Falling Quotes

Text Quotes
The apparent world, the one which is perceived, with its figures, its brightness, its colors, is a psychical product, a creation of the observer. The figures seen on the vault of heaven are neither the celestial bodies, nor the true clouds or the falling stars, but are only effigies which the observer’s psyche has created and localized how and where it can (Falling Quotes)
To walk, we have to lean forward, lose our balance and begin to fall. We let go constantly of the previous stability, falling all the time, trusting that we will find a succession of new stabilities with each step (Falling Quotes)
You can only do a thing for the first time once, and that goes for falling in love (Falling Quotes)
I hate the calendar, which is both a circle and a straight line, a wheel and an arrow, grinding each anniversary, each day a reminder of my failures, my lost plans, unfulfilled objectives and wishes, the days aren’t taken off the calendar, subtracted one by one, but added, another small stone accumulated, another foot moved ahead, the arrow flying forward instead of falling back to earth, when all I want is a complete stop (Falling Quotes)
If you can show something as complicated as two people falling in love with just music and camera angles, well, just think about what you can do with football (Falling Quotes)
Can I tell you what I want? I want to stop wanting things I can’t have. I want to stop falling for jerks I don’t need. And I want to stop feeling like an f/ing gooey butter cake somebody left out in the rain (Falling Quotes)
My spiritual high naturally dissipated. At some point you’ve got to come out of the clouds and live real life. Again, it’s just like falling in love. The feeling of euphoria is only temporary (Falling Quotes)
There’s nothing worse than falling in love with a person over and over every time you lay eyes on them, especially when you hate their goddamn guts (Falling Quotes)
A partner can encourage you, maybe even stop you from falling, but they can’t get you to the top. That’s entirely up to you (Falling Quotes)
High blood pressure, cheeriness at breakfast, a mellowing political philosophy, and an inability to drink more than half a bottle of proof spirits at cocktail time without falling over the fire irons all suggest dark wings hovering overhead and the impending midnight croak of the raven (Falling Quotes)
However advanced a man may be in piety or age; he is still in danger of falling (Falling Quotes)
Falling in love was a solo act. I knew that, had learned that the hard way. You just jumped and hoped your parachute opened. Sometimes you looked up and saw you were falling by yourself, the object of your desire still on the plane, not interested in jumping, watching you descend into that scary place alone (Falling Quotes)
Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in (Falling Quotes)
Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects (Falling Quotes)
Humor is falling downstairs if you do it in the act of telling your wife not to (Falling Quotes)
My biggest concern during a race is getting bored. The biggest thing I have to combat is falling asleep while going around and around (Falling Quotes)
Sometimes when we fall in love there simply is no going back. There’s not turning back to the people we once were or simply falling in love with someone else. When we truly fall in love and find the person we’re going to spend the rest of our lives with there’s no falling in love with someone else. It simply isn’t possible. You don’t have your heart to give anymore (Falling Quotes)
Falling in love for the first time, and then the heartbreak of having it end, is difficult, but I don’t think it would ever hurt as much as when my mother was killed in the boating accident. I feel a part of my heart has already been broken, and that place is reserved for mother (Falling Quotes)
I think that one of the things that you do learn is that falling in love and being in love with someone is a rarity. That you don’t fall in love as many times as you think you’re going to. And then when you do, it’s really special; it’s really important (Falling Quotes)
The world of maps is nice and flat and simple. It has areas for people and areas for monsters. What a shock it is to discover the world is round and the areas merge and nothing separates the monsters and ourselves; that we are all whirling around in space together and there isn’t even a graceful way of falling off (Falling Quotes)
Later when I thought of the chickens, one of those rare pale blue eggs rose up into my throat. The chickens had been part of our family, and the egg in my throat was the feeling of something missing. It was hard and smooth and heavy, but also so fragile it might break and make me cry. It was the feeling of growing out of a favorite shirt, milk spilled on the floor, the last bit of honey in the jar, falling apple blossoms. It was the lump in the throat behind everything beautiful in life (Falling Quotes)
It’s my experience that you first feel the impulse to write in your chest. It’s like falling in love, only more so. It feels like something criminal. It feels like unspeakably wild sex. So, think: When you feel the overpowering need to go out and find some unspeakably wild sex, do you rush to tell your mom about it? (Falling Quotes)
People think edges are bad, but they are really there to keep up from falling to pieces. They don’t hold us back, they hold us in. They hold us together (Falling Quotes)
Why do you live in your body like you will be given another? As if it were temporary. You starve it, you let anyone touch it, you berate it. Tell it that it should be completely different. You tug at your soft flesh, wish it thinner, wish it gone. You fall in love with those who praise the way it sighs under their hands, but who praises the way it holds up your weight, even when you are falling apart? (Falling Quotes)
In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow (Falling Quotes)
I do a lot of damage to my hair every day because of my work. I just noticed this huge change. It started getting thinner and it started falling out. I hit 30, and I literally felt like I was balding! (Falling Quotes)
Everyone knows what falling in love is like but being in love is what people have lost. That intimacy to be in bed with somebody and just laugh and not hold anybody accountable for what they say (Falling Quotes)
Literally falling on the ice and having to pick yourself up in front of thousands of people is not an easy thing to do. The thing that you learn is to pick yourself back up, to learn from your mistakes (Falling Quotes)
Love is scary, like anything else, whether you’re falling in love, whether you’re discovering love in something else... if you’re really going to jump off the cliff, when you meet somebody that you love you’re going to jump off that cliff, you’ve got to give them everything. And when you have a kid, it’s on a much greater level (Falling Quotes)
Sometimes I wonder if, instead of falling madly in love, we should aspire to fall sanely in love. But then, what would be the point? (Falling Quotes)