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Nicholas Hytner, who directed Center Stage, is a huge ballet fan. He was completely open, as was Bruce Beresford, to get our perspective. No, we wouldn’t do this. Yes, we would do that. That’s not realistic. So, I feel like Center Stage did well in that respect.  (Fan Quotes) I get as much fan mail today and sign as many autographs as I did when I played. It’s mind-boggling to a certain degree.  (Fan Quotes) To a certain extent. I’m a fan of rehearsal on the day [of the shoot], more than getting together a week beforehand.  (Fan Quotes) You hear things about certain people. When you hear someone was mean to a limo driver or a wardrobe lady, or someone was rotten to a fan, somewhere in your brain it gets stuck.  (Fan Quotes) I was a dispatcher, flat-tire fixer, changed the oil, fixed the fan belts. There was nothing too good for me.  (Fan Quotes) I’m not a fan of facts. You see, the facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are.  (Fan Quotes) Facebook and Twitter have changed how people follow ski racing. In past Olympics, you couldn’t stay in touch with the fan base that followed you during the Olympics. They thought they had to wait four years to reconnect.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of character actors like Johnny Depp and Gary Oldman. My goal is to continue playing character roles in indie films and move into playing character leads.  (Fan Quotes) I grew up and I was weaned on the Marx Brothers. They were sort of my all-time favorite. My parents showed me their movies when I was very young. And as I got older, I became a Charlie Chaplin fan, and I love Buster Keaton.  (Fan Quotes) I really do appreciate the awareness and the hype that the fans are creating. I, myself, have become totally addicted to checking out the fan art.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a real music fan, so I listen to all kinds of music all the time. I listen to a lot of what my friends or people I know are listening to. I’m always checking out new bands.  (Fan Quotes) I grew up on hip-hop. I grew up on Run-D.M.C., Whodini, LL when I was in college, so I’m more of a music fan. I probably have the most eclectic collection of music in my Grand Cherokee. Literally, in a span of a week, I’ll go from 2Pac to Boyz II Men to Sister Hazel, right down to West Side Story or the Wiz. I love show tunes.  (Fan Quotes) My favorite meal is I’ll make like a three-bean soup and I freeze half of it. But I’m also a big fan of meat alternatives, so I can still have my chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans, but I just have the chicken from a plant-based thing.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a huge fan of ‘Geordie Shore.’ I watch it, and it’s just my guilty pleasure. I sit there and can’t believe what they are like. However, I have met all the girls, and they are lovely.  (Fan Quotes) I was suffering a divorce, and I was very unhappy because my children were very young. It hit me when a woman, a fan, was chatting with me. She was pleased to meet Big Bird because her children liked him and liked the show, but she didn’t know that my face was streamed with tears.  (Fan Quotes) But see, my idea on the whole thing is, hey, it’s not the responsibility of marginalized, oppressed people to educate everyone. I personally wouldn’t put myself in that position and go out there and do my schtick in front of the Red Hot Chili Peppers fan guys... because, you know...  (Fan Quotes) I love chocolate mousse, that’s probably my favorite. I’m a big strawberry shortcake fan as well. I’m not mad at classic vanilla either. I’m not, I’m not sure what the word is. Cake discriminatory? Cakeist?  (Fan Quotes) My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the football city; he had no choice.  (Fan Quotes) I am a musician, a songwriter, music fan. I live in New York City and I love my job.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of the vigor of civil society, political engagement, and public life in many parts of Latin America.  (Fan Quotes) That’s the beauty of the acting world. You can play so many different characters who know and do so many things that you have no idea about as yourself. So I’m a big fan of workshops and classes and learning new things because you can always apply it. It’s your little supply bag of creativity. Keep filling it up.  (Fan Quotes) I love hot yoga. I go to a sculpt class with weights. That’s really good for the core and it’s obviously super hot. I love cardio bar. I’m not a big gym fan, so I like to go to classes.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a big fan of regular school and regular education. I just learn better in a classroom where I can talk to other students. I want to go to prom and dances and have that social aspect.  (Fan Quotes) I’m a fan of things I can get done fast! It feels awesome because it heats up in your hand, and leaves your skin tingly and clean.  (Fan Quotes) I’m not a fan of endless mystery in storytelling - I like to know where the mythology’s going; I like to get there in an exciting, fast-paced way - enough that there’s a really clear, aggressive direction to where it’s going, to pay off mystery and reward the audiences loyalty.  (Fan Quotes) I tried something when my career was really struggling: reaching out to people, to filmmakers I wanted to work with. I genuinely wrote a letter to Clint Eastwood saying, Hey man, I’m a fan and I would be an extra in your movie.  (Fan Quotes) I’m not a big fan of shopping. I certainly am a fan of clothes, and especially people that put time into the construction of them.  (Fan Quotes) I like light green, sometimes red is fun to look at, not a fan of yellow, unless it’s in a rainbow or on a coffee mug or on a happy face.  (Fan Quotes) A fan sent me a pair of fluffy winter socks, and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s cool. I’ll wear them to bed. It’s cold; it’s winter.’ But they were worn. They were black underneath, and they stunk, and I hate feet. She was like, ‘I’m giving you my favorite pair.’  (Fan Quotes) My dad is quite possibly the biggest Giants fan in the world. I believe he wore a Phil Simms jersey to my high school and college graduations.  (Fan Quotes)
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