Families Quotes

Text Quotes
We’re facing a natural disaster in the middle of an economic disaster. The federal government has to balance its budget the way our families do. (Families Quotes)
We have a duty to ensure that patients don’t have to worry whether they’ll be dropped from their coverage if they get sick. Small business owners shouldn’t have to break the bank to provide coverage to their employees. And families should not be forced into bankruptcy because of a medical crisis. (Families Quotes)
It’s a bit counter-intuitive to think about the future in terms of the past. But...I’ve learned an important trick: to develop foresight, you need to practice hindsight. Technologies, cultures, and climates may change, but our basic human needs and desires - to survive, to care for our families, and to lead happy, purposeful lives - remain the same.’ p 5 (Families Quotes)
Families are struggling to put bread on the table, send their kids to college and take care of their basic needs. America needs a political revolution. (Families Quotes)
The battle for our lives, and the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, and our nation, is waged on our knees. (Families Quotes)
Montanans believe in the right to make a good life for their families. How they define a family should be their business and their business alone. I’m proud to support marriage equality because no one should be able to tell a Montanan or any American who they can love and who they can marry. (Families Quotes)
To be polite to everybody except the people they love most is a nervous affectation that afflicts many families ... when they come home, they take off their smiles and soft words, and sit about, spiritually in their underwear. This isn’t pretty. (Families Quotes)
China’s one-child policy punishes families for having ‘out-of-plan’ children, resulting in sex-selective abortion and tens of millions of ‘missing girls’ as well as forced abortion and sterilization campaigns. (Families Quotes)
My parents were brought up in families which believed theatre people weren’t to be trusted. But they were nice people. (Families Quotes)
Couples without kids have each other, their friends, families, and Siri to talk to. It’s not like they’re quarantining themselves in an underground bunker, never to take a romantic stroll on the beach or attend a Morrissey concert ever again. They’re just using birth control. (Families Quotes)
Liberals force lower middle-class families, who love their children, to dispatch them to ghetto schools dominated by gangs of fatherless boys bearing knives. (Families Quotes)
My ex-husband is very involved in raising our beautiful children. We’re very lucky because we both grew up in working families in middle America. We’re on the same page that way. (Families Quotes)
The San Diego region in many ways is defined by our relationship with the ocean. It’s our front yard and a beautiful playground for families and visitors. It should be clean, safe, and inviting. (Families Quotes)
My dad always had music playing around us and he was always a happy chirpy man with a beautiful voice. I was always singing around the house and I assumed that’s what all families did. It wasn’t until I went through that nasty teenage stage that I started to realise that wasn’t the case. (Families Quotes)
The beauty of ‘Parenthood’ is that it’s a blue-collar working family, and it reflects attitudinal shifts that occur within people and families. (Families Quotes)
And those are the Rich, who transmit what they have to their Posterity; whereby particular Families become rich; and of such are compounded Cities, Countries, Nations, etc. (Families Quotes)
My mom always knew I was going to be an actor because I was a ham from the very beginning, so she would push me toward it, which is really unconventional for Indian families to do. (Families Quotes)
After I met my partner, Mr. Protherow, we decided to start a banking project, and at the same time we started to think already about a business on a bigger scale. At the very beginning we thought more about gaining money, to have a normal life with our families, etc. (Families Quotes)
Christian faith is... basically about love and being loved and reconciliation. These things are so important, they’re foundational and they can transform individuals, families. (Families Quotes)
Strong families serve society by bringing forth healthy children and maturing young adults, by being a rich source of a compassion for sick members, of support for others in time of crisis and of care for the elderly and the dying. (Families Quotes)
There’s nothing better than seeing people you know being able to work and support their families. Knowing you have a little hand in it? Now, that really makes you feel good. (Families Quotes)
The joy of motherhood comes in moments. ... Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together. (Families Quotes)
The theory in great families was ‘why work if you don’t have to.’ Being a public figure was reserved for movie stars. (Families Quotes)
I promise you that all who faithfully attend to temple work will be blessed beyond measure. Your families will draw closer to the Lord, unseen angels will watch over your loved ones when satanic forces tempt them, the veil will be thin, and great spiritual experiences will distill upon this people. (Families Quotes)
I think we are defined as human beings through our families, no matter what kind of family - through our relationships with parents, brothers and sisters. (Families Quotes)
There’s just too many people being bullied, too many people’s lives being wrecked. This is something that is long overdue. We all have gay and lesbian people in our families, and these are good people. (Families Quotes)
I think that we’re all, as human beings, so limited. If we want to write about ourselves, that’s fairly easy. And if we write about our friends or our families, we can do that. But if we want to project ourselves somewhere beyond our personal experience, we’re going to fail unless we get that experience or we borrow it from others. (Families Quotes)
Workers want to be paid an honest, fair wage for the work they do. They want to be able to provide for their families by being justly compensated for their part in helping grow the U.S. economy. They deserve to be able to put food on the table and receive health care and other benefits. (Families Quotes)
Teenagers expressing this on a daily basis in the middle of the streets - you can’t help but believe we are in the mind state of taking our losses and changing people’s perceptions of us and our community. We are strong. Our families are tired of being hurt. (Families Quotes)
I get very jealous of my friends who have traditional families and 9-to-5 jobs, because I feel like just by the nature of being a comedian... (Families Quotes)