writers I was in love with over the years, from Louisa May Alcott to Bernard Malamud to John Cheever to Anne Frank to Joy Williams. (Fairy Quotes)
As I read more and more fairy tales as an adult, I found massive collusion between their ‘subjects’ and those in my fiction: childhood, nature, sexuality, transformation. I realized that it wasn’t by accident that I was drawn to their narrative structure and motifs. (Fairy Quotes)
I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. (Fairy Quotes)
According to a recent survey, kids are receiving an average of 40 cents less from the tooth fairy. That’s right, the economy is so bad that even make-believe people are feeling the pinch. (Fairy Quotes)
No matter what you write, you actually can’t help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way. (Fairy Quotes)