Family Member Quotes

Text Quotes
To be selected was an honor, and in respect of the family member chosen to run, families held feasts and gave away prized beaver coats, quilled tobacco bags and buffalo hides (Family Member Quotes)
Probably the worst time in a person’s life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it’s been a pretty good day (Family Member Quotes)
Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that’s not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher (Family Member Quotes)
The closer the genetic relationship of the family members, as for example father-to-son, as opposed to uncle-to-nephew, the higher the degree of cooperation (Family Member Quotes)
A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat, then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to goats (Family Member Quotes)
Thinking back to those earlier days, I felt I was weak when I wasn't making movies, and then when I was, I thought I was weak as a family member (Family Member Quotes)
My father was a carpenter, a very good carpenter. He also worked for the Jones boys. They were not family members, we weren't related at all. They started the policy racket in Chicago, and they had the five and dime store (Family Member Quotes)
I think it's been a little difficult at times for the audience, because they've told me they see me as a family member. So to see your little sister sing about sex. I think they are pretty used to it now (Family Member Quotes)
If our family was an airline, Mom was the hub and we were the spokes. You rarely went anywhere nonstop; you went via Mom, who directed the traffic flow and determined the priorities: which family member was cleared for takeoff or landing. Even my father was not immune to Mom's scheduling, though he was given more leeway than the rest of us (Family Member Quotes)
Anyone who has ever experienced dehumanized life on welfare or any other confidence-shaking dependency knows that a paid job may be preferable to the dole, even when the handout is coming from a family member (Family Member Quotes)
If you have a friend or a family member who’s bipolar, or has panic attack disorder, or is depressed, read up on it a little bit so you can get to know where they’re coming from (Family Member Quotes)
I have close family members as well as lots of close friends who are gay. Many of them strongly support gay marriage (Family Member Quotes)
After praying, and before eating anything, it is a good custom for everyone to feed one another a small portion of the food. This will help to cultivate mutual love and affection among the family members (Family Member Quotes)
Happy or unhappy, families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be, after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us (Family Member Quotes)
It’s all very well for such a person to whine and moan and criticize other family members, but they won’t let anyone else do it. That’s when you get your back up and show loyalty (Family Member Quotes)
From now on, I promise I wil consult with you before I do anything you don’t expect. Is that acceptable? Only if it involves weapons, magic, kings, or family members, she said. Or flowers. Or flowers, she agreed (Family Member Quotes)
I was seen in earlier years by family members and people of authority as somebody wasting his time. I had trouble with the restrictions of conformity. It made me edgy (Family Member Quotes)
If anything interferes with my inner peace, I will walk away. Arguments with family members. All that stuff. None of it matters (Family Member Quotes)
He who is overly attached to his family members experiences fear and sorrow, for the root of all grief is attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy (Family Member Quotes)
Historically, there would always be people among the general population who had family members, friends, cousins who’d done time or who’d been in prison (Family Member Quotes)
Twenty years is, after all, a long time. We are not the same people we were. Old friends, lovers, even family members: they are strangers who happen to wear a familiar face. We have no right to claim to know anyone after such a distance (Family Member Quotes)
For sure, they don’t teach you this in history class, but in colonial times, the person who got left in the stocks overnight was nothing less than fair game for everybody to nail. Men or women, anybody bent over had no way of knowing who was doing the ram job, and this was the real reason you never wanted to end up here unless you had a family member or a friend who’d stand with you the whole time. To protect you. To watch your ass, for real (Family Member Quotes)
There’s nothing quite so irritating to an author as a family member’s easy confidence that, of course, the book will come (Family Member Quotes)
I’ve come to learn that the best time to debate family members is when they have good in their mouths (Family Member Quotes)
There is a compulsion that is perhaps the heart of life’s meanings, this marvelous mystery of blood ties that brings joy whenever a new family member comes on the scene (Family Member Quotes)
Family members have a personal stake in honoring and mourning their dead and objecting to unwarranted public exploitation that, by intruding upon their own grief, tends to degrade the rites and respect they seek to accord to the deceased person who was once their own (Family Member Quotes)
Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family table at dinner time and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn’t very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member. We listened to each other and the interest was not put on; it was real (Family Member Quotes)
For me to sit here and give all kinds of excuses to make it right, I can’t do. But what I want to ask everyone out there, everyone that has a child, everyone that has a brother, a sister: if your child or family member was abducted today, if a mad man came in, a terrorist came in, abducted your family member or your child and if I said to you I can bring your child home... does it matter how I bring them home? (Family Member Quotes)
If the first casualty of war is innocence, then perhaps with each bullet fired, bomb detonated, leader overthrown, wall built, economy destroyed and family member killed, we are not creating goodwill and harmony, but rather another child who believes violence is the only means to bring about change in the world (Family Member Quotes)
We want from here to express our solidarity and our support to all the victims of these acts of terrorism and their family members. We reiterate our complete, emphatic rejection of all forms of violence and all forms of terrorism (Family Member Quotes)