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Famished Quotes

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He sucked the nectar from her heart like a famished butterfly  (Famished Quotes) A quotation at the right moment is like bread to the famished  (Famished Quotes) How could I know a famished heart will eat its mind? Can kill its body?  (Famished Quotes) The problem with my eyes is that they have been famished, but now they are feasting  (Famished Quotes) Let those who are famished come that they may lay aside perpetual hunger and be filled with heavenly food  (Famished Quotes) The beauty was in the waking of the powerless. Is it always to be true that it is impossible to have things strong and at the same time beautiful? The famished men need not stay famished. But to gorge themselves in this heartbreaking way consuming, utterly destroying the common promise of their greed, was that ever necessary?  (Famished Quotes) These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder every burden every disadvantage I’ve learned to manage. I don’t have a gun to brandish. I walk these streets famished.  (Famished Quotes) A lot of my struggles with nutrition date back to my swimming days. I was a super-skinny young girl who would go through hours of intense training. Afterward, I’d be famished, but I had a two-hour trip home before dinner. When I did my hardest workouts, I often ate less; I was too tired to think about food.  (Famished Quotes) All she wanted was a family, all he wanted was fame; as their relationship famished  (Famished Quotes)