Fake friends are like shadows. With you only on sunny days

Fake friends are like shadows. With you only on sunny days
Fake friends are like shadows. They are always there when things are going well, when the sun is shining and everything is going smoothly. They bask in your success and revel in your happiness, but as soon as the clouds roll in and the storm hits, they disappear without a trace. Just like shadows that disappear when the sun sets, fake friends vanish when you need them the most.These so-called friends are only interested in being around you when it benefits them. They are quick to offer their support and companionship when things are going well, but when you are facing challenges or going through tough times, they are nowhere to be found. They are like fair-weather friends, only sticking around when the conditions are favorable for them.
Fake friends are masters of deception. They pretend to care about you and act like they have your best interests at heart, but in reality, they are only looking out for themselves. They will smile to your face and say all the right things, but behind your back, they are gossiping and spreading rumors. They are not genuine in their interactions with you, and their loyalty is as fleeting as a shadow in the sun.
It can be difficult to spot fake friends at first, as they are skilled at putting on a facade of friendship and loyalty. However, over time, their true colors will start to show. They will only reach out to you when they need something, and they will be quick to abandon you when you are in need. They are unreliable and untrustworthy, and they will ultimately let you down when you least expect it.
In contrast, true friends are like the sun. They are there for you through thick and thin, shining brightly even in the darkest of times. They offer unwavering support, love, and loyalty, and they never waver in their commitment to you. True friends are the ones who stand by you no matter what, who lift you up when you are down, and who celebrate your successes as if they were their own.